Life Beyond the Comma
Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10)
Let’s look at that closely, “I have come that you might have life, (comma) and that you might have it more abundantly.” He wants to enable us to live beyond the “comma.”
Some Christians tend to envy people that are living “the good life” and missing the abundant life. Some have even bought into the “prosperity gospel” without embodying abundant life. In reality the prosperity gospel and people who are living the good life have been detracted from abundant life. The truth is one can enjoy abundant life without having the good life or the fulfillment promised by the prosperity gospel. Abundant life has nothing to do with the amount of “stuff”one has. It has everything to do with a personal life with Jesus Christ and the provision of eternal life He enables.
Living beyond the comma involves:
Enjoyment, not just existence.
Beyond the comma life is vastly bigger, braver, and nobler once we become adherent followers of Christ.
Relationship, not just reformation.
Life beyond the comma, which Christ called “abundant life,” means wrestling with powers and principalities and mastering them through the power of Jesus Christ. It isn’t a tame colorless round of trivialities.
Abundant life means to be full of moral energy that throws off temptation like a healthy body throws off disease germs. Life beyond the comma is —–
Fellowship, not just friendship.
This PLUS living is living with another. That one is Christ.
Psychologists say human beings have three desires: the longing to be accepted, approved, and appreciated.
We are created in the image of God, that is, His likeness. This means God likes to be accepted, approved, and appreciated. Provide Him such, and He will provide you the same.
Life beyond involves devotion, not just duty.
Duty may produce diligence, but devotion produces dynamism.
Life beyond the comma, that is, abundant life, is life beyond the cross.
A relationship with Christ is intended to produce people who are richly alive, ablaze with an inward fire which ignites real living. To live the abundant life seek first the kingdom of God, that is, it is found not in things, but obedience
The big thing about the abundant life is you gain things that eye has not seen and ear has not heard, which have not entered into the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him. (1 Cor. 2:9).
Preparation for Life Beyond the Stone
Job 7:16; 10:20; 13:15 & 16
Jesus wants to enable you to avoid the empty life syndrome. He wants to energize you and enable you to live the abundant life. That is, He wants to fill your life with purpose as only He can.
When the world wants to trash you, He wants to renew you.
Even if you feel as though you are walking down psychopath, in the shade of psychiatry, on your way to psycottage, He can revitalize you.
When life turns bitter and meaning is lost, Jesus ambitiously awaits you to offer guidance to a brighter future.
Do you have a high view of what it means to live?
In the Old Testament, the oldest book in the Bible, Job, chronicles the mental pilgrimage of a man who evaluated life at three stages. His life became a bundle of big burdens. He became a mere miserable shadow of his one-time greatness and opulence. Let’s look at those stages and see which represents you.
LIFE IS EMPTY (Job 7:16)
To his detractors who came to visit. Job cried out: “I loathe my life … let me alone.” Life became so bitter he became a classic manic depressive.
William James, the great psychologist and philosopher, wrote:
“Nothing we ever do is in the strict scientific literalness wiped out. Down among your nerve cells and fibers, the molecules are counting it, registering and scoring it up to be used against you when the next temptation comes. Could the young but realize how soon they will become walking bundles of habits. We are spinning our own fates, good or evil. We are imitators and copiers of our past selves.” Don’t try to live on sensual standard time and not expect a clock stoppage.
Often before we realize the value of time most of it has passed us. Years accelerate as they increase. Job said, “My days are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle…” He had come to realize time flies.
We lose perspective. To us today is always commonplace. It is yesterday that is beautiful. It is tomorrow when all things seem possible.
Scripture appeals to us to “Redeem the time.” (Ephesians 5:16)
LIFE IS ETERNAL (Job 13:15 & 16)
Job eventually got things in their proper perspective and concluded that life was eternal, therefore, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him…”
The following timely warning sounds morbid, but it is joyous if you know where you will spend eternity beyond the stone.
