A Lifelong Faith Walk
Psalms 27
Jesus wants to enable you to stretch yourself spiritually and expand the circumference of your faith.
On His earth walk He greatly admired faith. After a woman had exercised admirable faith, He said to her. . . .
“Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.” (Luke 7:50)
Genuine faith begins when a person finally acknowledges “I’m not God,” and happily acknowledges God is God, and submits to Him.
Such faith is assuring, insuring, and enduring.
Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, and faith looks up.
Faith helps us walk fearlessly, run confidently, and live victoriously.
Faith is the basis of life. Some people think it is a sign of weakness. It is rather an indication of strength. Thomas Edison said he never conducted an experiment that did not begin with faith.
Have you ever driven on one of America’s freeways in a major metropolitan area at peak driving time? You have faith.
Have you ever gone shopping when there is a mall-wide sale? You have faith.
Have your ever gone on a date, taken a mate, driven in the rain, flown on a plane, bought or sold an item on credit? You have faith.
Have you ever eaten in a fast-food outlet where you don’t even know the cook, see its preparation, or know its source? You have faith.
Have you ever gone to a doctor you didn’t know, been given a prescription you couldn’t read, taken it to a pharmacist you couldn’t see, and taken the medicine provided? You have faith.
Faith has many sophisticated definitions. However, faith is merely confidence in God’s character. Write it down, that’s a good one.
In our uncertain times stabilizing faith is needed. An uncertain economy and political instability coupled with all your personal challenges makes a strong faith all the more important.
Faith gives us the courage to face the present with confidence, and the future with expectancy.
All productive faith is based on the foundational faith in Jesus Christ as personal Savior. It is simply believing He will keep His word and forgive you if you ask Him to, and commit yourself to Him as your Master. Thus begins your faith walk toward Calvary. It is a confident and joyous journey with peaks and valleys through which He will guide you. Have faith in His character and venture.
A Balanced Life
“And Jesus increased in wisdom, and stature, and in favor with God and men.” Luke 2:52
In Philippians 2, we learn that when Jesus Christ came in the flesh, He emptied himself of some of what it means to be God. He did not ever become less than God. He was always fully God. But when He came in the flesh, He wanted to fully understand what it was like to be human, and so He had to give up certain aspects that would interfere with being human. He used His ability to perform miracles and help others, but He never used His God nature for Himself.
There are very few theological ideas which have been discussed and debated more, and yet are still misunderstood. Just know that whether we understand it or not, Jesus did grow up just as we do. He developed just as we do. He experienced life just as we do.
Intellectually – the child grew in “wisdom.”
Jesus grew, according to verse Luke 2:40, in wisdom. He was filled with wisdom, it says. You know, wisdom is different from knowledge. Wisdom is applied knowledge. But before you can acquire wisdom, you must have knowledge. So as Jesus developed in His wisdom, He also developed in His knowledge.
85% of a child’s character is developed in the first 5 years of life – no better way to start them out than with the Bible.
Physically – the child grew in “stature”
There are very few theological ideas which have been discussed and debated more, and yet are still misunderstood. Just know that whether we understand it or not, Jesus did grow up just as we do. He developed just as we do. He experienced life just as we do. Yet in it all, He was without sin.
Spiritually – the child grew in “favor with God”
Jesus, although He was the Son of God, was also human, and so He had to learn the Bible, and learn theology, and learn obedience just like we do. Jesus was fully human, just like we are, and a big part of being human is theology.
Aspire to live a Spirit filled life. Seek God’s favor in all you do.
Socially – the child grew in “favor with men”
Etiquette is more than fussy rules laid down by stuffy people; etiquette is the oil that lubricates society and reduces the friction of interpersonal relationships. This is a critical part of growing up. Jesus knew how to conduct Himself in various social settings.
Now to measure how balanced your growth is, envision a square: the top side is spiritually, the right side is physically, the bottom is socially, the left side is intellectually. Are all four sides equal or is your development out of balance? Beginning now, ask the Lord to help you live a balanced life. Devote proportionate time to developing each. Evaluate yourself often in order to make adjustments. Square up.
