Mary and Thomas

Does it seem strange that the resurrected Jesus told Mary not to touch Him and a short time later He invited Thomas to touch Him? Through our western eyes it does hint of some sort of prejudice. It isn’t, and when understood in light of circumstances in the time it is logical.

The Jewish High Priest’s duties in the time required ritualistic purity on the Day of Atonement. It was essential for the High Priest to be ceremonially pure for him to enter into the presence of God the Father. When He encountered Mary Jesus, the ultimate high priest, was preparing to minister in the heavenly tabernacle (Hebrews 9: 11). His caution regarding Mary was to insure He remained undefiled. For any one of several reasons Mary was obviously temporarily ceremonially unclean. Being touched by her at that moment would have defiled Him. It was the custom of the day.

By the time He encountered Thomas He had temporarily ascended to the Father and thus fulfilled the ultimate duties of the High Priest. His heavenly priestly duties would have been completed, making defilement no longer an issue. He was then set aside to fulfill His final roles as prophet and king. Being touched by Thomas at that time would not have been an issue.

Scripture instructs us to “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” II Timothy 2: 15. That charge is directed to every Christian. What is shared now is without ego but rather to show the relative degree of study. Every believer should do it to the optimum of their ability. As a result of being called to be a minister I was blessed to have the time and resources to do it. I had 30 sets of commentaries, some with more than 20 volumes. My library had more than 10,000 volumes. I spent more than 20 hours a week on them. If I had not I would have been derelict and failed my God and hence my congregation.

Only recently did I resolve to my satisfaction the relationship of Mary and Thomas touching. The ocean of knowledge is so vast and my intellectual boat is so small there is still a sea for study I will never manage to sail. But I will keep rowing as long as possible.

People with occupations, families, and other responsibilities don’t have the resources or time to devote themselves to such discipline. All have some time and are accountable for showing themselves to God as “a workman rightly dividing the word of God” to the extent they can.

In addition to studying the Word of God, memorize helpful verses. Knowing it in advance of a need enables one to apply it at the time of need. Needing to know it and not knowing it leads to spiritual defeat.

Find a pulpit where it is not only taught, but appropriately applied to life situations. This will aid you in growing in grace and in knowledge. It will enable you to do as biblically instructed to “always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear…” I Peter 3: 15.