
There are three destructive schools of thought prominent in our culture, This addresses the first: relativism, tolerance, and subjectivism. They will be addressed in three sequential Posts. First, relativism.

In the late 1960’s a book emerged entitled Situation Ethics. The thesis is that the situation determines what is right and what is wrong. There are no absolutes. Thus, what is right for one person at a given time and under a specific circumstance might not be right for others. 

Push that out of the envelope and consider what it does to our legal system. It would also dramatically impact education. 

In chemistry there are absolutes. One atom of oxygen and two atoms of hydrogen always produces H2O, water. That’s an absolute. Think what it would be like in a chemistry lab if there were no absolutes. 

There are absolutes in math. Try to convince a math teacher that your answer is different and right from the rest of the class because you did yours at 6:00 AM on Tuesday and the rest of the class did theirs at 8:00 PM on Monday. 

In the matter of morals and ethics there must be absolutes. One reason certain groups have worked to have the Ten Commandments taken from public view is they are absolutes. In ruling to remove them from certain public places the court even said they must be removed lest persons looking upon them might come to believe in them as absolutes.

Parents need to be sure they don’t subtly teach children right or wrong is a matter of personal choice. This is done by a parent giving instruction to a child followed by “O.K.” Such as, “Junior, don’t do that, O.K.?” or, “Sissy, pick up your toys, O.K.?” If the child is being given instruction it should be made clear and not optional, “O.K.?”

The opposite of relativism is absolutism. Absolutism claims that morality relies on universal principles (natural law, conscience). Christian absolutists believe that God is the ultimate source of our common morality, and that it is, therefore, as unchanging as He. Absolutism builds confidence within society. It is a safety zone. Adherents can feel confident knowing what the rules are. An athletic team dare not engage in competition without knowing the absolute rules. They can feel confident by playing within the rules. In life as in sports there are penalties for violating the absolute.

Isaiah evidently faced relativism in his day and wrote “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5: 20)

Have you established your core beliefs? That is, have you set your own personal moral and ethical standards based on God’s Word and said these are they. 

According to tradition, Martin Luther is said to have said, “Here I stand, I can do no other,” before concluding with “God help me.”

Go On Worry, Prove It Doesn’t Work – Part Four

We all go through tough hard times, and we’re subjected to pain and suffering in our lives. Such is no time to just whistle in the dark. It takes faith, industrial strength faith, to deal with it. It can be so easy to just give in to feelings of worry and negativity. What’s going to happen next?

For a Christian, however, there is hope in a Savior that cares for us.  He gives us strength in hard times, and he wants us to look to Him in prayer when our circumstances start to overwhelm us.

Jesus stands ready to aid His followers in overcoming worry, and it’s big brother anxiety. The touchstone was identified for us:

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7).

Worry is the only sin about which we brag. “I worried so I couldn’t sleep.” Or, “I was so worried I couldn’t eat..”

Worry is like a soft bed, it is easy to get into and hard to get out of. 

Once a positive or negative pattern of thought is established, and this is often done early in life, it becomes instinctive to maintain it.

Worry can be learned from an example. The child of a parent who perpetually worries tends to develop into a person who worries.  Worry isn’t a disease, but it can contribute to developing a disease or physical disorder. Like a disease it is contagious. Some medical authorities say it is more contagious than diphtheria. It can come from fears of being inferior, poverty, or poor health.

Some people worry so, they know that if it weren’t for bad luck they wouldn’t have any luck at all. They are convinced that if they found a magic lantern they would have the luck of the fellow who did find such a lantern and was promised by the genie a midas touch. Sure enough, everything he touched turned to a muffler.

Worry is like a strong acid perpetually running on a soft surface in which it eventually cuts a channel. Unless worry is checked, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained. The channel consists of three contributories. 

First, past events we long to live over.

The second is an uncertain future regarding which we have no confidence.

The third is the present which is paralyzed by absorption with our past and apprehension related to our future. Therefore – – – 

“Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” (Matthew 6:34)

“Commit your works to the Lord and your thoughts will be established….” (Proverbs 16:3)

Go On Worry, Prove It Doesn’t Work – Part Three

Jesus told us how to get out of a worry rut. How to win over worry. He offers three antidotes.

Work is number one. 