“Just think! some night the stars will gleam
Upon a cold, grey stone,
And trace a name with silver beam,
And lo! ‘twill be your own.”
The Night the Curtain Went Up 12/5/99
John 1:1 and 14
JESUS CHRIST is the play. The world is His stage. The drama of scene one occurred in Bethlehem. The purpose is to dramatically reveal the love of God for His universal audience. Simply stated the purpose of what we call Christmas was an expressive effort on behalf of God to demonstrate to you His great love for you. Within that love He offers the way of life, the potential of peace, the release from guilt, the strategy for stability, the hope of happiness and the means for managing your life constructively.
He put a window in the tiny dark dungeon of our ego in which we wallow, letting in light, providing a vista, and offered release from the slavery of our flesh and the fury of our self-will into what one who experienced it, the Apostle Paul, called “the glorious liberty of the children of God” (Romans 8:21).
If you suffer from servitude to the flesh and tyranny of self-will, I have good news for you.
To all lonely souls who seek a hand to hold, even if all others have been withdrawn, the birth of Christ is special – for you.
Parents make it a point to teach your children the true meaning of Christmas. If you don’t have a nativity in your home make such a priority. If you are a parent and get a lovely valuable one be sure to get another with which the children can play. Use the figures to teach the true Christmas story.
A little girl was helping her mother unpack the nativity set and set it up. As each piece was taken out the mother told who or what it was. The child in excitement reached into the box and pulled out Jesus in the little manger and exclaimed, “and here’s the baby Jesus in His car seat.”
Tell the story like it is!
To more fully understand who it is that loves you and how He wants to relate to you, note John 1:1 and 14.
In John 1, verses 2 through 13, form a parenthesis. Verses 1 and 14 tie together. Each is divided into three sections. Each links with another in the other verse.
John chose the Greek word, LOGOS, to help us understand Who was born in Bethlehem. LOGOS is translated “Word”. A word is an expression of ones self, a revelation made, it gives meaning.
This usage is better understood when it is remembered John’s opening passage closely parallels Genesis 1. Each new phase there begins with “and God said.” Each statement was a fuller revelation of God.
To understand the meaning of a word it helps to see how it was used and what it meant at the time of its usage.
Around the time the New Testament was written a philosopher named Philo used the word “Logos” to mean all that is known or knowable about God. Jesus is all that is known and knowable about God.
A word is a concept and an expression of that concept. As the Word Jesus was the very concept of God and by living among us He was the expression of that concept.
In the Orient there is a relatively small church with a high vaulted ceiling. The dimensions are such that to look up and see the magnificent art in the dome depicting the life of Christ one has to strain the neck and look almost straight up. To make it easier for viewers a large circular mirror has been placed on the floor in the center of the rotunda. Visitors can simply walk up to the rail around the mirror and look down into it to see what is above.
That is what God did. We, even by straining, couldn’t see what He was truly like. Therefore, God sent His Son, that we might better see what He is like. In Him we see all that is known or knowable about God.
The use of LOGOS indicates Jesus was the outward revelation of God.
He was the God/man. It is as much of a miracle to see Jesus as God and man as it is to see Mary as virgin and mother.
As man alone, Jesus could not have saved us.
As God alone, He would not save us.
As the incarnate God/man He came to save us.
In Bethlehem God began to spell out the meaning of His nature and love using an alphabet we can understand…
In Him I see all that I should be.
In Him I see all that God is.
“In the beginning…” literally, “Before time began to begin…Jesus was.” We are told there will be a time when time shall be no more. Time was a part of creation.
The Word became flesh. He was in eternity spirit but in time became flesh. To visit the place of His birth in Bethlehem one can pause and realize “Here, right here, the Word became flesh.” That is, to sense God has been in the room. That is where help begins.
I have difficulty comprehending the great God of eternity but I can relate to Him as a baby who became a man who died for me.
She was five, sure of the facts, and recited them with slow solemnity convinced every word was revelation.
