Follow the Leader
While on a road trip with my collegiate basketball team we went to an afternoon movie entitled “Viva Zapata.” This is not an endorsement of the cause of their revolution. It is an extraction of a line from the deathbed scene of the dad of Zapata. Amid the brewing turmoil the dad said to the son, “Trouble is coming, find a leader. If you can’t find a leader, be a leader.” Unable to find a leader, the son became the leader of the successful revolution.
With potential storm clouds brewing on our national horizon that line has a place today. Be a leader.
Believers have found a leader in Jesus Christ and the final score of the contest in which He is leading is known by His followers, “We win.”
However, there is a lot to be played out in the contest. There are times, “teammates,”we will inevitably get behind. It is then our individual role becomes most important. Don’t let your head hang down. Don’t sit on the bench, get in the game.
Talk to the coach often. It is called prayer. We are told to pray without ceasing. An understanding of what that means is seen in the navigator of an airplane. He does not speak constantly, but he keeps the communication channel open knowing he can speak at any time. Keep your prayer channel open so you can check in at any moment. You will find the following communications coming in at all times:
“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” (Matthew 6:34)
“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10)
Be well versed on the play book. For our contest, that is the Bible. At difficult times in the game immediate access to game strategy is needed instantly. There isn’t time to look up the strategy, immediate recall is needed. Therefore, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (II Timothy 2:15)
Be ready to apply the Divine game plan.
Don’t expect the contest to be easy. Coach Jesus said, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
Be a spirited competitor, talk it up, express your enthusiasm for the cause.
Don’t let the opponent fake you and get you off your game as in the days of Isaiah.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20)
Don’t whine or show a defeatist’s attitude. You are in it to win it. Got it? Good.
These are essential elements to play your best: talk to the coach often, read, rather study, the play book, expect the competition to be difficult, express your belief, and don’t get off your game.
Having found a leader, the Leader, be a leader for Him. You were born to be an overcomer.
Christ’s Ultimate Upper 3/7/99
John 14:1-7
Page 1578 Come Alive Bible
Jesus Christ gathered for the last time with His disciples. He was about to finish His earth-walk and return triumphant to the Father. This meant the disciples’ world was about to unsuspectingly go into eclipse at mid-day. Their world is about to fall apart. Their hearts were a medley of emotions. They had feelings like us. They were sad because of the gloomy prospect of Christ going away; ashamed because of their demonstrated selfishness; perplexed because one of them was predicted to betray Christ.
In Chapters 14 through 17 of John we are allowed to look into the very soul of Christ.
He spoke, “Let not your heart be troubled…” (Vs. 1). This statement has become the pillow on which many broken hearts have found comfort. The expression meant “Stop letting your hearts be troubled!” Literally, “Let not your hearts any longer be troubled…” How?
Christ compounded an antidote for their trouble; believe in the Father and Me.
Both words “believe” in the Greek text are the same, PISTEUET. They can either be a statement of fact or a command. The first is a statement of fact, the latter a command. No matter what was to happen in the next three days, they were to believe in Him.
Christ has always honestly told His followers of both the GLORY and the PAIN involved in following Him. Every believer should realize you should not expect to eat the honey, unless you are willing to take the stings. Anticipating the honey of earthly victory, they are about to receive temporal stings.
Jesus Christ’s time of sharing in the Upper Room had repetitiously been interrupted by Peter. He, at first, refused to let his feet be washed and then asked to be completely bathed. He had inquired as to who would betray Christ. His pendulum personality had swung so often he had virtually worn out his mood-ring. Then (13:36) he asked, “Lord, where are you going?” In answering Peter’s question, Christ reveals that:
A. He Is Reliable. Trust in God the Father gives confidence in Christ, God the Son. Jesus asked, “Will you also go away?” The disciples responded, “Lord, where else is there to go?” Christ’s statement is actually a double plural imperative: “Have faith in God, and in me have faith.” Prophecy reveals Him to be reliable. The chances of an Old Testament prophet writing eight prophecies and having them come true in one person is one to the seventeenth power; that is, 1000 quadrillion. That many silver dollars spread over the face of the land mass of Texas would cover it two feet deep. If one dollar in that mass were marked and a person blind-folded and asked to pick out that one, he would have a better chance than for eight prophecies to be fulfilled in one life. There are 332 prophecies related to Christ that have been fulfilled. That is a mathematical impossibility.
