The Royal Order of Edifiers: Part Four

Who is the person you know who needs edifying most? It might well be yourself. You can build up yourself by reminding yourself of great Bible promises.

You motivate someone when you give them a motive for their needed attitude or action. A motive is an urge within that incites action. When you build up a person you are giving them hope that produces proper action. Self-edification results from reminding yourself of great Bible truths.

Motivating people is easy compared to keeping them from de-motivating you. Use the Scripture as your shield.

When you depend on people to build you up you’ve given them the opportunity to tear you down. Look to the Lord as your source of encouragement. He never lets you down.

I talked to a widow recently who had not spent a night alone in their home since she and her husband moved in. He knew she was afraid to stay alone at night and had been her companion every night of their married life. At the time of his death she was all alone. She edified herself with the Scripture, “What time I am afraid I will trust in Him.” She has and told me her fears vanished. She edified herself with the Word of God.

Edify yourself and others with this truth: “The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble, and He knows them that trust in Him” (Nahum 1:7).

Jesus Christ offers you this edifying invitation: “Come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

You don’t build bridges, you build people by giving them hope when it seems there is no hope. Hope is the bridge over which they walk to a new vista, a better outlook on their present condition and encouragement to face their future.

When the winds of adversity blow some people build shelters. Motivated people build windmills. Be a project manager for windmill construction.

Words of grace build people. Develop your uplifting word vocabulary. They are the right words spoken at the right time with the right spirit. They are words that affirm people and inspire hope.

We ought to build each other up with words of grace. Words of grace are the right choice of words spoken at the right time with the right spirit. Words of grace minister to others and meet their needs. These words express love, encouragement, acceptance and affirmation. Which of us is not built up in our spirit when we hear genuine words like, “I appreciate you.” “I love you.” “God has used you to minister to me.” “Thank you for your selfless spirit.”

Life is a race, a hard race. All along the path there are people about to drop out. A graphic is the person who comes along beside such a person, puts their shoulder under their arm and lifts them giving them hope to continue and even win their race.

Today (and every day) go out and find such a person and in the name of Jesus help them to race their best.