In Ephesians 1:5 the Greek word translated “predestined” is PROORISAS. It means “designated,” “foreordained,” or literally “horizoned us off beforehand.”
It is in the Greek aorist tense and refers to an act in the past once and for all. It happened “before the foundation of the world.” What is referred to here happened in a pre-creation conference between the God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
The verb form for “predestined” is formed from a word meaning to “to survey” as in marking off a boundary.
Before creation, by decree of the Trinity, a boundary was set. It was predetermined that all who came within that boundary would be saved. The boundary is defined as being “in Christ.” Those in Christ shall be saved.
God in His sovereign will DECREED “in Christ.”
Man in his free will DECIDES whether or nor to be “in Christ.” It is an option open to the “whosoever” of John 3:16.
For “Christ gave Himself a ransom for all” (I Timothy 2:6).
Jesus said, “No man comes to me, except the Father… draws him” (John 6:44).
He further stated, “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself” (John 12:32).
“As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become the child of God” (John 1:12).
“The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” (II Peter 3:9)
“And whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely” (Revelation 22: 17).
Predestination is never used of unbelievers.
From the Greek word often translated “chose” comes our word elect or election (Ephesians 1:4).
Election basically means God has taken the initiative in His purpose to save. It means He picked out for Himself all who are “in Christ.”
Election is not coercive, we many freely respond positively or negatively. However, if God had not chosen us we could not choose Him.
He did not chose us because of our good but in order that through us He might do good.
Apart from God’s initiative no one can be saved. However, it does not imply fatalism.
It does not imply God desires to save as few as possible but as many. It must be understood in light of John 3: 16 and Revelation 22: 17.
It always stems from a God who is loving and who relates to man who is morally responsible.
Jesus said, “No man can come to me except the Father draw him.” “Draw” is God’s initiative. “Come” is man’s response.
Predestination and election are basically the same thing.
Election expressed God’s will.
Predestination explains how He accomplishes it.
Election refers to people.
Predestination refers to purpose.
Election points backwards “before the foundation of the world.”
Predestination points forward, that we might be “acceptable.”
Prayer Restraints
Persons sometimes say, “It seems my prayers go no further that the ceiling.” That may be true. If it is the reason is on this end of the line. Make certain none of the following are hindering your prayer life.
“Whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive” MATTHEW 21: 22
“You ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasure” JAMES 4: 2,3
“If I regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear” PSALM 66: 18
“Whoever shuts his ears to the cry of the poor will also cry himself and not be heard” PROVERBS 21: 13
“Likewise you husbands, dwell with them with understanding, give honor to your wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered” I PETER 3: 7C
“They cry out, but He does not answer, because of the pride of evil men” JOB 35: 12, 13
“God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble” JAMES 4: 6
“Whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in His sight” I JOHN 3: 22
“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit” EPHESIANS 6: 18
“If we ask anything according to His will He hears us” I JOHN 5: 14, 15
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” I JOHN 1: 9
Many people have a deep dark secret which if known publicly would be embarrassing. Only one other know of it but what a memory that source has!
The secret is a fascination with pornography. The one keeping a record of it is the computer. It is an epidemic destroying relations. Persons engaged in it are absorbed in a fantasy world while they ought to be building personal relations in the real world. “The Centerfold Syndrome” results in a person staring at bodies not developing a relationship. In reality it destroys relationships. Few wives or girl friends can compete with an airbrush image.
The sources of it as reported by “The New York Times” is surprising. They reported that General Motors “sells more graphic sex films every year than does Larry Flynt, owner of the “Hustler” empire. The same source reported that AT&T, NewsCorp, and AOL Time Warner make more profit peddling porn that “Playboy” does. Marriot, Hilton, and other famous named motels are in pornography in a large way.
Pornographic web sites are the third largest source of revenue on the Internet. Overall “U.S. News and World Report” indicates porn is an $8 billion a year industry.
Pornography is a trap. Traps are always baited with what appeals to the prey. It may not be addictive but it is habituating and progressive. The sooner a person gets out the more misery they spare themselves and potentially others. It begins with fantasizing and progresses to acting out the fantasy often on some unwilling victim.
Dr. Victor Cline, a researcher at the University of Utah, lists four progressive steps involved. The progression starts with simple exposure. Escalation is the next step. Harder and more shocking material is needed to get the same sexual buzz. Desensitization follows. What was once shocking becomes, in time, acceptable and normal. The fourth step is acting out. There is an increased tendency to act out what has been viewed on a victim.
I spoke on this recently and after the talk a person urged me to speak on it more often saying her cousin was one of those eaten by Jeffery Dormer whose perversion started with porn addiction. He did not start out to be the beast he became but devolved into it.