Faith is merely confidence in God’s character. The origin of trouble in every life is failure to have faith in God. Adam and Eve are Exhibit A.
Without faith life is like the disciples’ night on the Sea of Galilee; night-bound and storm-tossed.
There is an oft-seen poster which reads: “All that I have seen of my Creator teaches me to trust Him for all I have not seen.” This indicates that faith is submission of your reason to all He has revealed. Faith does not ignore facts; it introduces facts, the facts of revelation.
Faith is a daily practice in every life. For example, you go to a doctor you do not know, whose degree you cannot verify. He gives you a prescription you can’t read. You take it to a pharmacist you have never seen. He gives you a chemical compound you do not understand. You then take the medicine according to instructions. That’s faith.
The object of faith is more important than the amount of faith. You might have great faith that a well-known general of the army who is a friend of yours can fly you across the Pacific even though he has never flown a plane. You would likely end up drowned in spite of your faith. The problem would be the object of your faith is unreliable in this given area. By contrast you may have little or no faith in an unknown 2l year old with 5,000 hours flying time. Yet, he would be able to get the job done because he is a reliable object of faith.
You have faith. How reliable is the object of your faith?
Is there an area of your life in which Christ is not trusted with complete control? Is He dormant in your life while wanting to be dominant? Do you want Him to be only your Savior Lord while He wants to be your Sovereign Lord; the one in absolute control?
B. He is Responsible. “I go (before) you to prepare a place for you…” PRODOMOS, meaning forerunner, is the word used to describe Him going before us. This is comparable to a pilot ship that goes before to guide another vessel to a safe harbor. Jesus is our PRODROMOS (Heb. 6:30). He went before us to prepare a place for us. Having provided the ultimate, heaven, surely He will provide all else. Heaven is a place prepared for prepared people. He never takes us to an unprepared place on earth or in heaven.
Heaven is no poets dream; it is a reality. Christ said, “If it were not so, I would have told you” (Vs.2). He is too wise to be mistaken. He is too truthful to misrepresent. He is too kind to deceive. It is the “Father’s house.” Here all hearts are focused on the Father as the head of the Family. It is harmonious.
C. He is Returning. This is present tense meaning He is coming again to take them to Himself in time for eternity.
Ultimately one of two destinations inevitably await us. There are only two choices: heaven and hell. The choice is ours.
On a lighter vein the story is told that God decided He had it with earth and was going to end things. He called Boris Yeltsin, Bill Clinton, and Bill Gates to heaven. He told them He was going to destroy the earth the next day and he wanted the three smartest people to spread the word.
Yeltsin returned to Russia and called a cabinet meeting. He announced he had good news and bad news. The good news is, God does exist. The bad news is, He is going to destroy the world tomorrow.
Clinton returned to America and called an emergency meeting of Congress. He said, “I have bad news for some of us, and terrible news for all of us. The bad news is, God is real and He does exist. The terrible news is, He is going to destroy the world tomorrow.
Bill Gates happily returned to Microsoft and said, “I have some fantastic news! First of all, I am one of the three most important men on Earth, and secondly, the Y–2-K problem has been solved.”
Heaven has many abiding places, “many mansions” MONAI, (Vs. 2). There is plenty of room. The best thing that can be said about heaven is that Christ spoke of it as “where I am” (Vs. 3). That is what makes heaven.
Dr. Kubler-Ross, Swiss-born psychiatrist, says, “Beyond the shadow of any doubt, there is life after what we call death.”
Jesus didn’t tell us all there is to know about heaven for a very good reason. We would be like a child sitting at one end of a table with a large bowl of spinach before him. At the other end of the table is his favorite cake. With that cake in sight, the spinach isn’t very appealing. If we know all there is to know of heaven, our present equivalent of spinach would not be very appealing.
It is imperative that we be prepared and assured our ultimate destination is the right one. Proper preparedness involves forgiveness: our forgiveness of others and God’s forgiveness of us.
Are you willing to forgive others? A little boy and his little sister ended their day long argument and quarrel angry with each other. About 2:00 AM the household was awakened by a terrific thunderstorm. The parents heard an unusual noise in the area of their bedrooms. The parent called out to find out what was going on. A little voice answered, “We’re in the closet forgiving each other.”
