The God of Angel Armies: Part Two
The “God of the Angel Armies” is referred to in Haggai 2: 7. The theme is given contemporary life in the popular song by Chris Tomlin in which are these lines: “The one who reigns forever He is a friend of mine, The God of angel armies Is always by my side.”
This God, the God of the Angel Armies, has engaged in many military conflicts. Secular history omits some of the most inspiring accounts of action in military conflicts. Following is an account of such a conflict in which He was the determinant of the outcome.
In one of the most decisive encounters of the Revolutionary War, General Washington and his outnumbered rag-tag army was pinned against the East River. Annihilation awaited them. The superior British force did not press the conflict, but paused near the end of day. Doom was certainly to come for Washington and his army at dawn.
Weather kept the British from sailing up the river and further assured a British victory.
Washington’s only hope was to feverishly build rafts under the cover of night and try to withdraw across the river to live to fight another day.
As they hurriedly worked, constructing rafts during the seemingly short night, it soon became apparent they would not finish before dawn and the breaking of the battle. A group of skilled oarsmen were in Washington’s army. Silently, he feverishly worked to carry many of his forces across the river.
As dawn drew near, something eerie happened. Fog was unknown and unheard of in that area in that season of the year. Mysteriously, the mist began to form and shroud the would-be battlefield. Washington’s withdrawal was made possible by this weather phenomenon. As the last of the retreating army moved across the river just out of range of the British rifles the fog lifted.
General Washington called such divine aid “a remarkable interposition of Providence” (“The Light & the Glory,” Revell, 1977, p. 300).
Again, in answer to the prayers of His people, God had intervened and won the day.
It is this God who said, “For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13: 5). Dare we cower in the face of our own needs with the God-of-the-Angel-Armies always by our side.
The God of Angel Armies: Part One
With gratitude for our Veterans the following Posts are being offered with thanks for their service.
The “God of the Angel Armies” is referred to in Haggai 2: 7. The theme is given contemporary life in the popular song by Chris Tomlin in which are these lines: “The one who reigns forever He is a friend of mine, The God of angel armies Is always by my side.”
This God, the God of the Angel Armies, has engaged in many military conflicts. Secular history omits some of the most inspiring accounts of action in military conflicts. Following is an account of such a conflict in which He was the determinant of the outcome.
In June of 1588, Philip II of Spain sent his mighty Spanish fleet known as the “Invincible Armada” against the out-gunned and out-manned British fleet. To the Spanish commander, the Duke of Medina, this was no contest. The British conceded potential impending defeat. Approximately 100 Spanish ships sailed into the English Channel to engage the tiny British fleet under command of Admiral Drake. Secular history records that on August 8, 1588, the British defeated the Spanish Armada near the French port of Gravelines.
What secular history books omit is His story. The day before the final encounter, as the churches of England were filled with persons praying, a sudden and unexpected storm swept across that part of the English Channel on which the Spanish Armada rested awaiting their sure victory. By the time the British fleet engaged them, they were already defeated by damage done to their vessels and seasickness.
This was not dumb chance. When unexpected power slips in and unthought of occurrences intervene that proceed from a Power that owes no man, it must be seen as the Hand of God.
King Philip of Spain thought the victory to have been won by divine intervention for he said, “He sent his Armada to fight with men, and not to combat with the Winds” [of God]. (“Harvard Classics,” 1909, Collier & Son, NY, p. 281).
Only about half of the Spanish Armada made it back to port. Thus ended the last Spanish attempt to conquer the British Isles, an attempt, which if it had been successful, we might all be speaking Spanish today.
The Lord God was the Admiral of the Fleet that day.
It is this God who said, “For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13: 5). Dare we cower in the face of our own needs with the God-of-the-Angel-Armies always by our side.
Modern Day Rome
“Whaz happenin?” It is not just an informal greeting, it is a good question related to what is happening in America. America is often spoken of as a nation in decline. At issue is what the elements are that are leading to the decline?
The election being over, let’s go to work on building a better America.
It appears God is saying to America, “Now let’s try building a better America, and let’s get it right this time.”
There is a classic case study from which we can learn and potentially avoid the decline.
Historian Edward Gibbon lists five reasons Rome fell in his book, “History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.”
His extensive study of the period of the decline led him to conclude there were five factors in the decline. Our society seems to be unaware of the same factors being at work within our culture. They are:
1. The increase of divorce undermines the home, the base of society. In 2022, a total of 673,989 divorces and annulments occurred across the 45 U.S. states that report this statistic. During that same year, 2,065,905 marriages occurred, with the U.S. marriage rate 6.2 per 1,000 people. Far more people get married over the course of each year than get divorced. Nevertheless, family life is in decline.
