Make a List of Items You Support
The question is often posed, can a Christian vote for Donald Trump? My answer is a Christian can vote for Trump without endorsing his temperament, language, and conduct. Without listing a glossary of gross comments, it must be acknowledged he is all too often base, demeaning, opprobrious, and of late proven vulgar at times. Those factors are reprehensible. However, I don’t find his vacillating opponent to be a paragon of virtue, integrity, and honesty.
Their offsetting mannerisms aside, some other basis for choosing between them should be considered. Some factors are:
Every voter would do well to make a list of the three issues they consider important and what each candidate believes about each. My three are:
First, Supreme Court Jurists.
Starting with Jefferson, a strict constitutionalist, and Hamilton, a broad constitutionalist, the debate began and continues regarding interpreting the Constitution.
Second, religious liberty. Governmental actions supported by the PC police have done much to marginalize the faith community, prohibit many Jewish and Christian traditions, and devalue the influence of Biblical morality. At the same time they have accommodated many religious demands by the Islamic community.
It is a simple, but significant thing Trump says we will be able to say “Merry Christmas” again.
Third is immigration. We are rapidly becoming a national Trojan horse. The United States Department of Homeland Security estimates there are approximately 11.4 million unauthorized immigrants in America. Unvetted and unvettable immigrants are pouring in and becoming wards of the state, many of them refusing to assimilate. In our nation’s past there have been times when there were mass immigrations from such countries as Ireland and Italy. They came in and became Americans, contributing citizens. Trump’s promise to secure the borders resonates with many, while it is aggressively opposed by others. What do you want?
I would add a fourth item of interest to my list, the economy. Trump knows finance. He has a business mind. Harris has never shown any awareness of how to control a nation’s government. She has been a part of an administration that has been free spending and uninhibited giveaways that are sure to lead to national bankruptcy.
This is a watershed election. Every vote will fall on one side or the other.
Make your list and see which candidate is best to govern accordingly.
Pray, pray, pray.