Is there someone with whom you need to spend a bit of time in the closet.
Second, have you sought God’s forgiveness and requested the gift of eternal life? If not do it now.
Christ makes a categorical statement to all the disciples which raised another question, this time in the mind of Thomas.
A. He Is The Way. “Teach me Your way, O Lord” (Ps. 27:11). Jesus’ death opened the way (Hebrews 10:20). The way is not a PROCESS but a PERSON.
“I” is emphatic, meaning, “I and no other always am the only way.” He wanted to make this perfectly clear. There is one way.
The first time the Romans assaulted the Saxons at Dover, they were defeated. The next time they landed and unloaded their provisions, set their ships on fire, and pushed them out to sea. The watching Saxons, seeing their determination, fled in defeat. With such determination, we must follow Him.
B. He Is The Truth. “Teach me Your way; I will walk in thy truths” (Ps. 86:11). He is truth personified.
C. He Is The Life. “He who keeps instruction is in the way of life…” (Prov. 10: 17). The first instruction to follow is to repent. Repentance is a picture of persons standing in a circle facing outward as they hold hands. Christ stands in the center. Facing away from Him, one sees his own shadow and cannot see his fellow persons properly. To repent is to TURN and face Him. One’s shadow is behind, the repentant now faces Christ, and can see his fellow persons properly.
Older theologians defined saving faith in terms of three words:
Do you have all three? Don’t stop short of the third.
The expression “to obey” and the word “faith” both come from the same root. “Faith,” PISTIS, means “firm persuasion.” The expression “to obey” comes from PISTEUO and speaks of acting out of firm persuasion.
Beware the Brambles
Jesus Christ said, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” (Matthew 22:21) In this Jesus was appealing to His followers to be the best citizens possible. There is an Old Testament parable of how leadership is forfeited and when it is what the results are.
Gideon died. A shuffle for leadership resulted. Abimelech campaigned to be the leader in Shechem who followed Gideon. As an evil leader he formed a small band of guards and went to the town of Ophrah and killed all seventy of Gideon’s sons on one rock. He slaughtered all but the youngest son of Gideon named Jotham. When Jotham heard it, he went up on the summit of the high mountain of Gerizim and shouted out the parable recorded in Judges 9: 7 – 15. In it the trees needed a leader. They appealed to the olive tree, the fig, and then the grapevine to be their leader. All refused. Then the trees said to the bramble, “Be our leader.” The bramble said, “Then come and take shelter in my shade.” (Joshua 9:15)
That parable is the story of how leadership is forfeited. The same principle is true in national and local government as well as in church life. Brambles are aggressive. They were the kudzu of the Old Testament era. When there are trees, good leaders, who will not or cannot lead, there is always a bramble to say, “Come and take shelter in my shade.” Once such persons are in leadership they are at liberty to do their dastardly and devious deeds.
In America when this country was about to be swept into the atheistic gutter by Deists, Universalists, and Transcendentalists Andrew Jackson sought and finally won the presidency. A young law student emerging. His genius was obvious. As he studied his law books, he was fascinated by the Scripture often referred to therein. In 1824, the year Andrew Jackson ran for President that young law student, Charles Finney, was saved and immediately called to preach. The Finney-led revivals of that era turned America back to their evangelical roots. God raised up a tree at a time when the brambles were saying, “Come and take shelter in my shade.”
Are you personally or are we collectively as a nation seeking to take shelter in the shade of a bramble? In deciding whether to allow one of these brambles to rule your life, remember Jotham spoke of fire coming out of the brambles to devour the strongest of trees; then known, the Cedars of Lebanon (9:15). If you or a nation choose a bramble, you can expect the fire.
America was founded and developed by Sequoias, towering leaders who at the risk of their lives led. They willingly pledged to each other their “lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.” All fifty-six signers put their lives on the line to preserve and protect the freedoms they felt were the God-given unalienable rights of all people.
God grew a grove of trees to make America possible. Sequoia tree-like men prevailed in leading America to independence. They crowded out the brambles and with faith in “Divine Providence” forged a new nation under God. In this day may we so labor and pray for God to forgive our sins as to avoid being one nation under God’s judgment. May there be a spiritual awakening. May new trees emerge.