2. High taxes and the spending of public money for free circuses and free bread for the population. The influx of illegal migrants has accelerated spending. The government has no money. To give away money and services the government has to tax people to get the money. This Socialist trait has increased rapidly.
3. A mad craving for pleasure with sports becoming more exciting every year. Admission at some prime sporting events is $400 to $500. This has not kept stadiums and arenas from being filled to capacity. Actors, actresses, entertainers, sports figures, and musicians are modern day heroes and heroines; all are secular evangelists.
4. Gigantic armies built to protect from an outside enemy when the real enemy was decaying morals. Billions are being given to fund the Ukrainian War, assistance for Israel. Our own expansive global military drains our coffers. Bankruptcy is inevitable at some point.
5. The decay of religion with faith becoming formalism, and the loss of the ability to guide or warn the people. The decline in church attendance is symptomatic of our decline spiritually. The societal influence once exercised by the faith community is missing nationally. Pray that we not be a modern Rome.
Lucifer Wept
We are back, America is back from the brink of becoming a modern model of “Paradise Lost.” We are back, but the brink is still there. The further we get from it the better.
“Paradise Lost,” by John Milton is a classic novel in which the heart of evil is revealed, though often carefully cloaked in robes of righteousness. As such it covertly advances its evil intent by using moral confusion. That sounds like our recent society. We have called evil good for so long many have come to believe the misdirection. Conflict and confusion, twin evils, have subtly, but significantly let evil prevail in much of our national life. Many use words other than evil, some calling it progressive.
Believing there to be a spiritual component to everything it is easily seen in our recent history.
As in Milton’s work, sympathy for the devil is seen as it is in a song by the Rolling Stones. Reflect on these descriptive words from “Sympathy For The Devil.” It is a poetic description of the deception America has been under. The words are:
“Please allow me to introduce myself I’m a man of wealth and taste
I’ve been around for a long, long year. Stole many a man’s soul and faith
I was ‘round when Jesus Christ Had his moment of doubt and pain
Made —- sure that Pilate Washed his hands and sealed his fate
Pleased to meet you Hope you guess my name
But what’s puzzling you Is the nature of my game
Just call me Lucifer cause I’m in need of some restraint
So if you meet me Have some courtesy Have some sympathy, and some taste. Use all your well-learned politesse Or I’ll lay your soul to waste.”
That has been Lucifer’s game, the laying waste of the soul of America. The election is like God saying, “Let’s try this one more time and let’s get it right this time.” That will involve using this window in time for there to be a genuine spiritual awakening that includes all of life; political, morally, socially, culturally, financially, internationally, and by all means spiritually. Ideally this should begin in the churches, but for that to happen many will have to brush the ashes off the altar and reignite the gospel fires. God has given this formula for doing so.
“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (II Chronicles 7:14).
Pray earnestly for a great spiritual awakening in America.
A Mega-Shift Is Coming; Or Is That a Mega MAGA?
God’s people prayed. God responded, and a God thing happened.
The election of Trump in such a convincing manner was a God thing. Pundits are offering numerous explanations as to why Harris lost. They don’t get it. God was present and at work November 4, 2024, and the potential transformation of America was begun and along with it a global shift transpired. Governments around the world took note.
Many believe in God having been the enabling force in the election. Those and others now need to pray more than ever.
When Reagan was president there was international uncertainty until 11,000 air controllers threatened an illegal strike. President Reagan said, “If you do, I will fire you.” They struck and were unceremoniously fired. Russia principally, but other nations alike said we need to be cautious, this man means what he says.
Once more there is a global sigh resulting from knowing we have a president who means what he says.
Indications are we are about to be unfettered from a WOKE, DEI agenda. The best qualified persons will get the jobs regardless of skin tone.
The candidate with the fewest votes l-o-s-t. That is the way it has always worked. Inconceivable the current losers haven’t caught on as of yet. They are still in a lugubrious state of mind. By the time they work through their grief they will awaken to find themselves in a brave new world.
Then the battle will begin. There is no indication the losers are going to react constructively, but contentiously. They will be recalcitrant and tetchy.
The task before President Trump is a big one. Opponents can be expected to exploit even the slightest misstep. They will try to eviscerate every objective. The secular national media will be in the vanguard of efforts to degrade his administration.
Rebuilding our military will be a major task. DEI has demoralized our armed forces. Some of our generals say that our equipment and munitions are so low we would run out of combat ability in two weeks in a war with China.
How to remove the thousands of illegal aliens will be an emotional task. Rebuilding our border defenses will at times appear to be a heartless endeavor.
Entire departments, such as the FBI and Justice departments will require time, money, and personnel.
In general, a governmental makeover is coming. Let’s not rule out God in this undertaking. Doing all this in His way is important. On this end of the line prayer is needed. Don’t fail our nation after such a miraculous time.