Servants All
Jesus sprinkled His wonderful teachings with clues as to how to have joy, happiness, and fulfillment. Would you like this triumvirate in your life? Virtually everyone does. A theme He advocated is encouraged over 500 times in the Bible. The noun servant and the verb serve are so mentioned.
Only when “what can I do for you” replaces “what’s in it for me” is a servant temperament possible. If you want to test yourself as to whether you have a servant temperament observe how you react the next time someone treats you like their servant. Often the response is “Who do you think I am, your servant?”
In a “Peanuts” cartoon Charlie Brown asked Lucy, “Why are we here?” The answer, “To serve other people.” Probing further Charlie enquired, “Then, why are other people here?” Like Charlie we are inclined to be more interested in the responsibility of others than our own.
Mother Teresa said, “I belong to Jesus, He must have the right to use me without consulting me.” That is the spirit of this text: “For if we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s” (Romans 14:8). Being His gives Him the right to use us.
A servant is not greater than his master. Professed followers of Jesus need to remember He came not to be served but to serve.
Some of life’s most meaningful moments are those spent serving others. It is then gratification is experienced.
Albert Schweitzer, a brilliant man with four PhD’s, said, “The only ones among us who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve.” You want to be happy? Schweitzer offers the key to it: service.
That is the only reason we are here on earth. Failing to realize our purpose and by not fulfilling it people are left unfulfilled and unhappy.
After Benjamin Franklin received a letter thanking him for his service, he responded: “As to the kindness you mentioned, I wish I could have been of more service to you than I have been, but if I had, the only thanks that I should desire are that you would always be ready to serve any other person that may need your assistance … As for my own part, when I am employed in the service of others I do not look upon myself as conferring favors but paying debts.”
This theme was spoken of by Jesus who said, “’Truly I say to you, inasmuch as you have done it to one of the least of these, My brothers, you have done it to Me.” (Matthew 25: 40) Such a concept is a marvelous motivator.
Servants are inclined to serve without recognition. The pastor who called in members of the press to see a staged setting of him washing a person’s feet missed out on the humility part of servanthood.
No thanks is wanted or deserved for serving. Gratification for having served is the payoff. Service is self-fulfilling. To prove it, do something nice for a person who has no chance of payment. Monitor your feelings. You will realize it really is more blessed to give than to receive.
Pray this prayer offered by George Washington: “Almighty and eternal Lord God, the great Creator of heaven and earth, and the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ; look down from heaven in pity and compassion upon me thy servant, who humbly prostrate myself before thee.”
Uprooting the Root of Bitterness
Ephesians 4: 30 – 32
Jesus wants to help you overcome the most common sin among Christians today. Bitterness is considered by many to be the most common sin among Christians. Are you presently harboring any bitterness?
In the New Testament the word comes from the word “pikria.” It refers to a person who has become cynical, caustic, sarcastic, hostile, or resentful. It manifests itself by the person becoming negative, unhappy, and critical.
We become bitter when we feel God, circumstances, or someone has wronged us, and we can’t do anything about it. We get angry and refuse to forgive. Bitter people build a mental dossier on the failings of others. This outlook causes the bitter person to look for little things about which to make snide, cutting comments, sarcastic remarks, and unkind statements.
Often bitterness is felt toward God. When it is, most frequently it is expressed indirectly. Maybe as a child something traumatic happened that you prayed would not happen. Anger toward God arose. Over a period of time bitterness sprouted. It is hard to get your hands on God and exercise vengeance against Him. Therefore, the church becomes the target. Maybe it is even God Himself and the reaction of bitterness is expressed in a denial of His existence.
Every person has hurtful or negative experiences. It is up to the individual as to how to react. Bitterness is an improper reaction.
Forgive the person you consider to have offended you as Jesus told Peter and us to do it 70 X 7 times. That means, don’t quit forgiving.
When the poet Edwin Markham reached the age of retirement, he was stunned to learn that his banking friend had betrayed him and lost all of his life’s savings. At retirement he was penniless. The torch of bitterness burned where the candle of joy had formerly gleamed. His inspiration ceased and his pen became unproductive. One day this highly productive poet was sitting doodling, drawing circles when the convicting influence of the Holy Spirit impacted him. He said the Holy Spirit did not speak to him in an audible voice, but clearly convinced him, “Marcum, if you do not deal with this thing, it is going to ruin you. You cannot afford the price you are paying. You must forgive that man.” He prayed, “Lord, I will, and I do freely forgive.”