In the meantime, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight…” (Proverbs 3:5-8)
Hope Sustains, Worry Doesn’t
Where do we go from here? The primary crescendo of hate began with the outcome of the presidential election in 2016. It then festered as bitterness toward one person. It has since grown to grip our entire culture.
The scary point is this is the way every revolution and degradation in the world has started. Do we have the morality and fortitude to stop it? The answer to that determines where we go from here. Are our institutions viable and resolute enough to foster a return to civility such as we once enjoyed? Pray that the answer to that is a hearty yes.
I ask the question regarding institutions because they are the voices that reach the masses.
In speaking of revolution Vladimir Lenin spoke of controlling two institutions. He said for a revolution to succeed it must take the high grounds of education and entertainment. Make your own assessment of these two areas of our culture.
Yet, another factor in the success of a revolution, as with Nazism in Germany, is the wakening and eventually muting of the churches. Again make your own assessment of today’s churches and in what direction they are tending. In doing so consider what influence has the health, wealth, and prosperity gospel had on the spiritual vitality of church. Compounding that, are pulpits addressing the spiritual and moral decay of society?
The reactionary hate vented in Washington on January 6, 2021, has not gone away. It is still there smoldering quietly for a time. The counter cultural hate that burned our cities last year is dormant for a season, but still there.
Has the rhetoric of many elected officials had a calming influence in society? Are political opponents and their followers vitriolically vilified? Who runs on their own merits not the amplified presumed weakness of their opponent?
Instead of torching each other we must become torchbearers of sanity, morality, and spiritual vitality. Not only does the last not have a broad base of advocates, it is a hush-hush topic. It is the only topic about which it is said, “Don’t offend anybody.”Offense has license in other venues.
There is a broad base of support for the idea of personal stockpiling non-perishable foods for the conflict to come. That implies what direction those people think we are going.
Here is a novel idea. Instead of just stockpiling food, how about personally building a bounty of morality, virtue, civility, grace, and here it is again, spirituality. While not giving up on institutions, work on yourself and then them. Become an advocate for good.
If an organization of any kind insists on it working for the general good of society. There is bigotry and hate in every phase of life. Oppose the principles among all. Don’t simply become an advocate of some group. You can be assured there is a need for every group to be purged of impropriety.
Remember that little tune: “It’s love, it’s love that makes the world go around.” Well if that wheel hasn’t stopped it sure has slowed dramatically.
Now what? Keep the faith. It is good to be concerned. It is bad to get discouraged and start worrying. The ancient palmist wrote:
“Why are you cast down, O my soul? Why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him.” (Psalm 42: 5)
Happiness Is… 1/31/99
John 13:17
Page 1577 Come Alive Bible
Jesus Christ said, “If you know these things, happy are you if you do them.”
Jesus did not say, “If you possess these things you will be happy.” Howard Hughes was long considered the world’s richest man. Just before his death he was asked if he was happy. He replied, “No!” If money made a person happy he would have been giddy.
Until you make peace with who you are you will never be content with what you have.
You are a wonderful, unique person.
You are a once-in-all-history individual.
It is more than a right to be who you are, it is a duty.
That life isn’t a problem to be solved, but a gift to be cherished.
If you so believe you will be able to stay up on what used to get you down.
Nor did Christ say, “If you go to these places you will be happy.” Some persons seem to think that they need to go somewhere to be happy. You will never be happy anywhere until you are happy where you are. It is you, not the place that makes for happiness.
I’ve just returned from Paradise, Hawaii. Once there we encountered a couple coming out of their hotel room. As the man slammed the door of this luxury hotel he said, “Let’s get out of this place, I am disgusted and want to get out of here.” I got the impression he plays that record where ever he is. He carries his unhappiness inside himself.
He didn’t say, “Get a certain job and you will be happy.”
A Princeton, New Jersey, psychologist, Dr. Herbert M. Greenberg, has done revealing study in this field. He interviewed over 250,000 employees from 4,000 firms. Every part of the country was represented as was every job category and educational group. His findings revealed 80% of all workers at all levels are unhappy and frustrated. Imagine, four out of every five are unhappy. One of the biggest markets in America today is for happiness.
Likewise, He didn’t say, “Be part of the “in crowd” and you will be happy.”
