Heart Attack
Deep in the Jordanian desert stands the largest of the numerous Crusader fortresses, Kerek. The walls of this imposing hilltop fortress provide a panoramic view of the surrounding area. The design of the fortification involved three concentric walls, each inner wall rising above the outer walls. If attackers breached the outer wall they were faced with a higher wall from which the defenders could look down on them.
Sultan Saladin laid siege to the fortress for two years without success. One day a dog was seen at a nearby spring outside the fortress. Later the same dog was observed on the rampart of the inner wall. Noticing this several times, the attackers decided to follow the dog. He went into a cave and up a tunnel which came out in the innermost parts of the fortress.
The wily Saladin posted warriors in the tunnel until dark and emerged in the innermost walls of the fortification. The surprise attack resulted in Salidin’s warriors quickly taking the fortress. They then held the heart of the fortress and soon conquered the fortress.
We all have our defenses against the fiery darts of our adversary the devil. Frontal attacks are most often defeated. It is the ones that surprisingly come against our core values, our spiritual hearts, that most easily defeat us. Guard your heart.
“Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.” (Proverbs 4: 23)
The word “heart” is the best biblical word to sum up the inner life of each person.
The Hebrew word behind our English word “keep” is the word natsar. This word is used sixty-two other times in the Hebrew Bible, but forty-two of those instances are found in the Psalms and in this book, Proverbs. It means to be diligent regarding what thoughts you allow to secretly be permitted in your mind.
“Solomon writes this: As in water, the face reflects the face, so the heart of man reflects the man. (Proverbs 27:19) So your heart is you; your inner you.
Jesus warned, “What comes out of a man, that defiles a man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness All these evil things come from within and defile a man.” (Mark 7: 20 – 23)
Discipline is a word often used today to refer to exercise, diet, and other phases of life. Discipline of our inner thought is essential. Diligently discipline your thoughts, guard your heart. The Lord will help you, but you must engage your mind and will in order to guard your heart. It means to be diligent regarding what thoughts you allow to secretly be permitted in your mind.
A Not So Merry Christmas
“Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted.” Matthew 5: 4
Merry Christmas! Not for all.
The following is posted on behalf of those who have experienceD a loss. A death, divorce, job loss, a dream that dies, a failed hope, a frustrated ambition, a defeat of major proportions. All have a tendency to stun and shock us.
These are thieves that rob us of anything approximating being merry.
It is not a bah humbug loss of “merry.” It is seemingly being forcibly stripped of it. It is like a lovely balloon that has been deflated.
Perhaps your loss of “merry” is so great it may seemingly leave you with a “I can’t go on” or even taken out the back door your will to live.
The loss of “merry” may even cause a disappointment in God. God is always good. Things aren’t. Don’t confuse the two. If the loss of “merry” causes disappointment in God, the grief goblins have won. Don’t let it go that far.
The Greek word for mourning, pentheo, means a grief that consumes the whole person. Christ is a spiritual seismograph, sensing the needs of His subjects. He knew mourning was inescapable. His intent is to give it meaning and purpose. God takes no pleasure in our pain. He will take a part.
To mourn is natural. It is not optional. Our response is optional. Sorrow with a purging purpose is profitable. It is mourning with a meaning.
Mourning is sober judgment. It prompts people to weigh values. It reveals one’s true character. The blackest of velvet is used to display the rarest of diamonds. This speaks of those who have not realized and acknowledged their spiritual poverty. Sorrow in life is inevitable. What we sorrow over is what matters.
Mourning is a corrective of a condition. It is essential to recovery from an adverse condition. To mourn is natural. It is not optional. Our response is optional.
The word “comforted” comes from two parts: “com” meaning together with and “fort” meaning strength. Christ shares His strength and together with Him we become strong.
“Merry” is a variable. No emotion can be maintained indefinitely. That means your loss of “merry” will eventually be revived. “Merry” seems a distant memory. It has been dealt a stunning blow.
There have been times most of us have sung:
“Shackled by a heavy burden ‘Neath a load of guilt and shame
Then the hand of Jesus touched me And now I am no longer the same.
He touched me, oh, He touched me And oh, the joy that floods my soul!
