Hiding God’s Word in Your Heart
There is a definition of a New Year’s resolution being “a to do list for the first week of January.” Their life expectancy is about one week. Well, belatedly try yet another, the regular reading of the Bible. In Latin such a program is referred to as lectio divino, meaning “divine reading.” Since antiquity doing so has been illustrated by a term used of certain animals, ruminate, meaning “to chew the cud, or turn over in the mind.” Certain animals have more than one stomach. They ingest food, chew it, swallow it, later regurgitate it, chew it again, and go through the process again. Certain animals have four stomachs with which to do this.
First, take a bite and chew it. This is equivalent to first attentively reading the Scripture. Read it slowly so that at all the time you are paying attention to what you are reading.
The next step calls for chewing on the word, that is, meditating on it.
This requires an undisturbed place of solitude where you can contemplate on the passage giving it deep thought. Mentally dissect the passages phrase or word by word and consider how they apply to you. Make it personal.
Let your emotions come along beside your intellect and consider how it relates to you emotionally. How do you feel about it? Resolve to apply it in your daily life.
Let your own heart interpret the text at this time. This is time spent in personal comprehension of the Scripture, not a deep dive in the text. That comes later.
A third phase for rumination is study of the Scripture. The second stage being the meditative phase now has added to meditation the study of the word using resources such as Bible commentaries. There are numerous good free commentaries on the Internet. In the search bar enter: “Bible Commentaries.”
This is time to do as instructed: “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (II Timothy 2: 16)
“Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You. (Psalm 119: 11)
Don’t only ruminate on the Word as part of your initial reflection, apply it as opportunity presents itself during your busy work day. Reflect on it until it becomes your basic nature, that is, you instinctively apply it. In this way it soon becomes your “go to” conduct even without conscious thought. At that stage in your rumination you will have ingested, and assimilated it. Thus, it becomes your energizing force.
To get started practice these steps using Philippians 4: 4 – 7.
Everything Is Going to Be Alright, Nuh-Uh
“Everything’s Gonna Be Alright” is a song by the German group Sweetbox. The song is based on Suite No. 3 by Johann Sebastian Bach. It is a catchy tune, but everything isn’t gonna be alright. However, you can be.
You will never be carefree. No one, absolutely no one, has ever been. Therefore don’t resent it not being. Expect it and deal with it.
There has never been a more cautionary statement than this by Jesus spoken to His beleaguered disciples, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (John 16: 33) For good reason it sounds like our world.
There was purpose in the statement: “that in Me you may have peace.” The operative word is “peace.”
There was a warning: “in the world you will have tribulation.”
There is a challenge: “be of good cheer.”
There is a reason for good cheer: “I have overcome the world.”
There are two wonderful possibilities: you may have peace and good cheer.
You can share Paul’s confidence as when his life was threatened he wrote:
“It is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death.” (Philippians 1: 20)
He got it. Followers of Jesus live in a no lose position. It is confidence, based on the belief death is the end . . . . the front end of glory.
With the optimum care for holy boldness can be exercised in living large and attention given it with pluck. Though life is very good at robbing us of our hope, it does not have to be allowed to do so. However, God’s promise today is no less true than when first penned: “Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.” “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
Now, that is an unqualified commitment. If you believe it, rely on it.
A popular bumper sticker reads: “KNOW GOD, KNOW PEACE. NO GOD, NO PEACE.”
Much is said about problems being caused because of difficulty with the supply chain. There is no problem with God’s supply chain. He is always in time, on time, every time. A word of caution, God’s clock and ours is not always synchronized, and we operate on His time.
Jesus offers us peace that “passes all human understanding.” (Philippians 4:7) This peace is a “fruit of the spirit” (Galatians 5:22), “not a fruit of culture.” That’s why God’s peace is never diminished. If it is not diminished that means there is a supply of it right now for you. Things aren’t always good, God is always good.
Remember Your First Love
Revelation 2: 1 – 5
Perhaps Satan’s most insidious tool is masked behind the façade of success. When he cannot deceive us, divide us, or daunt us, what he will often do is divert us. He allows us to be successful when we get our eyes off Jesus and on other items or objects. He gets us away from our first love, the love we had first, and foremost. He uses good things to get our eyes off the one truly good thing, Jesus.
Jesus loves you. Do you love Him more today than at any time in your life?
If you have never trusted Him as your Savior, today is a matchless time to turn in trust and thrust yourself dependently upon Him with reliance for His grace in time and for eternity.
If you are a Christian and you cannot honestly say you are closer to Him than ever in your life, you have backslidden. Today is a marvelous time to return and renew your devotion.
Do you remember when the very citizenship of your soul changed kingdoms? Remember the pure, almost sacred, feelings you had when you came to Jesus? The paradise of first love is a germ that needs to be cultured and allowed to grow. The emotion may fade, but the relationship can and must grow in intimacy. Our emotions, that is our feelings change, as they must, but the confident relationship must grow.
