Tired? Don’t Quit
Judges 7 and 8
The captivating story of Gideon in his battle with the Midianites has stirred the imagination of many. He had a formidable army when God revealed the protocol He wanted him to use revealing the character of so few men. The process involved his force of 32,000 being greatly reduced. In fact, he went into battle against the Midianite army with four times the number in their army as in his army with a remnant of only 300 troops. The Midianite were said to “covered the valley like a swarm of locusts.” Their camels, formidable beasts in battle, “were so numerous they could no more be counted than the sand on the seashore.”
The story begins when God first encountered Gideon who was cowering in a winepress. God referred to him as a “mighty man of valor,” prophetically forecasting the role he was being called on to fulfill.
There is another aspect of the story equally as amazing. It is recorded in the Bible book of Judges 8:4 that they went into battle “exhausted but still in pursuit” of their foe. Being exhausted is one thing, being still in“pursuit” of their enemy is exciting. Valor is virtuous, but exhaustion is debilitating.
As an aside, it should be noted that God’s instruction to do this was not a wanton act of aggression. Their opponent was a godless society ripe for divine judgment. Gideon’s force was the means of imposing discipline.
They did what God said to do believing He would do what He said He would.
God said, “I will be with you.” He did, and gave them victory. He did it so it was obvious that to the Lord goes the glory. This made Him all the more endeared to them, knowing that was to their benefit.
To achieve the victory the Jordan River had to be crossed. Even a bigger challenge was crossing the intimidating river of doubt. When you are fatigued and prone to give up and quit pursuing God’s will, remember Gideon, one of God’s most faithful servants, who carried out God’s will even though weary.
Even wilder still the battle plan devised by God must have seemed foolish. Gideon was to divide his troops into three groups giving an even greater appearance of weakness. Their designated weapons must have seemed to reach the point of absurdity. Each man was given a trumpet and a jar with a torch in each jar. Gideon then set the example by telling them to do as he did. It was exactly what God wanted. God must have looked down on the battlefield and thought, “Gotcha Gideon, right where I want you.”
These three small companies of men surrounded the camp and in the dark simultaneously blew their trumpets, smashed their jars and watched as the Midianites, in confusion and overwhelmed by terror, started killing each other in the dark. The lights in the darkness gave the appearance of a great force. The Israelites pursued their enemy, destroying them. Five words emboldened Gideon, they were, “I will be with you.” If you are engaged in spiritual tasks as instructed by God, take heart, the battle is the Lord’s.
Their obedience resulted in them living at peace for 40 years. (Judges 8:28) The reward was worth the risk. What risk?
When God encountered Gideon at that winepress He could see in Him what He was offering him an opportunity to become, what no one else could see, not even Gideon. What potential does God see in you He is trying to develop?
There is an ageless adage: “When you were born, you cried, and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a manner that when you die, the world cries, and you rejoice.” You have but one life. The question is, “How will you live it?”
How to Let Others See Jesus in You
I Thessalonians 1: 1 – 10
Reflect on this graphic in considering your relationship in the Lord, if you are a Christian. Use your imagination and draw the following on the chalkboard of your mind, or better still, draw it on paper.
Draw a large circle. The circle represents the will of God. In the center of that circle draw an “X.” Outside the circle draw 0. The X represents you, the 0 the devil. Now draw a straight line from the 0 to the X in the circle. The line represents an attack by Satan on the believer. Note the line representing a satanic attack goes through the circle, the will of God. Any attack by Satan levied against you must come through the circle. It is by no means the absolute will of God, but His permissive will. That means there is purpose in the attack that can result in God enabling you to be victorious, and strengthened thereby.
Scripture notes that before God could give Joseph his dream He tested his character. If Satan’s line is drawn through the circle of God’s character, He is allowing you to be tested to prove your character and get ready for other victories.
From Satan’s perspective it is a trial designed for your failure. From God’s viewpoint it is a test to prove your worthiness. To enable you to endure the test, God “gives you grace and peace” in advance. (Vss. 1, 2)
The Greek word for grace, charia, was used as a reference to “that which causes joy.” Used as social grace it means favor and kindness. God gives it.
This enables us to rejoice always. Jesus has promised to be with us always, making it possible for us to rejoice always.
To face these tests faith is essential. We live by faith. The only variable is the object of our faith.
A light that doesn’t glow.
A stream that doesn’t flow.
A seed that doesn’t grow.
All are analogous to a faith that doesn’t show.
According to the text, love for our Lord makes us willing to “labor.” There are two words for labor. “Ergon” may be pleasant and stimulating. “Kopos” succumbs to no fatigue and spares no energy. That is what enables us to labor and deal with trials.
We are assured by the text in it all God guides that we can have hope. Hope is not passive endurance, but active perseverance. It enables survivors not only to survive, but to thrive and triumph.
For this we must, as they, receive the “word.” It is worth noting they received it “in much affliction, with joy…” (Vs. 10) Under “pressure” they received the “word” and their associated “power” and “assurance.” As a result, with all sorts of lines drawn through the circle representing God’s character, they became good “examples.” The Authorized King James appropriately translates the word “ensample.” An example is depicted by striking a soft malleable plate of wax with your wrist. When removed, that which remains is an example of the fist. When we have an experience with Jesus, what should remain in us is an ensample of Jesus. Without the tests that could never happen.
Let others see Jesus in you.
An Open Door
Jesus Christ said to the church in Philadelphia, in ancient Greece, that which is applicable to us today: “I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it…” (Revelation 3:8).