He said there are certain things you need to know and when you know them if you do them happiness is the natural consequence. Thus, happiness consists of “knowing” and “doing.”
He makes it almost sound like a science anyone can master. It is —- and you can.
Eudaemonics is defined by Webster as the science of happiness. Christianity is much more than a code of ethics but it is also a code of ethics. Science is a study dealing with a body of facts. The body of facts taught and demonstrated by Christ when applied results in happiness. Various laws of physics and chemistry have been demonstrated and proven inflexible for years. The truths taught by Christ are just as exact and always produce the same by-product – happiness.
Having noted Christianity is more than ethics I want to establish on what the ethics of Christianity are based. They are based on a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Christianity is not a religion it is a relationship with a person, Jesus Christ. This relationship must first be willfully established before seeking to apply the ethic. To reverse the order is to experience frustration. To get them in the proper order is to experience happiness.
The relationship consists of letting Christ be your Savior and Master. As Savior He cleanses and forgives of sin. Having paid the price for our sins by dying on Calvary it remains for us to respond in faith. When we do then the forgiveness is applied personally. Simultaneously with His forgiveness and His becoming our Savior He becomes our Master. That is, the one in charge of our new relationship.
Our eastern mystical religious friends speak reverently of their “master.” Their gurus are called their “master.” Christ is our Master. That is He is the one who teaches us. That is where the principles of happiness come into play. He is the Master we are the disciples. That is, learners. The more and the better we learn the happier we are. It works.
Once you trust Christ as Savior and respond to Him as Master you are FDIC Insured —
“Father’s Divine Immortal Compassion.”
In considering happiness some basics need understanding. First, no emotion can be maintained indefinitely. Even as Christ spoke of happiness He became troubled in His spirit as He thought of the dastardly deed Judas was about to perform (John 13:21). A shiver went through the soul of Jesus and His disciples as He spoke of His pending betrayal. Not a happy moment. Not all are. Don’t expect it.
That night in the upper room the hearts of the disciples were filled with a medley of emotions:
They were sad because of the prospect of Christ’s departure.
They were ashamed because they had acted selfishly.
They were perplexed because of the prediction one of them would betray Christ.
They were wavering in their faith, though hoping against hope.
All that was put in perspective when Christ said, “Let not your hearts be troubled….”
This was not simply cheery talk at a pep-rally. He gave assurance as to why they should cease being disturbed. In essence Christ said, “Continue to trust in God, also in Me continue to trust. I will supply your needs. Let not your hearts any longer be troubled.”
A person can’t stay sad, glad, mad, joyous, dejected, or happy all the time. However, you can maintain a predisposition toward happiness. That is it can be your nature to be inclined toward happiness. Have you ever heard it said of a little child he is so full of happiness? Or he has a happy disposition. You can be one who predetermines to interpret the events of life in the happiest light.
Abraham Lincoln said, “Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”
The seeds of happiness are sown in the soil of every soul, attitude and disposition are the environment in which they do or don’t germinate.
Happiness is a choice not an automatic response.
There is a little couplet that speaks of two persons having different views of the same situation: “Two men looked out of prison bars. One saw mud the other stars.” Which are you?
Happiness is not something to be sought or bought. It is a beautiful by-product of a job well done. It is, as Christ said, the result of doing those things as he taught them.
It often comes into ones life through doors we don’t even remember leaving open.
If a person seeks happiness as an end in itself they are likely to find it as the old man did his glasses for which he had long looked. Right on the tip of his nose.
Nathaniel Hawthorne said, “Happiness is like a butterfly. Try to grasp it and you will frighten it away. Sit down quietly and it may alight on your shoulder.”
I find it like a cat. Try to attract it and it will ignore you. Leave it alone and it will come and rub up against you and purr.
I know some persons who will never be happy. They may experience brief bursts of happiness. However, their inner orientation is such that they are predisposed to be unhappy. Are you such a person? You can change. A change of environment, social status, economic standing or any other outward change won’t bring about happiness. It has to come from personal internal orientation. Make a mental note of some of these ideals and apply them.
Consider four factors enabling you to have happiness.