With the root of bitterness uprooted His creativity returned and the man who wrote the memorable poems “Lincoln” and “The Man With the Hoe” produced what he considered his best poem:
“He drew a circle and shut me out–
Heretic, rebel, a thing of flout;
But love and I had a will to win:
We drew a circle and took him in!”
There are two different and dissimilar Greek words in the text, both of which are translated “forgiveness.” One refers to releasing of charges against a person and exempting that one from punishment. The other speaks of aggressive action to regain the heart of the adversary. It means to show grace to a person. To give them unmerited favor. By the grace of God it can be done. Do it and gain victory.
Making the Impossible Possible
The story of David’s conquest of the city of Jebus (Jerusalem) is intriguing. The city walls were so formidable and well fortified the inhabitants said they could man their walls with the blind and lame and defeat David.
To prevail, some new approach was necessary. To provide water for the city in times of conflict a shaft was dug allowing water to be brought safely into the city. David found the shaft now bearing the name of the archeologist, Charles Warren, who excavated the area in the early 19th century. This is believed to be the shaft mentioned in II Samuel 5.
Joab, one of David’s soldiers, scaled up the shaft into the city and without being detected opened the gates of the city. David’s army rushed through the open gates and conquered the city from within.
After the conquest David further developed the city which became Jerusalem, the City of David.
There are things you can do, things others can do, and things no one can do.
David did what seemed to be a number three. One or more of these three are faced everyday by all persons. The thing at issue is deciding which applies to what a person is considering doing.
Upon deciding if a thing is something you can and should do, seek for a way to do even the seemingly impossible. Don’t waste your time doing what someone else can do or what no one can do.
Start with a “show me Lord” attitude and continue with a resolute will. The Lord will never give you something to do He won’t give you the ability to do. Resolutely pray for God’s guidance regarding issues small and great. Don’t kid yourself and don’t doubt God.
An unproductive effort may prove you have misunderstood God’s will and instead of the activity being something you should do it is a number two or three. If so, and after a wholehearted unproductive effort, put in the capable hands of God with whom all things are possible, and seek His will regarding an effort He has for you.
Faith is an integral part of all undertakings. Jesus spoke of having faith and moving mountains. Most believers have done what He was teaching without realizing it. In the era in which He was speaking impossible things were called mountains. A person who had the ability to resolve issues and solve problems was called a “Mountain mover.” A person who had faith that enabled a problem to be solved was a “Mountain mover.”
Buckle up your faith and go let God help you move a mountain. David did.
“I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted.” (Job 42: 2)
Let Your Light Shine – Part Three
Matthew 5:14-16
As a young child, Robert Louis Stevenson watched through a window as night covered his community. His nurse said, “Come sit down, it is so dark you can’t see anything now.” “Oh yes I can,” he replied as he watched the lamplighter coming up the street igniting the gas street lights, “I see a man making holes in the darkness.” That is exactly what Christ wants us to do spiritually.
When A.W. Milne, missionary to New Guinea died, the natives erected a marker: “When he came to us there was no light. When he left there was no darkness.” May it be said of your sphere area of influence.
Joni Erickson Tada, observed “The world does not get it’s concept of Christianity from the Bible but from believers.”
Let your light “so shine” not as to dazzle nor to obscure. Light can be used to blind or guide. Don’t use your light so as to offend, but to guide.
The reason is “…that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”
That they may see “your good works, not you, the worker. People don’t look at the sun, but they marvel over its effects.
There are two Greek words for good: “agathos”meaning good in quality, and “kalos, meaning good in quality, but also beautiful and winsome. The latter is used.
Let your good works be done spontaneously and naturally, not demonstrably. That they may “glorify your Father….”
Light, literally, is a form of energy. Solar panels on satellites capture rays of the sun and convert them to energy.
Plant life is energized by capturing the sun’s rays and by a process called photosynthesis, transforms it into life.
A missionary in China had his meager hospital which he had worked years to develop burned by General Chaing Ki Sheck when the General’s army occupied the territory. The doctor followed the General’s army treating his wounded soldiers. The General later asked the doctor’s wife why he did this. “It is because he is a Christian,” she replied. “Then I, too, must become a Christian,” was the General’s reply. That doctor was one of the three influences that brought Chaing Ki Sheck to Jesus by letting his work glorify the Father.
“For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” (II Corinthians 4: 6)
As Jesus prayed so might we: “Father, glorify Thy name…I have glorified you on earth.”
Light shows. There’s nothing secretive about the Christian life. This appeal by Christ is a call to demonstrate the joy of fellowship with Him.
