Ministry Investment Opportunities
You are invited to invest in the Nelson Price Ministries, Inc. which is a 501c (3). This makes all contributions tax deductible. The "Objects of the Cooperation" as stated in the By-laws are:
"The Corporation is organized for nonprofit Christian religious purposes, and to lead churches in worship, serve as interim pastor, conduct church growth seminars, witness conferences, spiritual renewal clinics, family life conferences, motivational clinics, evangelism conferences, lead spiritual pilgrimages, perform weddings and funerals, write religious materials, provide scholarships for students preparing for ministry, and to foster Christian creation concepts through practical activities."
A number of these activities are self-supporting, however, not all are. Your support will help to make these possible for groups that could not otherwise support them. Three scholarships for seminary students are provided and need on going funding. Gratuities received from groups go to the Ministry and are administered by the Board of Directors. The Board provides supervision for all funds.
Make your gifts payable to "The Nelson Price Ministries, Inc." and mail to: 1400 Beaumont Drive Kennesaw, Georgia 30152