Something happened, and now I know He touched me, and made me whole
Since I’ve met this blessed Savior Since He’s cleansed and made me whole.
Oh, I will never cease to praise Him ….”
To regain emotional equilibrium start by praising God even for little things.
Sheep for His Name Sake 6/7/98
Psalm 23
Page 813 Come Alive Bible
Jesus Christ said, “I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep,
and am known by My own” (John 10:14).
Bonding by humans and animals is a close tie. Those who have a pet dog, cat or some other animal can relate. Pet owners have been known to spend lavishly on medical expenses for a pet. Many have been known to weep and grieve when such a pet dies.
I heard of a child whose cat died. The parent in trying to console the child said, “Don’t cry. Fluffy has gone to be with God.” the child exclaimed, “What would God want with a dead cat?”
Those of us not familiar with an oriental shepherd and his sheep can’t imagine the interrelation between them. Against this backdrop Christ said, “I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own…”
As our children were growing up and conversation turned to a person they wouldn’t ask, “Do you know him?” Instead they would ask, “Does he know you?”
If you have trusted Christ as Savior He knows you. You are known by God.
Knowing that I am from Georgia persons in other parts of the country sometimes ask, “Do you know President Jimmy Carter?” With increasing pride I am privileged to say “Yes.”
Does he know you?
We were prayer partners for some time. Just the other day I had a handwritten note from him with the greeting, “To Nelson, my old friend…” It evoked memories of many pleasantries shared.
If you were to receive correspondence from the Lord would it bear the greeting “My old friend?” Is yours a warm personal relation with the Good Shepherd? Christ said, “I know My own.”
There is a synthesis between sheep and the shepherd, a beautiful bonding. You are —-
Christ wants to guide, guard, and govern in your life for His name’s sake. Perhaps you are a person professing to be a Christian. The word means a Christ partisan, meaning a follower of the Christ. As such you are the best representative of Christ some persons will ever know. You are His proxy. Therefore, in defense of His reputation He wants to enable you to live the abundant life. As a result He offers to lead you.
A close identity exists between a shepherd and his sheep. He is their hero. He condescends to them and they respond to him. They bond as one.
Wordsworth wrote: “The swan upon St. Mary’s lake floats double; swan and shadow.”
The shepherd and sheep are as one; the sheep the mirror image of the shepherd.
This requires both a leader and a follower. He leads but you must follow.
As His proxy don’t disgrace Him.
He said, “I have come that you might have life, and that you might have it more abundantly.” Let’s look at that closely, “I have come that you might have life (comma) and that you might have it more abundantly.” He wants to enable us to live beyond the “comma.” Life beyond the comma — ENJOYMENT, NOT JUST EXISTENCE.
Beyond the comma life is vastly bigger, braver, and nobler once we become adherent followers of Christ.
Life beyond the comma, which Christ called “abundant life,” means wrestling with powers and principalities and mastering them through the power of Jesus Christ. It isn’t a tame colorless round of trivialities.
Abundant life means to be full of moral energy that throws off temptation like a healthy body throws off disease germs. Life beyond the comma is —
This PLUS living is living with another. That one is Christ.
Psychologists say human beings have three desires: the longing to be —
We are created in the image of God, that is, His likeness. This means He likes to be —
Duty may produce diligence, but devotion produces dynamism.
Life beyond the comma, that is, abundant life, is life beyond the cross.
A relationship with Christ is intended to produce people who are richly alive, alight with an inward fire which ignites real living.
A shepherds “rod” was a type of club used to defend sheep from marauders or predators. Comfort is found in knowing the Good Shepherd protects. Not only is comfort found in the rod but also the shepherds staff. The staff was used for controlling the sheep. Bible land sheep live on rough terrain. If one were to fall into a ravine the staff was used to rescue it. If it were a lamb the hook on the staff was put under the body to lift it. If a mature sheep under the neck.
In controlling, the staff was often used to discipline also. A occasional “whack” was needed. The psalm expresses comfort in being disciplined.
Each day the good shepherd inspects each individual sheep. If there is a wound or an insect manifestation the shepherd uses a mixture of olive oil and sulphur to anoint the sheep. Both have medicinal qualities and the sulphur keeps away insects.
