The Faith Factor in Life – Part Four

Read John 14: 1 – 7

Jesus said He was preparing a place that where He is there we may be.

We act like we are in the land of the living on our way to the land of the dying.

Actually, we are in the land of the dying on our way to the land of the living.

Now, how are we going to live in this time of transition?

Some people live dying. Others die living. Which are you?

You determine your destination by whether or not you do as Jesus said of Himself and “”believe also in Me,” that is, in Him.

Jesus, in the upper room, made a categorical statement which raised a question with Thomas. Having been told by Jesus that He was going away Thomas said, “We don’t know where you are going and how can we know the way?” Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”

The way is not a process but a person.  Once we have chosen Him as our way to life we must make Him our way of life and not turn back.

The Mexican General Santa Anna forced Sam Houston and his rag tag army into an area of near impossibility. Defeat seemed imminent to many. To Houston’s back was the river. To his fore the army of Santa Anna.  He called his aid, Deaf Smith, and ordered him to burn the bridge across the river. Deaf protested that it was the only way out for them. Houston replied, “We ain’t going out that way, burn the bridge.” With that resolution he was committed to one way and offered no alternative. Do you have some bridges you need to burn to evidence your total dependence on Jesus?

Jesus is “the truth” embodied.

The Psalmist prayed, “Teach me your way, I will walk in truths” (Psalm 86: 11).

Jesus is “the life.” How can you know you are doing the right thing?

Proverbs 10: 17 answers, “He is in the way of life that keeps instruction.”

That brings us back to where we began. Faith is obedience. You are in the way if you obey His instructions.

Older theologians described saving faith in three words:
Notitia, that is, knowledge.
Assensus, that is, intellectual assent.
Fiducia, that is,  a trust of personal commitment.

If you have knowledge regarding how to be saved, and intellectually understand it, make sure you have personally committed your all to Him for salvation and how to live life.