This is great therapy. Jesus appealed to His listeners to “Look at the birds of the air….” (Vs. 26) If He watches out for the sparrow, doesn’t it make sense that He will watch out for you? Observe that little sparrow over which He is watching. He allows the sparrow to scratch. We, too, must develop a good work ethic. Cultivate good work habits. Get up early and get going with enthusiasm. Be refreshed by experiencing a new day Dawning. Let your mind be bathed in the joy of a new day’s birth.

God spends more on bird food each year than our national debt. If He is going to provide for the world’s bird population, which is estimated to be over 100 billion, He is going to take care of you. 

“Consider the lilies…” (Vs. 28) Christ takes care of them. They are in harmony with their environment. Put aside the idea you are Atlas, and therefore responsible for carrying the world on your back. 

Resign as Vice President in charge of the world’s affairs. Commit yourself and your work to Christ. Master the plan of developing the proper attitude. Who talked you into not liking your work? You did.

Plan your work and work your plan. That is far better and much more productive than worrying.

Worship is number two.   “Seek first the kingdom of God…”

Don’t even consider the kingdom of God if you don’t intend to seek it first. Where there is a kingdom there is a king. Don’t dare contemplate the kingdom unless you intend to make Christ’s rule the priority in your life.

“O worship the King all glorious above, and gratefully sing of His wonderful love.”

Food and clothes are important, but pale in importance when compared to the vitality of Christ as Master in your life. When He is, you are so secure you can live without labels. You can be confident and survive without brand names. Your composure and serenity comes from what is within, not what from what is on you.

Wait is the third.   “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow…”

Worry is projected negative thoughts into the future. It is pulling yesterday’s clouds over tomorrow’s sun. What then are we to do?

“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you: because he trusts in you.” (Isaiah 26:3)

“Casting all your care on Him, for He cares for you” (I Peter 5:7)

What’s Your Game Plan? 6/6/99

Philippians 3:12-14

Jesus Christ constantly looked for the teachable moment. That is, He seized the moment and used it to dramatize a spiritual truth. He used the language of the people and incorporated events with which they were familiar to imprint His point on their reasoning.

Throughout Scripture this same principle is used. Many of the metaphors were agricultural. Today our urban society doesn’t often use those terms. Contemporary speakers employ the language of today to communicate ancient truths.

This is done in Philippians 3 where there is a personal spiritual biography given. Three figures of speech are used.
PAST is represented by “the accountant” (vss. 1-11),
PRESENT is illustrated by “the athlete” (vss. 12-16),
FUTURE is depicted by “the alien” (vss. 17-21).

In Philippians, Paul uses four vivid illustrations:
MILITARY “whole armor”
ARCHITECTURE “temple of God”
AGRICULTURE “sow…reap” now, the

Most conscientious Christians will admit:
(1) Past failure, that is, they have not reached the goal God has set for them,
(2) Dissatisfaction to remain at their present spiritual level. Those who feel they have arrived – cease growing.

Paul had achieved much, traveled extensively, had significant accomplishments BUT was on no ego trip. He had not attained. This was an explosive disclaimer. There is always room for growth and improvement.

“Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall” (I Cor. 10:12).

There are many examples of the better team losing to a team not as good as a result of overconfidence. Our Lord wants us to be confident but not overconfident.

To strut is sweet but it can lead to defeat.

When an athlete becomes overconfident and starts slacking off in practice, neglecting personal discipline, losing mental sharpness, or not giving attention to little details he or she is setting up self for a let down.

When a Christian becomes overconfident because of a significant spiritual accomplishment and neglects regimented Bible reading, consistent prayer time, and becomes egocentric spiritual defeat is imminent.

That is true athletically and spiritually. Live up to your potential by living as unto the Lord.

This balanced spiritual equilibrium is noted:
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).

The “I” indicates personal responsibility for doing ones best. The “through Christ” means Christ is the power that motivates and enables the achievement.

Paul was satisfied with Christ (vs. 10), but not himself. He did not compare himself with others BUT with Christ.

Though imperfect, Paul was enthusiastically in pursuit.

“I PRESS ON” (NKJ), “FOLLOW AFTER” (AKJ) = TO PURSUE, a term used for sports competition.

“Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air” (I Corinthians 9:26).