When we are wounded spiritually our Lord does for us the equivalent of anointing us, that is, healing us. He provides relief from the pests of life also.
There is a wonderful payoff awaiting obedient sheep. One thing insecure people want is a sense of permanence. In our transient society people seek permanence. It is offered by our Lord.
Throughout the Psalm the presence of the shepherd with his sheep is a repeated theme. Therefore we can say, “I will fear no evil.”
Jesus has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” He also said, “I am the door.”
He leads His own into His sheepfold. A sheepfold is a pen or a corral. Often the sheep are gathered therein for protection and shelter. Most don’t have a door to close the entrance. Instead the shepherd sleeps in the doorway. He becomes the door. Christ is such for us.
Jesus spoke of the bond between shepherd and sheep: “And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers” (John 10: 4,5).
Sheep of the Good Shepherd are EARMARKED (Vs. 3) and FOOT MARKED (Vs. 4). They won’t respond to any other voice or follow any other individual.
On occasion two or more shepherds will combine their flocks in a fold for a short time. When it is time to separate them the two shepherds go off a distance and each calls his sheep. Each has a specific call and the sheep know the sound. They respond only to that sound and each goes to its own shepherd.
Someday the Good Shepherd will call out all of His flock. Do you know His voice? If so are you obedient to it today?
Christ commented further: “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand” (John 10: 27, 28).
In English grammar a double negative is considered improper. In Greek it is used for emphasis. Jesus literally said, “They shall not never perish…” This speaks of the security of the believer, that is, once saved always saved.
The Story of the Magi
“Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem…” (Matthew 2:1)
Note the term “wise men” is not used as a noun in the Scripture, but rather as an adjective. The Magi were referred to as being wise men descriptively, but never as a title, that is, “Wise Men.” About 300 years after their journey “Wise Men” was a title given to them for the first time.
In the ancient Middle Eastern world Magi were trusted advisors to kings, were learned men proficient in the knowledge of mathematical calculations, astronomy, medicine, alchemy, dream interpretation and history as well as practitioners of magic and paranormal arts. They were king makers as part of those who chose new kings.
Magi themselves were not kings. Had they been kings upon visiting King Herod, he would have followed tradition and celebrated their presence with a banquet. He was very impersonal in his treatment of them.
Their number is not noted in Scripture. They would have been accompanied by an entourage of some size. Feed for the animals, security personnel, and the attendance needed to provide for the contingency would have been necessary.
It wasn’t until about the 8th century the names of Balthasar, Melichior, and Gathaspa in a chronicle known as the Excerpta latina barbari. They have become known most commonly as Balthasar, Melchior, and Gaspar.
The Magi did not consider Jesus as just the king of the Jews. The fact they bowed and worshiped Him indicates they believed Jesus to be divine.
They would not have ridden camels. Camels were the equivalent of 18 wheelers and not suitable for prestigious riders.
They would not have ridden donkeys. They were too small for such a long journey and were used for short distances.
They would not have ridden horses. Romans rode horses and anything associated with a Roman was beneath them.
They would have ridden mules, which were ideal for distant travel. Camels may have been used by them to carry items.
They had seen Jesus’ star in the east. It was when they were in the east, not the star. Bethlehem, and hence the star were to their west. Matthew describes them as “wise men from the East.” If the magi came from Perisa, aka modern-day Iran, it would be an estimated 1,400+ miles to Bethlehem, from Babylon/Mesopotamia 600+ miles to Bethlehem. The Arabian Desert would have a similar distance.
Several places now claim to be the point of origin.
Such caravans, when moving, traveled 2 to 3 miles an hour.
They were following a star of unknown origin. Much has been speculated as to what was considered the star. There are some possibilities, but nothing definitive.
It would have been easy to follow the star in that they would have traveled at night to avoid the oppressive heat of the desert days.
How would they have known to follow a star to find the King of the Jews? They had obviously heard of the importance of the Messiah from eastern Jews. Many Jews remained in Babylon/Persia after the Babylonian exile of the 6th century B.C. and did not return to Israel. They would have told the Magi the account.
