True Transformation
Transformation is a miracle and a marvel to behold.
Sandy was her name, beauty was her fame. Even as a teenager she was strikingly lovely. She was active in our youth ministry. However, as she matured she drifted away from the church and during her college days became a pawn of the world. Her beauty was paralleled by her intellect. At the time Hugh Hefner had several Playboy Clubs across America. She became his only club manager. Her’s was a storybook career. Unfortunately it was the wrong book.
On a flight her seat companion was the older and more mature church staff member she knew growing up. They conversed amicably and he turned the conversation to her spiritual life reminding her of the faith she enjoyed as a youth.
He appealed to her spiritual instincts to renew her faith. The rest of this story is her story.
She said she returned to New Orleans and the club she managed. She got down on her knees by her desk and prayerfully committed her life to the Lord. She got out of her desk her New Testament and began reading. She called in her most popular “bunny” and shared with heR what had happened and explained how to give your life to the Lord. She too embraced Jesus as savior.
She then called Hugh Hefner and told him of her action. She then resigned her lucrative job and along with her “bunny” friend they both walked out together.
She moved back to Texas and began her new life with the Lord.
The transformation was as distinct as a grub becoming a butterfly.
The experience is known by a variety of titles, such as, being born again, salvation, new life, converted, follower of Christ and Teutonic je ne sais quoi. By any title it is a transformation enabled by the Holy Spirit drawing a person to faith in Jesus. Some flight sales agent sold her that seat on the flight, but the Spirit selected her seat and that of her seat companion. She then by her own free will committed her life to the Lord. She became a new creature in Christ.
She is but one of those believed by many to be unreachable.
Everyone has acquaintances who have never been saved. Such is your personal prospect list. Start now cultivating them by being their friend. Don’t be afraid of scaring them away from the gospel. Where are you going to scare them to, “Hell Number Two?” They are already on their way to “Hell Number One.” In sharing if it becomes apparent a person is not ready to commit to Jesus keep the door open for subsequent sharing. In other words, try to avoid getting an outright no. Love them into the kingdom. Sew gospel seed thoughts, and pray.