The finish line is perfection. This is not a sprint, a quick burst of brisk energy. It is a marathon. “Run with patience” (Hebrews 12:1).

May I remind you that the author of a book entitled “Finishing Strong” offers this studied conclusion. Of those who start out strong in the Christian experience only one out of ten finishes strong at the age of retirement. Commit yourself to being that one.

“That I may apprehend that for which I am apprehended.” There was purpose in this pursuit. He wanted to live out his purpose. APPREHEND = “to seize and take possession of.”

We use the word “apprehended” to speak of law enforcement officials catching a person. Christ literally arrests us in salvation.

In another state in another day law enforcement officials put out an all points bulletin showing the three dimensions of a wanted person. It showed a left and right profile and a straight ahead likeness.

Soon they got a reply from a Barney Fife type law enforcement official in another state reading: “We caught the one on the left and the one on the right and have a good lead on the one in the middle.”

Christ knows your I.D. and in love He wants to apprehend you for your good.

The verb tense speaks of a specific time in which this happened. The moment of transformation in the life of Paul occurred on the road to Damascus when he encountered Christ. He left Jerusalem as emissary of the high priest. He entered Damascus a servant of the Lord Jesus.

Christ wants to “lay hold on” you not just to forgive you, but to give you a new character, a new nature.

God used certain things to apprehend Paul. Paul was appointed by the Sanhedrin to investigate the resurrection. He concluded, “If Christ is not risen, our faith is in vain.” He heard those he sought to intimidate say, “We ought to obey God rather than man.” He watched as Stephen was stoned in triumph. The final factor was when Ananias, one of those he was hunting, put his hand on his shoulder and called him “Brother.”

Paul wanted to “lay hold on” that for which he was “laid hold of.” What was it? He had just noted it in verse 10.

“That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death” (Philippians 3:10).

ONE THING possessed Paul. He avoided all diversion. During the exciting Olympic competition athlete after athlete has been heard to say, “I have to stay focused.” Undivided and undiverted attention to the task at hand is essential for victory.

At Jesus’ feet Martha criticized Mary. Of her He said, “One thing is needful” (Luke 10:42).

Nehemiah, the wall-building governor, replied to distracting invitations, “I am doing a great work so that I cannot come down!” (Nehemiah 6:3).

“A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways” (James 1:8).

“One thing” is the inspiring unspoken theme running through every achieving life. We are not to limp between two opinions. We must learn to say both “yes” and “no.” Yes, to the things of Christ and no to the things of the world. Concentration is essential.

Jim Egan worked at the West Coast Computer Fair in 1977. His job was to help displayers by providing booths and decorations.

Egan was approached by a couple of long-haired kids who wanted some chrome displays to make their booth “look flashy.” These guys were evidently under capitalized entrepreneurs. Egan offered to rent them what they wanted. They explained they were low on cash but offered him stock in their new company of which he had never heard. Having such brash young men come and go Egan said he would accept only hard cash. So Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs kept their stock in their small company they called Apple Computer. Presumably, Jim Egan is still decorating booths for hard cash only.

Apple Computer was successful because they did one thing and did it well. They have faltered in the market because they drifted from that single mindedness.

Another true story from the business world illustrates how essential it is to have a single minded purpose. Domino’s Pizza was founded by Thomas S. Monaghan who owned 97% of the stock. He borrowed $900 on which to start. The company grew so fast that in one year alone, 1985, it opened 900 stores. Suddenly Tom became a multi-millionaire. He bought the Detroit Tigers, he purchased airplanes and about 200 cars. He bought a north woods lodge located on 3,000 acres that was worth over $30,000,000.

He was so busy chasing multiple visions he failed to notice one thing. The business was slipping and Pizza Hut and Little Caesar’s were growing. His sales dropped and stores had to close. He said, “I’d taken my eye off the ball.”

After reading C.S. Lewis’ book Mere Christianity he came to realize he was full of false pride. God got his attention. He said he then began to focus on God, his family, and Domino’s. He once again prioritized his life. Once again the business prospered and profits rose to $3 million a month. He said, “I feel good about having gotten the distractions out of my system…”

If you get them out of your system and focus on Christ you too will feel good about life.