Welcome to God’s Gym 3/1/98
I Peter 5:10, 11
Page 1770 Come Alive Bible
Jesus Christ want’s you to spend eternity with Him. Is He the kind of company you would like to keep? Is heaven the kind of place you would like to go? Is it your desire to spend eternity in such company in such a place?
Again I say that is the will of God for you. All that is necessary to accomplish it is for your will to coincide with His will.
“The God of all grace” has personally “called us to His eternal glory.”
The word “called” does not mean He has simply invited us. Even that is a flattering thought. The Greek word translated “called” is KALEO. It means to summons. When a summons is issued by a judge it means cease and desist in what you are doing and comply with the intent of this document. It establishes a priority.
KALEO further means “to call by name.” Thus, God has summonsed you by name to come to heaven. I don’t know how you use God’s name, it may often be in vain, but I know how He uses your name. It is always included in a loving invitation to spend your eternal destiny with Him. The Lord is the aggressor in seeking a relationship with you.
If you know of anyone not on their way to heaven you know someone who is refusing the summons of God All Mighty who wants them to spend eternity with Him.
KALEO expresses God’s strong desire for you. Hopefully your desire is the same as His.
God doesn’t “send” people to hell. They refuse His summons to heaven and hell is the only alternative.
“It is not His will that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (II Peter 3: 9).
The “summons” is personalized and embodied in Jesus Christ. He is the summons. He is the way, the truth, and the life. That seems unreasonable to some. However, we live in a world of exact standards. Certain standards must be complied with before being admitted to college. Citizenship standards must be met before becoming a naturalized citizen. There are always exactly 16 ounces per pound. A foot consists of only 12 inches, no more or no less. Water always boils at 220 degrees Fahrenheit at sea level. A gallon consists of 231 cubic inches. On the music scale “A” above middle “C” has precisely 440 vibrations per second. However unreasonable it seems water always has expressly two parts of hydrogen and one part oxygen. It always has and always will have.
Therefore, what is so unreasonable that God should have a standard for admission to heaven. Some criticize there being only one way. I marvel that there is any way that our all holy God should admit those of us unholy creatures into His perfect heaven.
Here is a bonus. Not only does He want us to spend eternity with Him, He wants to live in time with us. He wants to take up residence in you and provide some of life’s most needed resources and assets. A positive response to His summons results in many blessing, three of which are noted in I Peter 5: 10, 11.
The Greek word translated “establish” is STERIZO. The verb is related to our word “steroid.” The improper use of chemical compounds called “anabolic (up-building) steroids.” Is detrimental to health and can cause an agonizing death. Athletes sometimes use them in their quest for more strength or speed. This is destructive.
As the use of anabolic steroids build up the body but are detrimental, they illustrate the spiritual good done by the Lord when taken into our lives. When God’s supernatural power is injected into our lives He builds us up.
Notice the word “perfect” in our text. He wants to establish us in perfection. Many don’t want His perfection just His relief from pain, problems, and perplexities.
The Greek word translated “perfect” is KATARTIZO, meaning, to repair, fit together, to restore to a useful condition. Do you need any of that action in your life? He is constantly at work in our lives to achieve that end. He uses a variety of means. Often the means isn’t seen as His loving attempt to restore or repair our lives. Suffering is one such means noted in the text. Even that is His attempt to bless us. Instead of our suffering making us better it often makes us bitter. If there is bitterness in your life He alone has the capacity to overcome it.
I may be the last pastor in America to quote Forrest Gump, but there is a scene and line worth noting. Forrest and Jenny, now as adults, revisit paths they traveled together as children. In their wanderings they come to an old house in which Jenny had been reared. There as a child she had been abused and misused. There she lost her ability to love. Enraged, Jenny threw her shoes at the house. She picks up rocks and hurls them at the house. Finally she shatters a window and collapses.
Even with his IQ of 75 Forrest sees a sad reality in the moment as he comments: “Sometimes, I guess there aren’t enough rocks.” Sometimes the rocks of hate, resentment, and bitterness just run out and we still hurt. When there aren’t enough rocks, there is a loving Savior who wants to “establish” us in our agony.
All through life He is there to establish us. At the end of life there is dying grace.
I visited a formerly vibrant young woman, a member of our church, in the hospital. She was in what had been said to be the last stages of life. I had been there before. Her former beauty was eroded and her frail body depleted. She was radiant as she spoke, “I have been praying pastor. I am now ready to die. I am ready for God to heal me.” (I thought who wouldn’t be.) Then she caught me off guard as she continued, “I am ready to continue suffering for Him if that is His will.” That is dying grace.