The Lord is swinging wide the door of opportunity for us to take bold dramatic steps. In His wisdom He is choosing to challenge our faith. In His love He is granting us an opportunity to think big and act bold. No person can shut the door. We can with cowering and timid spirit fail to go through it. Our negative nature can cause us to question and quibble. We alone can cause what the Lord has in mind to fail. We are often our own worst enemy.
Though no one can shut the door, individuals can refuse to go through it.
James 4: 7-10 lists some steps of preparation we each need to take. Therefore, now comes the practical personal part of this new year’s challenge.
With every challenge in life God provides the grace to deal with it. Notice in James 4: “He gives more grace.” The Greek word translated “He giveth,” is diomi in the present tense, meaning He keeps on giving. “My grace is sufficient for you” means it is perpetually sufficient. Not “was” or “will be,” but “is” sufficient.
By “more grace” means grace that is more than sufficient for any mess you might be in.
Note, this grace only comes to the humble “God resists the proud.” Grace and pride are in constant conflict with each other. God “resists,” that is, He sets Himself in opposition to it. God is depicted as being actively aggressively opposed to pride.
The full impact of the word “resist” is “God arrays Himself for battle against the proud.”
In contrast God is proactive in support of and “gives grace to the humble.”
First, positively. You must “Submit yourselves therefore to God.”
This calls for a conscious willful action on your behalf. It requires you making a choice. To “submit” means to willfully put yourself under the command of God.
We hear a lot about “rights,” human rights. How about God’s rights? Why should we submit to God?
Because He knows more and loves us even more than we love ourselves.
We should submit because resistance is futile,
We should submit because His rule is always good.
Each of us must respond to the self asked question: “Whom shall I serve, God or myself? Shall I make it my chief concern to do the will of my Heavenly Father, or shall I demand and assert my own way?”
Second, negatively. “Resist the devil…” The devil and his allies, the world and the flesh, have designed and do desire your spiritual destruction.
If we make friends with the world, the world will give us temporary pleasures that gratify the flesh. Compromise with the world-system assures God’s displeasure.
The strong magnetic pull of the flesh can only be overcome by the power of God. When the Scripture says He gives “more grace,” it means He gives gracious plenty.
It is not enough just to resist the devil, you must “draw near to God.” If you do, He will draw near to you.
Take these actions, “Cleanse your hands” = outward actions, “Purify your hearts,” = inward action, (Vs. 8) and “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord.” (Vs 10)
God has set before us an open door. No person can shut it. You can refuse to go through it, however. Likewise, taking these steps can enable you to go through it.
You: Positive or Negative
Are you a positive or a negative person? Your answer is important. It will be pleasing or displeasing to God, and good or bad for your health.
Purify your thoughts by driving out the wrong concepts and replacing them with Bible oriented ideas. A critical negative spirit needs to be purified. If you are going to think the Christ thoughts, the mind must be purified of negativism.
Start your day by praying, “Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.” (Psalm 143:8)
A study shows that for every one negative input, eleven positive inputs are necessary to counteract it.
There is a book entitled “The Theory of Twenty-One” in which the author shows, as a result of research, that out of every 21 people, 20 think negatively about everything. Only one is a positive person. Are you the one? Hopefully you are. If not, you can be.
In a book entitled “Hide-N-Seek,” persons are urged to inventory their 16 closest relatives. Be objective as to who among them was negative, and who are positive. Most persons will conclude they were reared in a negative environment.
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2)
The Lord challenged and assured Joshua with these words workable in your life today, “Don’t be afraid just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today The Lord himself will fight for you just stay calm.” (Exodus 14:13)
That is God’s way of saying, “Be cool, I am here and I love you. Just be cool.” The way to do this is to “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” (I Peter 5:7)
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)
If you are not the one out of twenty-one, you can become one.
In his book “The Land of Beginning Again” by Louise Fletcher Tarkington there is a way of transformation.
“So I wish that there were some wonderful place
Called the Land of Beginning Again
Where all out mistakes and all our heartaches,
And all our poor selfish grief
Could be dropped like a shabby old coat at the door
And never put on again.”
You can do it. That place is at the foot of the cross. There “…if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.” (II Corinthians 5:17) That one being a new you.
Thomas Jefferson on Religious Freedom
There is no more complex man in American history that Thomas Jefferson. He issued conflicting comments of several issues. Some conclude he was hostile to Christianity. He was not. He was cool toward organized religion, but not Christianity. An evidence of this is his close friendship with Baptist minister John Lelland a dynamic voice in the issue of religious freedom. As Leland’s gratitude for Jefferson’s friendship and support for his endeavors on behalf of religious freedom Leland did a most uncommon thing. An ardent supporter of Thomas Jefferson, Leland became famous for his media-savvy strategy to signal the Baptists’ support of the newly elected president in 1801: the gift of a giant wheel of cheese. Reportedly made from the milk of 900 Republican cows, the cheese measured 4 feet in diameter, 13 feet in circumference, and weighed 1,235 pounds. Emblazoned on its red crust was Jefferson’s favorite motto: “Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.” As the giant cheese made the month long journey from western Massachusetts to Washington, D. C., pundits lampooned, ridiculed and celebrated the “mammoth cheese.” On Jan. 1, 1802, Jefferson welcomed Leland and his flamboyant gift into White House. Two days later, Leland delivered the Sunday sermon to the church which regularly met in the House of Representatives, with the president in attendance.
As an aside, Jefferson reputedly gave more money to more churches in Washington than anyone. He often attended the church that regularly met in the House of Representatives. Another church met regularly in the Supreme Court building.
Jefferson’s letter to the Baptists, of which Leland was one, was to assure them there would be no state supported church and all churches would be equal.
So much for separation of church and state.