Sermon Select

Sheep for His Name Sake 6/7/98

Psalm 23
Page 813 Come Alive Bible

Jesus Christ said, “I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep,
and am known by My own” (John 10:14).

Bonding by humans and animals is a close tie. Those who have a pet dog, cat or some other animal can relate. Pet owners have been known to spend lavishly on medical expenses for a pet. Many have been known to weep and grieve when such a pet dies.

I heard of a child whose cat died. The parent in trying to console the child said, “Don’t cry. Fluffy has gone to be with God.” the child exclaimed, “What would God want with a dead cat?”

Those of us not familiar with an oriental shepherd and his sheep can’t imagine the interrelation between them. Against this backdrop Christ said, “I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own…”

As our children were growing up and conversation turned to a person they wouldn’t ask, “Do you know him?” Instead they would ask, “Does he know you?”

If you have trusted Christ as Savior He knows you. You are known by God.

Knowing that I am from Georgia persons in other parts of the country sometimes ask, “Do you know President Jimmy Carter?” With increasing pride I am privileged to say “Yes.”

Does he know you?

We were prayer partners for some time. Just the other day I had a handwritten note from him with the greeting, “To Nelson, my old friend…” It evoked memories of many pleasantries shared.

If you were to receive correspondence from the Lord would it bear the greeting “My old friend?” Is yours a warm personal relation with the Good Shepherd? Christ said, “I know My own.”

There is a synthesis between sheep and the shepherd, a beautiful bonding. You are —-

Christ wants to guide, guard, and govern in your life for His name’s sake. Perhaps you are a person professing to be a Christian. The word means a Christ partisan, meaning a follower of the Christ. As such you are the best representative of Christ some persons will ever know. You are His proxy. Therefore, in defense of His reputation He wants to enable you to live the abundant life. As a result He offers to lead you.

A close identity exists between a shepherd and his sheep. He is their hero. He condescends to them and they respond to him. They bond as one.

Wordsworth wrote: “The swan upon St. Mary’s lake floats double; swan and shadow.”

The shepherd and sheep are as one; the sheep the mirror image of the shepherd.

This requires both a leader and a follower. He leads but you must follow.

As His proxy don’t disgrace Him.

He said, “I have come that you might have life, and that you might have it more abundantly.” Let’s look at that closely, “I have come that you might have life (comma) and that you might have it more abundantly.” He wants to enable us to live beyond the “comma.” Life beyond the comma — ENJOYMENT, NOT JUST EXISTENCE.

Beyond the comma life is vastly bigger, braver, and nobler once we become adherent followers of Christ.


Life beyond the comma, which Christ called “abundant life,” means wrestling with powers and principalities and mastering them through the power of Jesus Christ. It isn’t a tame colorless round of trivialities.

Abundant life means to be full of moral energy that throws off temptation like a healthy body throws off disease germs. Life beyond the comma is —

This PLUS living is living with another. That one is Christ.

Psychologists say human beings have three desires: the longing to be —

We are created in the image of God, that is, His likeness. This means He likes to be —

Duty may produce diligence, but devotion produces dynamism.

Life beyond the comma, that is, abundant life, is life beyond the cross.

A relationship with Christ is intended to produce people who are richly alive, alight with an inward fire which ignites real living.

A shepherds “rod” was a type of club used to defend sheep from marauders or predators. Comfort is found in knowing the Good Shepherd protects. Not only is comfort found in the rod but also the shepherds staff. The staff was used for controlling the sheep. Bible land sheep live on rough terrain. If one were to fall into a ravine the staff was used to rescue it. If it were a lamb the hook on the staff was put under the body to lift it. If a mature sheep under the neck.

In controlling, the staff was often used to discipline also. A occasional “whack” was needed. The psalm expresses comfort in being disciplined.

Each day the good shepherd inspects each individual sheep. If there is a wound or an insect manifestation the shepherd uses a mixture of olive oil and sulphur to anoint the sheep. Both have medicinal qualities and the sulphur keeps away insects.

