What to Do When You Don’t Like either Candidate
People of faith have an obligation to uphold the things of God in our land. Voting is one of the most significant means of professing and perpetuating principles of the faith.
It is highly unlikely there will ever be a presidential candidate whose personality and biblical principals will coincide ideally. Personalities aside, principals must be identified and supported. Otherwise the sacred heritage of voting might be taken away from us.
The Preamble of the U.S. Constitution sets the purpose of government as being “to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty.” Voting helps determine the means and extent of fulfilling these principles.
In Federalist No. 51, James Madison emphasizes that a government derives its power from the people. Failure to vote is to forfeit that controlling influence. It is to abrogate your sacred trust.
There is a problem, however. When both candidates are lacking in character and/or devoid of good policies what is to be done? Unfortunately that does happen. When it does select the candidate less worthy of setting foot in the White House and vote for the opponent. Yes, that is choosing the lesser of two evils, but it does reduce the evil a bit and every bit matters. An informed vote can help keep the lesser qualified candidate out of office.
A vote doesn’t always mean “I think they’re great.” It may just mean “I think they’re better.”
If you can’t vote for a candidate, vote on the platforms. There is always enough difference to differentiate between them.
“Learn to do good; Seek justice, Reprove the ruthless, Defend the orphan, Plead for the widow (Isaiah 1:17). Who does it best?
Some elections seem to be not between “the lesser of two equals,” but “the evil of two lessors.” Either presents voters with a quandary.”
Here is a significant issue. Who brings the best supporting team with them?
Sure, both presidential candidates have some undesirables in their camp, but who are mostly on the left and which on the right. Who leans toward socialism and who is inclined toward the form of government our nation was created to be? Those are really the two big overarching issues all others can be grouped under.