The word for “establish,” STERIZO, has three uses in the New Testament. It is used of:
PERSEVERANCE: It us used to describe Jesus’ going to Jerusalem: “Jesus resolutely set out (sterizo) for Jerusalem” (Luke 9:51).
By perseverance the snail reached the ark.
FAITH: “Paul traveled from place to place … strengthening all the disciples” (Acts 18: 23).
Christ confirms the Christian faith by meeting specific needs with suitable strength. The faith He gives is the faith to act.
Three hundred years before Christ, Erathosthenes conducted a significant experiment. He discovered that in the city of Syene at high noon a stick standing perfectly vertical cast no shadow. Later, he also discovered that 500 miles away, at the exact same moment, a vertical stick cast a shadow of 7 degrees. From this he concluded the earth is round. From this he reached the following conclusion. 7 degrees is approximately 1/50 of the 360 degrees in a circle. If every 500 miles is 7 degrees, then the full circle of the earth would be 25,000 miles. Erathosthenes had calculated the earth’s circumference to within a few miles.
Eighteen hundred years later Christopher Columbus sailed out of a safe harbor into an uncharted and foreboding sea. His intent was to sail to India. He too believed the earth was round. However, his calculations were off by 7,000. It took weeks longer than anticipated to reach an unknown destination. He returned to this hemisphere four times and died in 1506 having no idea where he had been.
Today we pay tribute to Columbus but few know the name Erathosthenes. Both had faith. One acted on his faith and the other didn’t. Erathosthenes did nothing with what he knew. Columbus had limited knowledge but in faith he acted on that in which he had faith.
Our God is a God deserving of our faith.
COURAGE: “May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father … encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word” (II Thessalonians 2: 16, 17).
There are hidden heros and heroines in this and other fellowships who, by His strength, are facing suffering victoriously. Every day holds new agony and every night new torturous trials. In it all they, in their frailty, are experiencing victory as our Lord gives them courage.
We become intimidates by adversity and become locked into self-imposed limits. He wants to give us courage to break free of such barriers.
Carl Sandburg captured something of the human spirit in this statement: “There is an eagle in me that wants to soar, and there is a hippopotamus in me that wants to wallow in the mud.”
Which spirit prevails in you, the eagle or the hippopotamus? You alone decide.
The Greek word translated “strengthen” is STRENOO, meaning to give power to overcome adverse force. This word further stresses how He gives the reinforcement for life. He gives power to overcome.
Essential road construction offers some obstacles and inconvenience. A veteran operator of one of those big machines sensed his work irritated some people. He decided to try to bring some relief to the tension that inevitably results from traffic backup. He hung the following sign on the front and back of his machine: “The Road to Happiness Is Always Under Construction.”
That operator knew that, God knows that, and we need to learn it.
Christ told us to be of good cheer and offered this encouragement: “I have overcome the world.” He gives overcoming power. He not only provides it He summonses us to come and get it. His power to life is our greatest need.
Have you ever run out of gas. It doesn’t make you feel like a Rhodes Scholar. The fact that I say that means I have run out of gas. It is a public embarrassment that leaves no place to hide.
The last time I did was on the Marietta Town Square, at 5:15 PM on a Friday. Not a good time or place. As though there is any good place. The only worse place I have ever run out of gas was on the Indian Nations Turnpike in Oklahoma at sundown in a blizzard.
When I gave out of gas I might have called a mechanic to come replace every worn part on the car, but that would not have made it run. I might have changed all four times but that wouldn’t have helped. I might have had it washed and polished but it still would not have run.
My car had depleted its fuel and exhausted its power. There was no way it would function.
Some persons are trying the spiritual equivalent of a new set of tires, parts replacement, or a lustrous polish job, but are still finding life powerless.
An example of His power to overcome was observed in the life of my friend, former Baseball Commissioner, Bowie Kuhn. He lived in a pressure cooker at all times. During his last months before resigning he was under intense pressure. Those who heard him on network interviews listened as reporters tried to put the word “anger” in his statements. Each time he denied it and finally said, “Anger just isn’t in my make up.” There is a reason. The secular press never eluded to it but Bowie Kuhn was a born-again Christian with a practical practicing faith. He has the strength of which Christ spoke.
He gives us strength to face the unknown. Recently my wife and I sat and talked with Tom Osborne, retired coach of the Nebraska National Championship football team. He spoke of the unknown and associated uncertainty resulting from his retirement.
Then he spoke of the uncertain with certainty as he expressed confidence the Lord would guide him. He is being given the power to face the otherwise intimidating unknown.
The Greek word translated “settle” is TITHEMI, meaning to lay a foundation.
No other foundation is laid than that which is Christ Jesus our Lord.