An interesting conclusion can be reached regarding porn based on a remark by the late British author G.K. Chesterton. Chesterton’s statement suggests that every person looking for pornography is actually engaged in a search for God. I can hear the responses, “That is ludicrous. The last thing a person viewing porn is looking for is God. They are looking for naked bodies; sex kicks.” Naturally it is not a conscious effort but it is based on a need to fill a hole in the soul.
A 12 year old absorbed in porn hinted at this principle when she said, “I was risking part of myself to entertain the other part of myself.”
Make a covenant with your eyes not to set any evil things before them.
For more information on this subject check these addresses:
SBC Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission
901 Commerce Street
Suite 550
Nashville, Tennessee 37203 or phone: 615-244-2495 or
“Fatal Addiction: Pornography and Sexual Addiction
Focus on the Family Ministries
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80995 or phone 719-531-5181 or
American Family Association
P.O. Box Drawer 2440
Tupelo, Mississippi 38803 or 601-844-5036 or
Pork: Is It Ok For Christians To Eat?
Certain Old Testament dietary restriction prohibit the eating of pork. It is understood by many modern persons to mean it is improper to eat pork today.
The Old Testament consists of three sets of laws. This fact needs to be considered in relating to a number of differences in the Old Testament era and today.
Civil law governed the nation. It was right for the time. We now have different civil laws and they are of the Lord and right for our time. Various acts in the Old Testament era were punishable by death. Parental disobedience being one. If that were practiced today it would greatly reduce the population. Homosexuality was punishable by stoning. Critics of advocates of a Christian culture are quick to focus on these civil laws.
Ceremonial law related to sacrifices, hygiene, and diet. It is in this grouping that restrictions on pork are included. In Peter’s vision at Joppa he refused to eat “all kinds of four-footed beast, creeping things, and birds” which came down in a sheet. “Beast” translated the Greek word TETRAPOUS, meaning creatures for slaughter.
The voice then spoke to Peter and said, “What God has cleansed you must not call common.”
Moral law included spiritual values and is still applicable. The first two types of law are no longer applicable.
Pigs that are marketed today do not live in filth and eat slop as they did in the Old Testament era. Then they ate basically carrion and were carriers of disease and parasites. It was eaten at the risk of one’s life. Today pigs are raised on concrete floors and few a balanced wholesome diet. Likewise, catfish are pond raised and fed. They are no longer scavengers.
This is the Biblical line of logic employed by those who do eat pork.
The Place And Meaning Of Christ’s Birth
Mary and Joseph were late arrivals in Bethlehem. The inn being full was a blessing. In that era an inn, known as a caravansary, consisted of a plot of ground cleared of rocks. The rocks were used to build a type of fence. It was a safe haven for travelers and their animals. Centuries earlier King David had rewarded one of his loyalists by giving him a caravansary in his home town of Bethlehem.
There is no mention of an innkeeper in Scripture but evidently there was one who allowed Mary and Joseph to use his stable. Caves were and still are used as stables in that land. Being allowed to use it gave them more privacy than they would have had in the open courtyard of the inn.
By order of Emperor Constantine a grove of trees on the edge of Bethlehem growing around the cave was cleared and an ornate church built over it. It is known as the Church of the Nativity. It is here Christian pilgrims come to worship.
Through the centuries pagans have built temples to their gods on the site. Vandals have profaned it. Muslim raiders rode horses in the church and sacked and pillaged it. To stop this locals used large stones to fill in the arched doorway and make it so small one has to virtually crawl in. Recently Palestinians seeking refuge held up in it for several days.
Entrance to the cave is to the right of the altar built over it. Descent into the small cave reveals oil lamps, incense burners, and tapestries given by royal visitors through the years. A bronze star embedded in marble is inscribed: “Jesus Christ was born here of the virgin Mary.”
I have been there when thousands from all over the world were waiting to crowd in. I have been privileged to have a few quiet moments there shared only with my wife. For a follower of Christ a visit is a most meaningful experience. It is overwhelming to think; “Here, right here, the Word became flesh and came and dwelt among us.”
“Dwelt” translates a word that can mean “to bivouac” among us. It literally denotes a residence. Thus, Christ took up residence among us.
Often a modern English version of a text gives it a contemporary understanding. “The Message” translation reads, “The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.”
Christmas is the celebration of this advent. It is a time when communities are decoratively illumined to depict the change in the neighborhood. That birth is an economic boom for our business community. When some churches seem to have forgotten “Jesus saves” businesses have come to realize Jesus not only saves He sells. They have capitalized on the spirit of giving and commercialized it. That’s not all bad.
Churches provide numerous opportunities to celebrate the true meaning of the season. Enjoy this aspect of the season. Few can go to the place of the birth but the neighborhood into which the one born there moved can be yours.