Spiritual Metamorphosis

Have you ever visited a lepidopterarium? That is a butterfly house, a conservatory, a facility which is specifically intended for the breeding and display of butterflies. Visiting one is a delightful experience. The life cycle of the butterfly is observable in this lovely setting. It is amazing that a creature as ugly as a pupa can crawl into a simple cocoon and later emerge as a beautiful butterfly. It is a total transformation. A new creature emerges.

An even more amazing transformation is that any one can enter into a relationship with Jesus and emerge as a new creation.

This dynamic change is not cosmetic. It is internal and eternal. It is an inner change that only Jesus can make, but He can make it in anyone.

A classic example is the former basketball phenomenon  Pete Maravich. I knew him well and saw his miraculous transformation. He lived the life of an athlete not knowing Jesus and very little about Him. His transformation patterned a pupa, but was far more beautiful. As a result of the change he knew brokenness and grace. Resultantly He loved and lived for the Lord.

Spiritual brokenness is inward – a contrite spirit over our own sinfulness which leads to humility, surrender, and godly repentance. Personal brokenness is  an opportunity for restoration, and for us to authentically enjoy our friendship with God.

Pete’s brokenness was so meaningful to him he had John 3: 16 carved in the wood of the front door of his house. He said if anyone came to his house he wanted them to know what kind of a man lived there even if he wasn’t home at the time. Pete experienced a spiritual metamorphism, a change. Because our God is a redemptive God and so contrary to the way we think, He will always take our brokenness and bring new life and beauty from it. He can meet us exactly where we are, extending mercy in our time of need.

Countless characters in the Bible experienced this. Nicodemus illustrates it. Jesus said, “You must be born again.” Legions through the years have enjoyed it. 

Nicki Cruse, the leader of a New York City gang the Mau Maus, experienced being born again. When Nicki came to know Jesus as Savior he went back to the gang and explained his experience. Most often if a member of the Mau Maus’ tried to leave they were killed. He walked through the club members unhurt on his way out. He became an evangelist who was used extensively.

The Lord can do the equivalent for anyone who will turn to Him in obedient faith.

In estate planning an Irrevocable Trust is often used, meaning it can not be canceled. That is the kind of commitment Jesus makes to us. So must our commitment be to Him. A butterfly never becomes a pupa again.