What Is The Origin Of Faith?

Jesus Christ spoke often of faith. It is essential for salvation and expedient for a consistent walk with Christ.

Does God arbitrarily save certain people who are spiritually dead and after they have been born again give them faith?

Ephesians 2:1 is used by some as a proof text for this concept: “You He made alive who were dead in trespasses.”

Or, do individuals of their own free will choose to trust Christ, that is, exercise faith, for salvation which God gives after the individual exercises personal faith?

Bottom line: does salvation come before or after faith is experienced?

The Reform view is a person must be regenerated before he can believe and have faith.

Conversely, most evangelicals believe a person of his own free will granted them by God freely trusts Christ as Savior and the immediate gift of God thereafter is regeneration.

Two concepts distilled are:


Ephesians 2:8 “For by grace are you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.”

Adherents of this view believe faith is a divinely imparted means of salvation. God chooses who to give it to.


Persons who hold this view believe being spiritually dead does not mean a person does not have the ability to respond when God draws him.

Being spiritually dead means a person is separated from God by sin, but can respond to the drawing of the Holy Spirit by his own free will. Faith is a pauper, without merit, responding to the gift offered by God.

The merit is in the giving, not the receiving. The recipient can do nothing to earn, merit, or deserve the gift.

The Significant Result Of The Virgin Birth

The virgin birth is essential to salvation. Here is why. All of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God. The Scripture says, “Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin” (Hebrews 9:22).

The virgin conception made possible the only adequate blood to be shed for sin. What the physical blood does in our bodies is illustrative of what the blood of Jesus Christ does for us spiritually.

The average person has 5 quarts of blood in their body which is circulated through the body every 23 seconds.

PLASMA is a clear liquid that carries the components of blood through the circulatory system. Blood consists of:

* ERYTHROCYTES, red blood cells, which number about 5,000,000 per cubic millimeter in every person. They carry energizing oxygen to feed the cells of the body. That in part is meant when the Scripture says: “Life of the flesh is in the blood” (Lev. 17: 14).
Spiritually our new life is found only in the life-giving blood of Jesus Christ.

* LEUKOCYTES, white blood cells, number 5,000 to 10,000 per cubic millimeter in every healthy person. They defend the body against disease and cleanse the blood. These white cells are in effect “soldiers” to defend the body against disease. They multiply in number when the body is under attack. For example, if there is a splinter in you they gather around it to try to force it out. Many “soldiers” are killed in the attack and become known as “pus.”

The same blood that feeds the cells cleanses them. Likewise, the Scripture says, “…the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin” (I John 1: 7).

The unique nature of Christ’s blood suited Him only to be able to cleanse us, that is, to get the foreign matter of sin out of our bodies. His blood is unique because of the virgin birth.

A baby’s blood is not derived from the mother. When an ovum becomes fertile THEN as a fetus is instantly formed blood is immediately formed in the fetus. All of the newly developing embryo’s blood is developed in the newly created fetus. Not one drop comes from the mother.

Therefore, the reason Christ’s unique blood alone is sufficient to cleanse us from all sin is that He was born of a virgin and His blood was of His nature, not that of His mother. His blood was the blood of God. No wonder Peter called it “precious,” David prophetically spoke of it as “incorruptible,” and Judas spoke of it as “innocent blood,” while John said it was the “overcoming” blood.

There was and is only one mediator between God and men and this was He dying on the cross. John said it well, “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil” (I John 3: 8).

If He were not virgin born, there is no salvation. A mediator is one who is equal to both parties.

If Mary herself was born of a virgin, as some allege, she was divine and that One born of her would have been only divine. Thus, He would not be equal to us human beings.

If Jesus were not virgin-conceived, then He was only human and not equal to God.

However, being conceived of a virgin by the Holy Spirit of God He was the “one mediator between God and men.”

All human kind was being held captive by Satan. Christ’s virgin birth made it possible for Him to ransom us.

He had no old Adamic nature, also known as “an old sin nature,” or “inherent sin.” Therefore, when He died He cared for our old sin nature. Since infants have no personal sin and Christ, having no old sin nature died for our old sin nature, every infant is safe in Jesus and goes to heaven.