One thing should motivate us above all else. As one who delights to travel in the Bible Land I try to be observant. Shepherds and their dogs can teach us much. As Christians we should be like sheep dogs. When a shepherd is in the process of giving a command the dog lies down at the shepherd’s feet and looks intently into the shepherd’s eyes. The dog listens without moving until the command is given. When the dog knows the mind of the master he jumps to his feet to carry out the command. There is another characteristic of the sheep dog. He never stops wagging his tail at any moment. He delights to hear and do his master’s will. So must we.

FORGETTING THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE BEHIND. A runner who leads in a race must concentrate on what is before NOT the competitors and distance behind. Paul had balance. He remembered the good (Philippians 1:3) and put behind him that which would hinder. “The load of tomorrow added to that of yesterday, and carried today, makes the strongest falter.”

A distance runner never considers the laps run, only what is ahead. That must be our preoccupation. Keep focused on what is yet to be done and do it.

In overcoming the hurdles in our lives we need to consider Olympic hurdlers. They do not allow themselves a split second to think of a hurdle they just knocked over, they focus on the next one to jump. We must divert our attention from past failures and direct it to the next challenge. The past one can motivate us in our approach of the next, but it must not retain our attention.

He had been cleared by the courts of heaven and though he didn’t forget the lessons learned, he did not dwell on the past. We break the power of the past by living in the present for the good of the future.


Time flows from the FUTURE to the PRESENT and into the PAST. LAY ASIDE EVERY WEIGHT.

We need to keep before us at all times a standard, an objective, a goal. The motto of the Olympic Games is: CITIUS, ALTIUS, FORTIUS, meaning “swifter, higher, stronger.”

Spiritually applied that is what it means to “press.” There is a drive to excel.

I PRESS, same verb translated “I follow” in verse 12. Intent endeavor. Two dangers:
(1) “I must do it all” (activist) and
(2) “God must do it all” (quietest). Some stay so involved “dying to self” they never “exercise thyself rather unto godliness” (I Timothy 4:7, 8). It is the individual who must “strive…reach forth…press.”

It would be absurd for a quarterback to say, “OK, fellows let’s let the coach do it all.” Equally absurd, “Listen to me and forget what the coach says.” Both are wrong. “Without me, you can do nothing” (John 15:5). The believer does but with Christ’s enabling grace.

MARK = goal on which to set ones attention.

What is the “prize” that motivates you. We are at our best when there is a goal to be reached and a reward to be received. Olympic competitors have inspired us by their stories of self- sacrifice and discipline in order to “Go for the gold.” The gold is performance enhancement at its best.

When our goal is to please Christ and conform to His image we are motivated thereby.

Don’t be like the character in “Pilgrim’s Progress” that could look no way but downward with a muckrake in his hand.

AN APPEAL (Vss. 15, 16). Some day you will stand before the “judgement seat” (BEMA). The same term used for where the Olympic judges gave out prizes.

“But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you show contempt for your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. For it is written: ‘As I live, says the LORD, Every knee shall bow to Me, And every tongue shall confess to God.’ So then each of us shall give account of himself to God” (Romans 14: 10 – 12).

BE PERFECT. In verse 12 the verb is in the perfect tense, but here a noun. In verse 12 he had said he wasn’t “perfect.” Now he refers to “as many as are perfect.” In verse 15 he is not speaking of absolute perfection but relative perfection.

A peach tree illustrates the relativity of the word. In April peaches are green but for that state, perfect. In June they must have matured to another state for perfection. “Become like Christ” is a life-long process.

One problem is we set standards too low for us. Looking at our old self we see we are better than we were and exercise pride. We look at many of those around us and get a superiority complex.

For this reason it is good to stay around mature believers. They challenge us by their example. However, the ever present example is the Lord Jesus Christ. Keep your eyes on Him. Spend your life getting to “know” Him better and more intimately.

The expression “follow after” means this is a continual process. It should be our life long pursuit. Throughout life we must “press forward.” The reality we are to press on indicates the Christian life is not a passive life.

Do you have a sense of personal discontent? That is, are you satisfied with your state of spiritual maturity or are you ambitious to grow spiritually?

How to Defuse Your Frustration 5/16/99

Luke 21:25-28

JESUS CHRIST spoke of a time when there would be “distress among nations, with perplexity…” and of “men’s hearts failing them.”