She said they were so poor they had only peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to eat and they went a long way from home without getting lost. The lady rode a donkey, the man walked, and the baby was inside the lady. They had to stay in a stable with an ox and an ass (hee-hee) but the Three Rich Men found them because a star lited the roof. Shepherds came and you could pet the sheep but not feed them. Then the baby was borned. And do you know who he was? Her quarter eyes inflated to silver dollars. The baby was God.
And she jumped in the air whirled round, dove into the sofa and buried her head under the cushion which is the only proper response to the Good News of the Incarnation.
There is a literal translation of this portion of Vs. 14 which states: “and came and pitched His tent among us…” or “He tabernacled among us.”
To understand this go again to the Old Testament. The tabernacle in the Old Testament is referred to as “the Tabernacle of witness”, that is, testimony: and “the tabernacle (tent) of the congregation,” that is, “the tabernacle (tent) of meeting.”
The first expression related to the place where God gave testimony. The second refers to the place where God and man met. Thus, Jesus is the place where God and man meet, where God gives testimony.
WITH translates a Greek word signifying equality. Literally, “the word was face to face with God,” or the Word was eye to eye with God, as thought they looked upon each other as equals.
In the Greek text “God” is in the emphatic position. Thus, it read “God and was the Word.” In English we would gain the same meaning by saying, “And the Word (Jesus) was God Himself.” WAS once again stresses His eternality. A legitimate question is posed by the statements: “The Word was with God, and the Word was God.” How could He be God and be with God. One, “with”, stresses His position. The other “was” emphasizing His character or essence.
He was God. His essence was God. That was His character. His very being was that of a divine nature.
He was “with” God the Father and God the Holy Spirit positionally.
Full of Grace and Truth.
Grace = gentleness, tenderness, pity, beauty.
Truth = having lips that could pronounce a blessing but also a “woe”. Truth has muscles when acting against tyranny, selfishness, all sin.
In appealing to you to make a public commitment to Christ I want to share with you something of the way He made Himself vulnerable in His commitment to you.
Christ’s coming to earth in infant form meant He was entrusting Himself to the response of two rural teenagers named Mary and Joseph.
That involved Joseph enduring the hot shame of his betrothed being ridiculed for being pregnant out of wedlock. The law required him to put her to death. Love compelled him to believe her story about an angel messenger and the infant being miraculously conceived by the Holy Spirit.
That involved Mary exposing herself to the ridicule and whisper campaigns regarding her changing anatomy. Knowing of her potential execution she faced the hostile crowd. She did so with confidence. The first thing she did was go visit her cousin Elizabeth who was married to the high priest. He was the very one who would command her execution. She was so committed and so confident of God’s protection she walked right into the jaws of potential death to tell her story.
At the time the angel announced to Mary that she was to give birth to the Messiah she sang praise to the Lord which is recorded in Scripture and called the Magnificat. What do you suppose she thought of her militant Magnificat when isolated and insulted in Nazareth? She believed in her soon to be born child so fully no price was to great to be committed to Him publicly.
Jesus submitted Himself to unimaginable ridicule. When the Son of God became a human being He played by the rules, the harsh rules. Folks in small towns like Nazareth did not treat kindly young boys who grew up with questionable parents. From His infancy and lasting all of His life He exposed Himself to ridicule, derision, sarcasm, and mocking in order to rescue us from sin.
Now won’t you, at whatever expense it might be to you, make public your commitment to Him?
There is a series of new books called “personalized books.” You can have yourself written into the story. The Christmas story is a personalized one. You actually make your own ending to the story depending upon your response to Christ. As nativities are often boxed and stored much of the year you can keep Him boxed in between Thanksgiving and New Year in His cradle forever. Or you can let the story develop to include His life, death, resurrection, and second coming. Include in this drama of life your response to Him as your personalized ending to the story.
A Lifelong Faith Walk
Psalms 27
Jesus wants to enable you to stretch yourself spiritually and expand the circumference of your faith.