How Many Contented People Do You Know? 2/7/99
How Many Contented People Do You Know?
Do People Who Know You Know One?
Philippians 4:11-13
(Page 1718 Come Alive Bible)
JESUS CHRIST spoke often of qualities that produce contentment in life. He typified by His very life this desirable quality of contentment.
“WANT” is the word he used in the King James. It meant “need” or even “destitution” or “privation.” This need is described as being found in every circumstance possible. Paul described it as:
ABASED – ranked below another or to be brought low. Meager existence, humbling circumstances, or even abuse. Do you think it is hard to be content in such circumstances? Consider the other extreme.
ABOUND – to have more than abundance, to overflow. Some think it evil to have POSSESSION, POSITION, OR POWER. Some even suggest such assets should be given up or forsaken. It is much more challenging and demanding to have such, use it properly, and maintain a Christlike spirit than to give it up. In things GRAND and GRIEVOUS, Paul had contentment. These things often come in swift succession and thus further challenge contentment.
That is, those who have much and suddenly lose it are shocked. Those who suddenly obtain great wealth find themselves bewildered over how to control it without it controlling them.
In PROSPERITY and PRIVATION we can be content.
Our Lord may be laying at the door of the Christian community one of the greatest witnessing opportunities of our generation. Few things have caused broader concern and near panic than rumors circulating regarding the Y2K scare.
Attitudinal extremes exist regarding Y2K.
What is it?
I am sick and tired of hearing about it.
It will result in starvation, riots, anarchy, and martial law. It is God’s forthcoming judgement of America.
Can you be content in either case?
Members of the Christian community need at all times to be practical. It is always good to be prepared but never panicky. It is good to have reserves but not hoard. It is always good to have your house in order but not frightened.
Every household at all times should have an orderly file of hard copies of vital documents, such as, birth and marriage certificates, title deeds, bank balance, and inventory of items in a safety deposit box, etc.
Most folks keep a few days supply of food in the house. I say most because I went to the home of a former staff member who was having a party. He had misplaced something and asked me to look in the refrigerator to see if it was there. Upon opening the fridge I was amazed he didn’t know it wasn’t there. There was one item in the fridge —- a can of lighter fluid. Why lighter fluid?
With the approach of Y2K it would not be impractical to have a few extra days food on hand in the event there is a glitch that impacts for a few days.
There was a day when Y2K panic might have had a basis. About two years ago when the public first became aware of it things were far behind and looking gloomy. The concern expressed at that time was appropriate. Most of the panic of today is being fanned by data that is two or more years old. Much has been done to rectify that cause for concern. That extreme concern has motivated action to minimize the inconvenience.
Don’t pull yesterday’s clouds over today’s sun.
Paul said he had “learned” to be content. Have we? Do we evidence our discontent? Have you noticed a variety of bumper stickers stating, “I’d rather be…”. We evidence that we believe contentment is found in these things and circumstances.
Incidentally, be careful what bumper sticker you use. A car stopped at a traffic light was rear ended. The two drivers got out and a heated argument resulted. One driver said, “I really felt like running into someone today to vent my frustrations, and your bumper sticker has given me the right to crash into your car.”
It read: “If it feels good, do it!”
The “I’d rather be…” bumper stickers indicate a desire to change our status.
There once was a canary and a goldfish who were very good friends. They lived close to each other. One hot summer day as they talked the goldfish heard the canary singing and said, “I wish I lived in such a nice open cage and could sing like you.” The canary said, “I wish I lived in such a nice bowl filled with cool water.” Suddenly, they were transposed – the fish to the cage and the canary to the bowl of water. That which they each thought would bring contentment immediately became life threatening.
There once was a boy who wanted a marble. When he got it he desired a ball. Upon receiving it he wished for a top. He then craved a kite. With none or all, was he content?
There once was an adult who wanted money. Upon getting it there was an immediate desire for a sports car. When it was obtained, a desire for land developed. Next a craving for a house became prominent. With none, came contentment.
Trying to find contentment through external things is like trying to carry water in a sieve. It does not come from externals. Can your thirst be satisfied more from drinking from a silver chalice or a paper cup?