This summarily speaks of a time of great frustration. Nationally and internationally that potential is becoming increasingly clear. Perhaps you personally are facing a time of frustration.

Certainly it appears a broad segment of our nation is experiencing an epidemic of frustration. You know frustration.

Frustration is an emotion fathered by anger. It causes our blood pressure to rise, our breathing to accelerate, the pitch and volume of our voice to heighten.

Frustration results from us reacting against seemingly impossible circumstances.

One country comic said, “It makes me so mad I could eat a goatburger!” That’s frustration.

Frustration is the fruit of our failure to succeed and achieve. It is the outgrowth of our inability to reach a goal. It occurs when our hopes fade and our dreams die.

Frustration is a Ulysses on his odyssey coming to a rain- swollen river which he must cross and, finding it flooded, wades out into it waist-deep and beats it with a chain. Such frustrated response does no good. How many times have you found your stream flooded at the wrong time and flogged it with a chain?

Frustration is a little boy who has beaten on a locked door until exhausted and finally sits down and cries. Have you been there? Sure, all of us have been.

When that which promises to be exhilarating proves to be exasperating, we end up frustrated.

Webster defines frustration as “a deep chronic sense of insecurity arising from unresolved problems.”

You know that from your own experience. It is when you want something or want to do something real badly and things happen that just step in your way and shout “NOT.”

You have seen it, or perhaps you have been the one seen, whose plans are frustrated and you go ballistic.

Youth experience it when they get all “jacked up” and life kicks out the jack, causing a big letdown.

Frustration is a Moses coming to a much-needed spring of water and finding it dry, starts beating on the rock with his rod.

It is a John who gets fed up with the opposition and asks Jesus to call down fire from heaven on them.

Do you ever feel as frustrated as the fellow who bought a new boomerang and had trouble throwing the old one away?

At times you can feel it building. Resources aren’t available or have run out, time to act is elapsing, people to help have abandoned and the pressure rises until finally “melt-down.”

It is you senselessly honking your horn in a traffic jam.

It is our response to a comedy of confusing circumstances that keep us from being punctual at an appointment.

It’s kicking carpet when things just won’t go right.

It’s our reaction to the toaster which burns our toast and smokes up the house when we are in a hurry to get going.

It’s the burning of Los Angeles when a jury reaches a verdict that from the public view seems to be wrong.

In general there are two types of frustrations.

There are episode frustrations which are temporary problems, such as missing an important phone call, trying to get a knot out of a shoestring while friends call you a klutz or worse, or being unable to solve a computer glitch.

An episode of frustration is you slamming the refrigerator door because your favorite snack isn’t there.

It’s you kicking the cat or dog because someone chewed you out when you didn’t deserve it.

There are process frustrations which occur when a person continuously feels blocked in an area of life. Process frustrations build up and cause major problems.

It is you and circumstances standing face to face with life shouting “no way” and you responding “yes way” and circumstances won’t yield.

A few years ago psychologist William Knaus wrote a book entitled “How to Conquer Your Frustrations.” Some of his observations are worthy of noting. He said:

1. Frustrations exist when our wants, wishes, and desires get thwarted or interrupted. The feeling results from disparities between what we want and what we find available. For example, when our level of aspiration exceeds our level of achievement, we will likely experience frustration.

2. Frustrations can range from imperceptible to powerful.

3. Frustration starts from a feeling of discomfort.

4. We cause our frustrations because of what and how we think about our frustrations.

5. Strong frustrations result in mixed emotional states that have a disorganizing effect on memory and behavior.

6. Depending on how we interpret our feelings of frustration, they can stimulate positive change, aggression, regression, complacency, or compulsive behavior.

This last one means you choose how you will respond to your frustrations. Options are available to you. You are not a slave to your heredity or environment. You have willpower. You are responsible.

Therefore, from a Biblical perspective, let’s consider how to deal with our frustrations. First consider some DON’TS.


In their time of frustration many people try to find someone or something to blame in order to justify themselves. “They made me do it,” is a cover-all for all sorts of inexcusable attitudes and actions.