On His earth walk He greatly admired faith. After a woman had exercised admirable faith, He said to her. . . .
“Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.” (Luke 7:50)
Genuine faith begins when a person finally acknowledges “I’m not God,” and happily acknowledges God is God, and submits to Him.
Such faith is assuring, insuring, and enduring.
Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, and faith looks up.
Faith helps us walk fearlessly, run confidently, and live victoriously.
Faith is the basis of life. Some people think it is a sign of weakness. It is rather an indication of strength. Thomas Edison said he never conducted an experiment that did not begin with faith.
Have you ever driven on one of America’s freeways in a major metropolitan area at peak driving time? You have faith.
Have you ever gone shopping when there is a mall-wide sale? You have faith.
Have your ever gone on a date, taken a mate, driven in the rain, flown on a plane, bought or sold an item on credit? You have faith.
Have you ever eaten in a fast-food outlet where you don’t even know the cook, see its preparation, or know its source? You have faith.
Have you ever gone to a doctor you didn’t know, been given a prescription you couldn’t read, taken it to a pharmacist you couldn’t see, and taken the medicine provided? You have faith.
Faith has many sophisticated definitions. However, faith is merely confidence in God’s character. Write it down, that’s a good one.
In our uncertain times stabilizing faith is needed. An uncertain economy and political instability coupled with all your personal challenges makes a strong faith all the more important.
Faith gives us the courage to face the present with confidence, and the future with expectancy.
All productive faith is based on the foundational faith in Jesus Christ as personal Savior. It is simply believing He will keep His word and forgive you if you ask Him to, and commit yourself to Him as your Master. Thus begins your faith walk toward Calvary. It is a confident and joyous journey with peaks and valleys through which He will guide you. Have faith in His character and venture.
A Balanced Life
“And Jesus increased in wisdom, and stature, and in favor with God and men.” Luke 2:52
In Philippians 2, we learn that when Jesus Christ came in the flesh, He emptied himself of some of what it means to be God. He did not ever become less than God. He was always fully God. But when He came in the flesh, He wanted to fully understand what it was like to be human, and so He had to give up certain aspects that would interfere with being human. He used His ability to perform miracles and help others, but He never used His God nature for Himself.
There are very few theological ideas which have been discussed and debated more, and yet are still misunderstood. Just know that whether we understand it or not, Jesus did grow up just as we do. He developed just as we do. He experienced life just as we do.
Intellectually – the child grew in “wisdom.”
Jesus grew, according to verse Luke 2:40, in wisdom. He was filled with wisdom, it says. You know, wisdom is different from knowledge. Wisdom is applied knowledge. But before you can acquire wisdom, you must have knowledge. So as Jesus developed in His wisdom, He also developed in His knowledge.
85% of a child’s character is developed in the first 5 years of life – no better way to start them out than with the Bible.
Physically – the child grew in “stature”
There are very few theological ideas which have been discussed and debated more, and yet are still misunderstood. Just know that whether we understand it or not, Jesus did grow up just as we do. He developed just as we do. He experienced life just as we do. Yet in it all, He was without sin.
Spiritually – the child grew in “favor with God”
Jesus, although He was the Son of God, was also human, and so He had to learn the Bible, and learn theology, and learn obedience just like we do. Jesus was fully human, just like we are, and a big part of being human is theology.
Aspire to live a Spirit filled life. Seek God’s favor in all you do.
Socially – the child grew in “favor with men”
Etiquette is more than fussy rules laid down by stuffy people; etiquette is the oil that lubricates society and reduces the friction of interpersonal relationships. This is a critical part of growing up. Jesus knew how to conduct Himself in various social settings.
Now to measure how balanced your growth is, envision a square: the top side is spiritually, the right side is physically, the bottom is socially, the left side is intellectually. Are all four sides equal or is your development out of balance? Beginning now, ask the Lord to help you live a balanced life. Devote proportionate time to developing each. Evaluate yourself often in order to make adjustments. Square up.