What are the potential reactions to repressive circumstances?
A. BITTERNESS – Martha became bitter toward Mary because she sat the feet of Jesus and learned while she served.
B. DEPRESSION – The Psalmist (102:7) spoke of himself as being like “a sparrow upon the house top.” He felt isolated and depressed because of circumstances.
C. SELFISHNESS – Elijah has a victory over the 450 prophets of Balaal. He became selfish and complained he was the only one serving the Lord. The Lord had 7,000 other faithful servants.
A fourth response is possible. It is —
D. CONTENTMENT – The Greek word translated “content” is AUTARKES. It was a word meaning “to be entirely self-sufficient.”
Our self-sufficiency is to be found only in Christ’s sufficiency. Ancient Greek writers shared secular ways of having it.
One was to eliminate all desires. That is difficult. Contentment doesn’t come from possessing much but from controlling our desires.
A second way the ancients suggested of gaining contentment was to eliminate all emotions. Not a good idea.
For such persons love was rooted out of life and caring forbidden.
They suggested starting with a cup. Break it and say, “I don’t care!” Then move to a more valuable item and destroy it and say, “I don’t care!” Continue this process until you don’t care about anything. Then you are content. Not so. At that stage you are far from content you are indifferent and of all people most miserable. You have nothing of value, nothing for which to care.
It means self-sufficiency or self-sufficing, actually contained. It was a word used to describe a city needing no imports. In this light, contentment is seen to be an internal quality not dependent upon externals. Artificial pride, inordinate ambition, and gluttony rob us of contentment.
Critically some may think contentment robs us of ambition. NO, actually contentment enables us to struggle and achieve with composure. It is not intended to restrict our horizons. It is intended to enable us to live without our boundaries. The scripture speaks of some strong elements which rob us of contentment and gives advice how to respond.
Luke 3:14 – “…be content with your wages.”
I Tim. 6-10 (READ) “having food and raiment…”
Heb. 13:5 – “Be content with such things as ye have…”
Contentment comes from commitment to Christ and letting Him take away the cause of discontentment.
If you do not have Christ, the inward source and resource for contentment, you will never find it in people, places or things. There are only 5 senses, just 24 hours in a day, and 60 minutes in an hour. Sooner or later you will get to the end of your sensory and social pleasure. What then?
Christ knew this and therefore opened to us an entire world of spiritual challenges. It is an unlimited and fulfilling sphere.
NOTE: It has to be learned. Paul said, “I have learned…”
II Cor. 11: 24 – 27 (READ) describes the circumstances in which he learned contentment.
His tutor was the “God of peace.”
Contentment comes from commitment to Christ and letting Him take away the source of discontentment.
He then develops within us a sense of:
AWARENESS: “I know whom I have believed…”
I recently shared the assurance contained in Hebrews 13:5 which literally means: “I will never, no not ever, no never leave you.” I did it in relating a frightening flight experience.
Incidentally, as we prayed those ninety minutes on our way back to Honolulu I kept my face to the window looking out. By the light of the moon I could see the clouds and watched as they either got higher or we got lower. I was hoping it was because we were lower remembering Christ said, “Low I am with you always…”
Flying is one of the greatest thrills known to humanity, but it comes in a far second to the thrill of landing.
A white knuckled friend said after that, “We are about to go on a long flight and I thought ‘I don’t need to hear about a frightening flight.’” Then she said, “Yes, that is exactly what I need to hear. Even in times of fright we can rejoice in the fact He said, “‘I will never, no not ever, no never leave you.’”
That gives contentment.
CONFIDENCE: “Cast your burden upon the Lord.”
Job records this encouragement: “Acquaint now thyself with Him and be at peace” (Job 22:21).
DILIGENCE: “Be diligent in business” (I Cor. 7:21).
SUBMISSION: “Thy will be done”
“Everywhere and in all things.”
With confidence born out of experience the Psalmist encourages us to “Rest in the Lord and wait patiently on Him, fret not…”
The Scottish people are often heard to say of a person who does not have contentment, “E’s a blooming fret…”
HOW and WHY did he have contentment?
A. He could accept all things (vs. 11),
“I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency.