Christ died without any personal sin. Therefore, He died for our personal sin.

He resolved the sin issue. The issue now is what will you do with Jesus.

Mary Believed In The Virgin Birth

Mary also was a godly person and knew the laws of her day. She knew that as soon as adultery was known women were carried to the priest, condemned, and executed immediately. She knew if a priest knew she was pregnant the baby would be aborted and her along with it. A modest, virtuous young woman would have tried to hide her pregnancy. However, the first thing she did was visit her cousin Elizabeth and tell her. Who was the husband of Elizabeth? Zacharias, the officiating priest. Custom would have mandated Elizabeth telling Zacharias.

In Israel there were more than 20,000 priests. There were 24 courses of priests and each had approximately 800 priests. Zacharias was in course number eight. Notice, God’s timing. It was time for course number eight to serve. Now out of these 800 priests one would be chosen “by lot, ” that’s like drawing straws, to burn incense “in the Holy of Hollies” (Luke 1: 9). Zacharias was the one chosen. That was more than coincidental.

In the solitude of the Holy of Hollies an angel of the Lord appeared to Zacharias and told him of the forthcoming birth of his own son, who was to become known as John the Baptist, as well as the birth of Jesus Christ. That convinced him Mary was telling the truth and restrained him from seeking her execution.

Such unashamed, open sharing with the family of the priest shows no guilt on Mary’s behalf. This bold visit indicates her awareness of the prophecy by Isaiah and that she was the one in whom it was being fulfilled.

Mary believed the angel messenger and even while knowing and accepting the consequence of the law of her day said, “Be it unto me according to the will of the Lord.”

Mary believed the Word of God. She had no guilt but did have her before the counsel, and they shall stone her with stones till she die; and thus shall be put out sin among the people.”

Joseph being a just man would have been compelled to do this if he had not believed Mary’s conception to have been a miracle of the Lord.

Mary believed the angel messenger and even while knowing and accepting the consequence of the law of her day said, “Be it unto me according to the will of the Lord.”

Mary believed the Word of God. She had no guilt but did have great joy. She sang, “My soul doth magnify the Lord …”

Consider Mary at Calvary. The essence of the collective mood was: “We have a law and by our law He ought to die, because being great joy. She sang, “My soul doth magnify the Lord …”

Consider Mary at Calvary. The essence of the collective mood was: “We have a law and by our law He ought to die, because being a man, He said He was the Son of God.”

What an ache there must have been in the heart of Mary. She stood there tortured by the accusation against her child, Jesus. She knew He was guilty as charged. He was the Son of God. If he were not and Mary were a decent mother, she would have spared Him the agony of the cross and confessed her charade and acknowledged the virgin birth to be a fraud. She was mute because she knew the charge was true. He was the Messiah.

Joseph Believed In The Virgin Conception Of Jesus Christ

Matthew 1: 18 & 20 notes a distinctive custom of that day. Mary and Joseph are described as being “betrothed” and also as husband and “wife.” That sounds confusing to us; but when their customs are understood, it is comprehendible.

Parents arranged marriages. A legal contract was signed. The period of betrothal lasted a year. During this time they were legally married but continued to live with their parents. They never saw one another except in the presence of a certified chaperon. Though the period was called “a time of engagement,” the couple was called husband and wife.

Since the contract was legal and binding, only one thing could break it — adultery. If the child conceived by Mary was not miraculously conceived, Mary was guilty of adultery and subject to the laws pertaining to it.

To understand Joseph notes in verse 19 he is said to be a “just man.” This is an expression meaning he wanted to please God in all he did. He was a righteous man of principles. If Mary were thought to be an adulteress by Joseph his righteousness would have compelled him to comply with the law of the day. This would have called upon him to have filed charges against Mary.

According to the Mishnah Joseph would have filed charges against her with the rabbinical court known as the Beth Din. Found guilty the law required the woman be brought to the Eastern Gate where a priest would remove her jewelry and tear off her clothes. An ugly black robe would be placed on the adulteress and tied with a rope. The purpose was “to disgrace her” and forewarn all other women of such humiliation awaiting any adulteress. This was done “…that all women may be taught not to do after your lewdness” (Sotah 1: 6).