Let me share a verse that is of all verses one of the greatest stimuli to happiness. “I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU!” (HEBREWS 13:5B)
He said “NEVER.” This is a compound of five negatives. That doesn’t each is added to the other, it means each is multiplied by the other. “I will never, no not ever, no never leave you…”
It is a forever never with no exceptions.
If God will never leave you He has not now left you for “never” means “now.”
“LEAVE” translates aniemi meaning, “to leave behind, to abandon, to give up on, to send back.” Get it!
“I will never, no not ever, no never leave you behind, abandon you, give up on you, or send you back.”
If you ever emotionally feel as though He has call your emotions a liar.
Then He said He would never “FORSAKE” you.
To forsake means to leave one in a helpless state, to disregard. Thus, He said: “I will never, no not ever, no never, leave you behind, abandon you, give up on you, send you back, leave you in a helpless state, or disregard you.”
Who said it? God!
The omnipotent God said it. The God who is all powerful.
The omnipresent God said it. The God who is all present.
The omniscient God said it. The God who is all knowing.
When you are inclined to say, “I don’t have strength to go on,” remember the all powerful God said, “I will never, no not ever, no never leave you behind, abandon you, give up on you, send you back, leave you in a helpless state, or disregard you.”
When you are inclined to say, “I am so lonely.” Remember the all present God said, “I will never, no not ever, no never leave you behind….”
When you are disposed to say, “I don’t know what to do.” Remember the all knowing God said, “I will never, no not ever, no never ….”
Practice the presence behind the promise. Note, the verse begins “I” and ends, “you.” This is the basic “I-you” relationship that produces happiness.
Want it? Get it, and you got it!
Start every day with the confidence you and your Master can achieve. Together you can search the unsearchable, know the unknowable, and do the undoable.
Realize you have an invisible companion in all of life.
“for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure” (Phil 2:13).
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).
The difference Christ makes in our world is not that He said, “You MUST” with more force than anyone else, but that He said, “With Me, you CAN.”
Don’t let your feelings govern you attitude. Let faith and facts determine your outlook. When you awake in the morning you might in all honesty be able to say, “Dear Lord I don’t feel like you are here with me.” Any one of many things may cause such a downer. You may have eaten Paul Revere Pizza the night before and it got you up in the middle of the night.
The fact is you don’t feel like the Lord is within a country mile of you and is looking the other direction. In a moment like that be honest with the Lord. You might well pray:
“Dear Lord, I don’t feel like you are here with
me. However, Lord in your Word you said you would
never leave me not forsake me. Therefore, in spite
of my feelings I thank you for the fact you are here
with me. Let’s you and me go get ‘um.”
Continue with enthusiasm, “Lord, I’ve never
lived this day before and I will never live it
again. Help me to live it to the fullest in such a
way that I won’t long to live it over or have to
live it down. There will not be instant replay or
rerun so help me to live it up to your standard.”
Live each day with a purpose. That purpose being to do all within your power to see to it that in your life His will is done. He’ll help you.
In his work History of European Morals, Leaky spoke of Christianity as “the most powerful moral lever that has ever been applied to the affairs of men.”
Jesus spoke often of the Kingdom. It was primarily a reference to rule and realm. When He rules us He shares with us His power.
In searching for happiness keep in mind it is a beautiful by-product of a job well done. The initial and primary job that must be well done is to establish a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
“If you know these things, happy are you if you do them.”
The apostle Paul exhorted his friend Timothy and through him shared the same encouragement with us: “…give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine ….Meditate on these things; give yourself entirely to them, that your progress may be evident to all” (I Timothy 4:15).
Meditation is a lost art among most Christians. New Age afficionados have given a bad reputation to the art. However, the Psalmist spoke 14 times of meditating. The word means to make an image. New Age teaching is that we create our own reality. That is so close to the truth as to be deceptive. It is not truth however.
Biblical meditation is taking a concept and dwelling on it until we become absorbed in it. Before he wrote of them David made a mental image of: a shepherd and his fold, green grass and a stream, the cup and oil, and fellowship with God.
Mentally armed with such thought he faced lions and giants.
When he failed to engage in such meditation and instead went up on the roof top and committed Transidential Adultery he lost spiritual battles that caused himself and others much unhappiness.
Meditation on the Word of God enables one to replace subconscious conflicts with spiritual truths which produce peace and a stable personality.
“If you know these things, happy are you if you do them.”