“I have learned to make ends meet regardless of what situation I am in.”
We are independent upon external circumstances because of being dependent on Christ in all circumstances.
B. He could do all things (vs. 13),
“I can do everything God asks me to with the help of Christ.”
The word translated “content” was used to describe a city needing no imports. With Christ we are all sufficient. We have stored the resource for all circumstances.
C. He had all things (vs. 18), “I have all, and abound.”
Experience Mercy, Peace, and Love
The little book of Jude opens with a treo of blessings provided believers by the Lord. “Mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you.” (Jude 1: 2)
The great God of the universe Who puts seven colors in every ray of light, and causes it to travel at 186,000 miles per second, has no trouble keeping His promises to you. Let your mind marinade in these three.
God, who gives you close attention, provides:
Mercy, which means deep concern. It reveals a real need on behalf of the one receiving it and real resources on behalf of the one giving it.
Mercy describes God’s attitude toward those in distress.
God is rich in mercy. (Ephesians 2:40).
There is a delightful illustration in the Old Testament of mercy. Mephibosheth was crippled as a result of an injury. He was only five years old when Jonathan, his father, and Saul, his grandfather, were both killed in a battle on Mount Gilboa.
David took Mephibosheth into his palace, gave him an inheritance, and gave him a place at his table. That’s mercy. That’s how God treats us.
Peace is contentment of mind, a state of tranquility in turbulent times.
Shalom, or peace, is not only the absence of conflict, but also the presence of connection and completion.
Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” (John 14:27)
The peace offered by the world is an empty promise and can only bring temporary comfort. God’s peace is a permanent peace offered by the only One who can be trusted to keep his Word and heal our sin.
We have peace when there is no condemnation before God.
Our God offers peace in the midst of chaos. His peace doesn’t change with the circumstances; it is secure in spite of the circumstances.
“For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you.” (Isaiah 54:10)
Love of God is freely given. The love of God, and love for God, results in showing love to one another. Jesus said,“Love the Lord your God, with all of your heart and your neighbor as yourself.” (Luke 10:24) Having received it, go do it.
“Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” (James 4:8a)
We are Called, Consigned, and Conserved
Jude 1:1
This little book, which consists of only one chapter, is a composite of challenges to serve and confirmations of strength to serve.
Like Jude, we are called to be a servant. (Vs. 1)
The Greek word translated “servant” is DOULOS. It was the word for a servant who is the prized purchased possession of his master. That is us.
To such we are “called” as servants. That’s our role.
The master also had a responsibility for the servant.
Like Jude, we are consigned. (Vs. 1b)
The Greek text uses a word that can appropriately be translated “sanctified.” It can and is translated in some version “beloved.” We are His beloved.
If you have a long-range goal, it keeps you from being frustrated by short-range failures. In Jesus you are consigned to heaven. Live like it.
In England some years ago, an illiterate couple was saved through the witness of some street witnesses. Their symbol was red sweaters with slogans of testimony sewn on them.
The illiterate couple were reluctant to admit their inability to read or write, yet they wanted to fit in. The wife saw a slogan in a window a few days later that seemed easy to duplicate, so she sewed it on their sweaters without knowing what it said. The group was so approving that the couple finally gave way to their pride and asked what the slogan said. Their friends replied with delight: “Under New Management.” That is true of every believer.
Like Jude, we are also conserved. (1c) A synonym for the Greek word translated “preserved” is simply “kept.” You are “kept” by God. This is a fact to be enjoyed.
In the Greek this is in the perfect tense, meaning we are “continually kept.” Even when it may seem you aren’t — you are.
The word “kept” means to continually give close attention.
Man, mere mortal man, through his spectrograph has learned the constituent elements of the remote astral bodies.
By means of the telescope, man has looked into the infinitely large universe, learned the schedule of the planets, and viewed the landscape of heavenly bodies millions of miles distant.
By means of the microscope, man has looked into the infinitely smaller world and seen in the atoms in a particle of dust on a moth’s wing, electrons, protons, and neutrons whirling like bees around a hive.
God gives you even closer attention. He does it continually. He loves you and awaits your loving response.