Choose Your God

Who is your God? The answer once would have been the Triune-God, that is, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, with the Son Jesus Christ being the representative most people related to more personally.

Today there is a new god in town. Having demanded the expulsion of God from government under the misuse of the declaration our Constitution demands separation for God and government to be separate. It doesn’t. That expression originated in a letter from Thomas Jefferson written to the Danbury Baptist Association in Connecticut, where he expressed his strong belief in religious freedom and the separation of church and state, famously using the phrase “a wall of separation between Church and State” to describe this concept. The Baptists were concerned that following the pattern of European nations the Presbyterian Denomination was about to make the government sponsored official denomination of the state. Jefferson was writing to insure the Baptists there would never be a denomination made the official religion of the state. The modern usage of the expression is improper.

Currently with God having been removed from government and society in general there is a new god in town. People have turned to the government and celebrities as the new gods. Where previously people looked to the Lord God for guidance, provisions, and protection they now look to the government for those matters.

Dependence on government rather than reliance on God is the new norm. Our country is about to elect a president who will guide our government, that is, our god. May it be the more godly form.

Consider, would you like a government that tells you what car you can drive, what type stove you can cook on, that supports transgender males playing in girl’s sports, finances sex changes, withholds funds from students attending denominational schools, is a proponent of child mutilation, mandates inoculation of members of the armed forces with an unproved vaccine, and wants increased taxes to support their radical agenda? Really!

A representative of such a god, government that is, awaits.

There is an alternative who believes we deserve to be governed like our predecessors by a Constitutional Republic form of government, a government that encourages individual responsibility, traditional morality, and less government.

Where there is more government there is less personal freedom. The best government is the government that governs less.

Some people scoff at the thought this is the most important election of our time. If not, which is?

Joshua gathered his people at Shechem and challenged them: “Choose you this day who you will serve,” Our day of choice has come.