Christian Meditation – Part Three

The following is gleaned from a number of sources as to why we should meditate.

It makes sense. If God wants us to meditate, He has made it beneficial for our minds. Meditating is literally a transformation of the mind, and Scripture teaches us that it changes our hearts as well.

Scripture calls us to meditate. No, it does not determine our salvation or our morals, but it does show our heart to the Lord. When we meditate on His Scriptures, we are following the writings of some of the greatest leaders in our faith. From Moses, David, Joshua, Luke, and Paul, we can find that meditation is obedience to Scripture.

We meditate because we want to be more like Jesus. Jesus is the ultimate representation of God, and we want to imitate Jesus. And there are many ways to become more like Jesus. As Christians, we can meditate to follow Scripture, to build up the church, to be obedient to God, and for wholesome benefits that bring us closer to the Father.

There are spiritual benefits to meditation.

The first benefit is peace. Our spirits find peace when we meditate on the works of God. For example, meditating on the fact that God is for you and not against you, will remind your spirit that there is peace in Him.

Spiritually speaking, meditating on God allows us to grow in intimacy with Him. The more time we spend thinking about and dwelling on His character, the closer our spirit will be with Him. In this, we will spiritually find intimacy with the Lord.

When we meditate on God’s trustworthiness, we will find that our spirit is more trusting in Him. This goes for all characteristics of God. When we meditate on who He is, the more our spirits will connect with Him.

The Mental Benefits:

Scientists have been proving for years the mental health benefits of meditation. Consider pondering God’s love, faithfulness, His creation, etc. This type of discipline transforms your mind when you meditate on God’s good attributes. It can actually change the way you think.

The Lord knows our bodies because He created them. This is why there are even health benefits when we choose to fixate our minds and meditate on Him.

The Scripture teaches us that we should mediate. A strategy related to what it entails is included in the Post regarding meditation. The experience of many shows the benefits of doing it. Therefore, in order to be obedient to the teaching of Scripture and enjoy the benefits resulting from meditating, why not do it?