Jewish law furthermore said, “If a virgin espoused to a man is found to be with child, he shall denounce her before the counsel, and they shall stone her with stones till she die; and thus shall be put out sin from among the people.”

Joseph being a just man would have been compelled to do this if he had not believed Mary’s conception to have been a miracle of the Lord.

As a just man, he knew Scripture. Doubtless the Lord called to his memory the words of the prophet Isaiah in the 7:14 of his writing: “Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.”

The one man in all of history who had the most at stake believed in the virgin birth. He believed not only Mary, but God’s Word. He knew that in Mary the prophecy had come true.

For a moment he wavered and considered a private divorce which would have been permissible. However, a visit from an angel convinced him. The angel said call the child’s name “Yeshua,” “Jesus,” which means “Jehovah saves.” This divine naming did much to convince Joseph of the virgin birth.

He knew the Christ child was no “mamser,” illegitimate, but was Messiah.

Virgin Birth

MATTHEW 1: 18 – 25

JESUS CHRIST came to earth to reveal and rescue. He came to rescue us from sin. He came to do this by revealing the love of God.

In Rome, Italy, one of the most interesting palaces is the Rospigliosi Palace. On the domed ceiling is the painting by Guido Reni entitled the “Aurora.” Looking up at the fresco one’s neck grows stiff and vision becomes blurred. To enable visitors to see and appreciate the painting a large mirror has been placed on the floor surrounded by a rail. Persons can look in the mirror and see the work clearly. Jesus Christ, is the mirror-image of God the Father. He came to earth to give us occasion to glimpse what God is like. For that to be achieved the virgin birth was essential.

JESUS CHRIST was born of a virgin.

“Oh, come on. You have got to be kidding. No way,” says the skeptic. Anybody who knows anything about nature knows that is impossible. “Absurd, inconceivable, impossible, unthinkable, and preposterous,” says the cynic. Anybody who knows ANYTHING about nature knows that is a ridiculous idea. Yes, but anybody who knows anything about nature’s God knows that with Him nothing is impossible.

He who made the laws of nature did not make them as a straight-jacket to restrain Himself but as guidelines for us.

Anybody knows anything about man knows he can’t fly. Nature’s laws of gravity and inertia keep him land-bound. Well they did until higher laws of nature called aerodynamics known only to a limited few were applied and now man flies into outer space at over 25,000 miles per hour.

Everybody knows there are certain laws of nature governing particular diseases. These diseases are fatal. Fatal, that is until a person of medicine comes along and applies a higher law of nature in the form of proper medication and the life is spared.

Anybody who knows anything about biogenetic or natural procuration knows a virgin can’t conceive. That’s right, at least until the God who created the laws of nature comes along and in a single instance amends them as He did with a virgin named Mary.

Some persons try to explain away the marginal possibility of a virgin conceiving by natural means. In the scientific community there is a word “parthenogenesis” which describes life emerging from unfertilized eggs. “Parthenos” means “virgin” and “geneses” refers to beginning. Hence, it means virgin beginning.

Tichomiroff in 1886, was the first scientist to try artificial parthenogeneses. He developed the eggs from eggs of unfertilized silkworms.

In 1900 Morgan and Mead started the eggs of sea urchins by manipulating the various salt solutions of the sea water.

Also in 1900 Loeb accomplished the same with chemical treatment of eggs.

Fish called Shad have been produced by activating the eggs with electric current.

Some frogs have been produced by puncturing the eggs with a fine needle.

Pincus, in 1940, produced rabbits, all females, through chemical and temperature effects on the ova.

All of these attempts to explain or explain away the virgin birth by biological logic are futile. Even if it were possible from a natural vantage point, it would still be impossible for Jesus to have been born as a consequence. The science of genetics has demonstrated that mammals have two “X” chromosomes in the female and one “X” in the male, but the male also has a “Y” chromosome. Thus, when an unfertilized egg cell were to duplicate itself in response to some artificial stimulation the result would always be female.

Jesus Christ’s conception was miraculous.

I believe it because of who believed it at the time.