Take a Look at Yourself – Part Four

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Romans 12: 2).

In an effort to develop self-awareness as a gift from God there are four major blocks.

Self-hatred. Not being able to “walk on water,” we grow to dislike ourselves. That is, being less than perfect, we tend to not like ourselves.  This is a failure to accept your human nature.

Unresolved anger. Many people grow bitter and resentful because they feel unaccepted by others, or particularly a certain one.

Loneliness. The loneliest people in the world are mask wearers. People wear masks because they doubt their own importance. They think they are not interesting enough, as they are, to be liked. Or they imagine themselves to be more than they are and have to prop up the image. They live with a fear that people will find out they are different.  People only see their mask and try to relate to that person. The real person remains unknown and grows to feel lonely.  Remember, never think of yourself apart from God.

Fear.  Fear of rejection is defeating.  We are all rejected from time to time. However, an awareness of being accepted by the Lord stabilizes us. Remember, never think of yourself apart from God. His love is a safe port.

Remember, Tournier spoke of a “continual fear of not being loved.”  No person can be confident knowing he or she isn’t what is pretended. The strain gets worse and the person becomes more lonely and fearful.

Self-acceptance is closely tied to the capacity to accept forgiveness. A person who can’t accept God’s forgiveness can’t accept self.  When you accept yourself in light of God’s love then you are free to change and become the you He intends. You can’t love yourself in isolation.

Find a cause bigger than yourself and give yourself to it. The cause of Christ is the ultimate.

Notice that in the text “transformation” is associated with “renewing” of the mind. This means to think of yourself in light of your worth to God and conform to His divine image. This is a life-long process.  Let the Christ mind be in you (Col. 2:5).

The Greek word translated “present” consists of “para,” meaning “alongside of,” and “histemi” meaning to “place.” When combined, they mean to place yourself alongside someone to be an immediate source of help to that person.  When we are at God’s disposal for Him to help others through us, we are fulfilling our greatest role and have the best self-image. We then know our self-worth.

Being at God’s disposal is summarily spoken of as being “Holy.”  This doesn’t mean you have your portrait painted in oil with a halo around it. The word simply means “set aside.” When you set your life aside to be used of God, then there is real holiness and that produces the optimum of self-worth.