The office which Daniel eventually earned ( Daniel 5:11 ) was probably rab-mag –chief of the Magi. As such he may have been a source of prophetic insight. He would have required the Magi study the Torah, historical text, and the prophets.
They were wise in preparing their gifts before leaving on the journey. Such faith was based on the prophetic accounts told them by Jewish exiles.
In the second-century Church Father Irenaeus of Lyons was the first on record to postulate the magi offered Jesus myrrh (used for anointing corpses) to indicate that He was to die and be buried for the sake of mortal humans. Gold, because he was a king of an eternal kingdom, and Frankincense (burnt on altars as divine offerings) because he was a god.
The quantity of each gift must have been significant in that the gifts enabled Joseph, Mary, and Jesus to go to Egypt, live there a while, and return to Nazareth.
Jesus is said to have been born in a manger. When the sojourners arrived He was in a house. The word used in the gospel of Luke to describe Jesus when the wise men arrived means “young child,” implying He was no longer a baby.
Herod was also aware of the time the star appeared, courtesy of the wise men, and when he tried to have Jesus killed to protect his own power, he had all the baby boys two years and younger killed. Jesus escaped only because an angel told Joseph to take the family away to Egypt to hide.
Historian Josephus does not mention Herod’s massacre of the infants of Bethlehem. This is not surprising since Bethlehem was a small village and the number of children could not have been large. Considering Herod’s many ruthless actions in murdering sons, wives, and all manner of political opponents, this event was of little historical consequence at the time.
There was a fourth gift to Him by the Magi. It was “worship.” They fell down and worshiped Him. These Gentiles were the first persons to worship Jesus.
Let us on a regular basis emulate them and worship Him.
This Christmas Don’t Dim the Light
John 1: 9 – 14
Jesus “was the true Light which gives light to every man who comes into the world.” As John the Baptist came “to bear witness of the Light” so each Christian is to today. Don’t be a bushel hiding the Light. Be a candlestick to the Light so it can give light to all around you.
From our perspective, it would seem that the coming of Christ in Bethlehem would have resulted in world-wide recognition of Him. If not His birth, surely His life and teachings would have revealed Him. Not so! They didn’t receive Him. Have you? To receive Him means to acknowledge the fact of Who He is and willingly submit in love to Him as your personal Savior. It means to unconditionally receive Him.
It would be more likely that you could put the Atlantic Ocean in a coke bottle than to get into Heaven without receiving Him.
You could more likely put the North Georgia mountains in an aspirin box than get into Heaven without receiving Him.
You doubt more easily can fly to Heaven in a glider than get there without receiving Him as Savior.
To receive Him means to make room for Him in your life.
John wrote of Jesus as the agent of creation.
“All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” (John 1:3)
In recent years there has been a wealth of scientific insight gained that refutes evolution and strongly supports creation. Because of a misrepresentation of the principle of separation of church and state, our courts are shielding the minds of enquiring youth from this information.
In the Genesis account of creation after describing part of the creation there is included an expression that is almost parenthetical. It states, “He made the stars also.” (Gen. 1: 16) It is as though God had an after-thought and as a bonus decided to throw in the stars as part of His creation package also.
Think for a moment about the stars as an evolutionary impossibility. Consider one of our nearest neighbors, the Andromeda Galaxy. It contains over 200 billion suns larger than our one. A light year is 6 trillion miles. Andromeda is over 2 million light years from our Milky Way. Voyager II is our fastest spacecraft. Traveling in it would require 150 billion years to reach Andromeda.
He “made the stars also.” How many? No one really knows; but it is thought that if you had started at the time of Christ’s birth nearly 2,000 years ago and had counted one star per second, you would not have counted half of them yet.
To assume that happened with orderly design as a result of a cosmic explosion is as preposterous as imagining that a Mercedes resulted from an explosion in a Pittsburgh steel mill.
The babe of Bethlehem made the straw on which He lay. He, in eternity leaned on the chest of His Father without any mother, in time leaned on the breast of His mother without any father. He was as old as His Father and eons older than His mother. He was Immanuel, God with us.
They didn’t receive Him. Have you?