As we grow spiritually, feelings may change, but facts don’t.
Sentiment must be stabilized by study.
Ecstasy must be embraced by experience.
Passion must be predicated on principles.
Persons don’t take giant steps away from Jesus. Their devotion most often deteriorates imperceptibly. A flower dies so slowly that from moment to moment the decaying process is not noticeable. However, after a few days the difference is distinct.
Forgetfulness of our first love usually begins with a few slight indulgences that you formerly would not have tolerated. A casual brief venture into enemy territory may result in alienation from your first love. This often happens because of attraction by good things that absorbs our devotion more than our involvement in Him. Sometimes it is an evil thing. Often it is a good thing given gradual devotion. It might even be a thing as good as Bible study. It may be form rather than faith in worship.
If your zeal has waned or even if you are in fellowship sing to yourself:
“Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling, calling for you and for me. See on the portals He’s waiting and watching, watching for you and for me. Come home, come home, yea who are weary come home, come home. Earnestly, tenderly Jesus is calling, calling oh sinner come home.”
Give Virtue a Voice
We need the same holy boldness Peter and John of which it was said, “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus.” (Acts 4:13)
The disciples had gotten in bad trouble and then prayed. They did not pray for protection or revenge. They prayed for the thing that got them in trouble, boldness. Their boldness caused them great grief. But it changed their culture and transformed lives. If asked was it worth it their response based on their bravado would be a resound “Yes.”
Our culture is seeing a flood tide of immorality and cultural deterioration. Most of the phases of American life have a voice or voices that paid the price resulting from challenging the harbingers of debilitating moral change.
The reason for such boldness was a rock solid faith in the Lord and a selfless commitment to Him.
As you quibble and waiver in renewing your allegiance to our Lord, may you become as resolute in expressing your devotion as Samuel Rutherford, the Scotch Covenanter who was imprisoned in Aberdeen for his faithfulness to his Lord. He expressed his devotion in this manner: “O my Lord, if there were a broad hell betwixt me and Thee, if I could not get at Thee except by wading through it, I would not think twice, but I would plunge through it all, if I might embrace Thee and call Thee mine.” That is love such as our Lord deserves.
Few, perhaps none reading this, are likely to be a social media voice appealing for moral issues. However, all will daily engage in conversation when the voice can be raised. In doing so on occasion you might be body slammed and you not carry the day. However, a voice will have cried out in the wilderness and a seed thought planted.
When multiple small voices are simultaneously raised, the chorus is sure to be heard. What if all the lambs roared at once rather than seeking the shelter of silence. Instead, ““Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.”
Do Babies Go to Heaven?
Do babies who die before they have the capacity to make rational decisions go to heaven?
Every person is born with two natures: the old sin nature, one is often called the Adamic nature, or the fallen nature. As they grow and reach what is called the age of accountability they are responsible for their personal sins. This is the point at which they have the ability of discernment, the capacity to reason and make logical choices. Some religious groups set the age at 10 and others 12. However, that age varies from person to person depending on their pattern of growth. At the point of reasoning they are accountable for their personal sins.
Scripture records that people are judged on the basis of sins committed voluntary and consciously in the body (see 2 Cor. 5:10; 1 Cor. 6:9–10; Rev. 20:11–12). In other words, eternal judgment is always based on conscious rejection of divine revelation and willful disobedience. Infants are not capable of either. There is no explicit account in Scripture of any other judgment based on any other grounds. Infants do not come under these conditions and hence are unaccountable.
Before an infant reaches the age of accountability they don’t know good or evil and hence lack the capacity to make morally informed—and thus responsible—choices. According to Deuteronomy 1:39 they are said to “have no knowledge of good or evil.”
This same principle relates to those who live beyond infancy but, because of mental disability or some other handicap, are incapable of moral discernment, deliberation, or volition.
Jesus was born of the virgin, thus He had no old sin nature. He lived a sinless life and was free of personal sin. When He died on Calvary He saved us from all sins, those of our old sin nature and the repentant of all personal sins.
Thus, He died for the infants old sin nature. At that stage the infant has no personal sin. Not being accountable for either the old sin nature and having no personal sin for which they are accountable, the child is free of sin and goes to heaven.
Critics who question Jesus’ virgin birth and say it is irrelevant overlook this vital factor. On the basis of the virgin birth rests the eternal destiny of the baby. It is worth noting that includes those aborted also.
An aside question relates to how old will babies be in heaven, and not only they, but all people. Eternity is a timeless sphere and hence all heavenly bodies will be ageless. Our new body will indeed be new chronologically and in composition. That is just one of the many miracles we are unequipped to fully answer.