Remember, Dr. Knaus said, “We cause our frustrations because of what and how we think…”

Solomon wisely wrote: “As a man thinks in his heart so is he” (Proverbs 23:7). If an individual or a group gets to thinking they have been wronged and have the right to destructively retaliate, violence results.

Few people are willing to take responsibility for their own actions. One of the most extreme possibilities I have heard of in this matter relates to a report that peanut butter allegedly increases one’s sex drive. Can’t you just hear some rapist pleading innocent in a court of law declaring: “I am innocent, Jiffy made me do it.”

READ: MARK 7:20 – 23.

“…each of us shall give an account of himself to God” (Romans 14:12).

Never do wrong in order to get a chance to do right.

“Do not evil that good may come.”

“See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourself and for all” (I Thes. 5:15).

John the Baptist was God’s oracle who said, “Do violence to no man” (Luke 3:14).

Proverbs 16:32 reminds us: “He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, And he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.”

Psalms 11:5, “The Lord tests the righteous, But the wicked and the one who loves violence His soul hates.”

Violence may hurt others but it doesn’t help you.

Don’t get “ballistic” over your frustrations.

Plato said, “The good man will suffer evil rather than do evil.”

Romans 12:17-19 is a case study in how to respond without a vengeful spirit.

1. Live Honestly. “Repay no one evil for evil” (Vs. 17). The great Booker T. Washington said, “I will not allow any man to make me lower myself by hating him.”

2. Live Harmoniously. “If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men” (Vs. 18). Do all you can, without compromising your convictions, to achieve peace and harmony.

3. Live Humbly. “Do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath … Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord” (Vs. 19).

“Do not avenge yourselves” means don’t take the law in your own hands.

Don’t retaliate in like manner. If vengeance is God’s business, get out of His way and let Him to His work. He doesn’t need your help.

“Give place to wrath” is better understood as translated in the Goodspeed version: “leave room for God’s anger.” That is, get out of God’s way and let Him work. Don’t get so involved that God’s anger boils over on you also.


Realizing we have frustrations we must learn how to deal with them.

Earlier, psychologist Dr. William Knaus was quoted as saying frustration can “stimulate positive change.” Resolve to let it do so. Work for positive change.

“The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in the time of trouble” (Psalms 9:9).

To the oppressed, refuge is offered. There are many oppressed in our land. You are on occasion oppressed by circumstances or people. All of us are.

We are a generation that has been taught to demand its rights. No race of any generation has been so committed to demanding rights. Because of the popularity of this mentality, I know I make myself vulnerable to criticism for espousing a contrary concept. Let the Scripture speak for itself.

“Let each esteem others better than themselves” (Phil. 2:3).

“In honor preferring one another” (Romans 12:10).

Can you imagine Christ demanding His rights. “Here Peter, you take this towel and bowl and wash my feet. That’s your job – not mine.”

“Cast your burden on the Lord and He shall sustain you” (Psalms 55:22).

You can express frustrations to the Lord. He cares for you.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the brilliant Russian literary genius, was imprisoned in a horrible Siberian camp because of his religious and political views.

Consider the emotional, cultural, financial, or educational prison in which you might presently be. He had no contact with the outside world and was subjected to strenuous work under adverse conditions.

His frustration drove him to consider suicide, but his faith would not allow it.

Earlier I quoted Dr. Knaus as saying frustration could have a “disorganizing effect on memory and behavior.” In that frustrated state Solzhenitsyn contrived a plan. “I will run in an attempt to escape. They will shoot me, but it will not be suicide.”

Frustration had driven him to the brink of self-destruction.

Just as he was about to spring up and run, another prisoner whom he had not seen before came and stood in front of him. Of this one Solzhenitsyn said, “He looked into my eyes as though he could read my thoughts.”

These prisoners were not even allowed to speak, so no words of encouragement were forthcoming. Then, with a stick, as though doodling, the unknown old prisoner drew a cross in the dirt and walked away.

Solzhenitsyn said, “I knew he was a messenger from God and that what I was doing was wrong. I settled down to trust God.”

It was a moment of unqualified trust. Little did he know at the moment that the impossible was about to happen. Within a few days he was a free man in Switzerland, having been miraculously released unexpectedly.

By not waiting on the Lord you may be about to prevent Him from doing a great and mighty work in your life.

“Wait on the Lord, run not before Him.”