When we are wounded spiritually our Lord does for us the equivalent of anointing us, that is, healing us. He provides relief from the pests of life also.

There is a wonderful payoff awaiting obedient sheep. One thing insecure people want is a sense of permanence. In our transient society people seek permanence. It is offered by our Lord.

Throughout the Psalm the presence of the shepherd with his sheep is a repeated theme. Therefore we can say, “I will fear no evil.”

Jesus has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” He also said, “I am the door.”

He leads His own into His sheepfold. A sheepfold is a pen or a corral. Often the sheep are gathered therein for protection and shelter. Most don’t have a door to close the entrance. Instead the shepherd sleeps in the doorway. He becomes the door. Christ is such for us.

Jesus spoke of the bond between shepherd and sheep: “And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers” (John 10: 4,5).

Sheep of the Good Shepherd are EARMARKED (Vs. 3) and FOOT MARKED (Vs. 4). They won’t respond to any other voice or follow any other individual.

On occasion two or more shepherds will combine their flocks in a fold for a short time. When it is time to separate them the two shepherds go off a distance and each calls his sheep. Each has a specific call and the sheep know the sound. They respond only to that sound and each goes to its own shepherd.

Someday the Good Shepherd will call out all of His flock. Do you know His voice? If so are you obedient to it today?

Christ commented further: “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand” (John 10: 27, 28).

In English grammar a double negative is considered improper. In Greek it is used for emphasis. Jesus literally said, “They shall not never perish…” This speaks of the security of the believer, that is, once saved always saved.

What Motivates One to Serve? 3/29/98

John 12: 20 – 32
Page 1575 Come Alive Bible

JESUS CHRIST said, “if anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, Him My Father will honor” (John 12:26).

People are desirously looking for a way to have a fulfilling life. There is a way well defined.

“The ant knows the formula for the anthill. The bee knows the formula for the beehive. They do not know the formulas in a human way, but in their own way. Only man does not know his formula.” Dostoevsky

Our text states man’s formula. A group of Greeks came asking Philip to aid them in getting to see Jesus. Jesus had spent much of His life ministering along the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Caravan routes from Europe, Asia, and Africa ran along those shores. Persons from all three continents had been exposed to Christ and His teachings. Reports of His teaching drew these Greeks back to see Him. They wanted Him to come with them to Greece and be made a king.

A. Source of Devotion “loves” (Vs. 25)

Love of Jesus Christ ONLY is the source of proper devotion. Jesus does not seek devotion to a principle, but to Him.

For many Christians service is something one does; to Christ it is what one IS to Him.

Our love for Him will not permit us to ask Him for help, if we are not making any effort; for strength, if we have strength we are not using; for guidance, if we ignore guidance we already have; for forgiveness, if we continue to hate someone; for mercy, if we intend no expression of it.

Love is the source of devotion.

Dr. Richard Clark Cabbot and his colleagues at Mayo Clinic released the results of a clinical study regarding factors influencing good health. They concluded there are four: WORK, PLAY, LOVE, AND WORSHIP.

The importance of love can’t be overly emphasized.

B. Secret of Disaster “loving ones own life” (Vs. 25)

There are many people devoted to many good causes; but few devoted to Him.

“Demas has forsaken me having loved this present world more.”

“He that is a hireling…flees” (John 10:12).

If you love others, you become vulnerable. If you love others and seek to serve then, you WILL be used. You WILL be hurt. There is no immunity. C. S. Lewis wrote: “To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung out and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket — safe, dark, motionless, airless — it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable…The only place outside Heaven where you can be perfectly safe from all the dangers…of love is Hell.” The Four Loves (p. 169).

C. Spring of Direction “follow me” (Vs. 26)

Christ and Christ alone should be the spring of our direction. Do not take council of your own cravings but follow His command. Don’t believe what people say about Him, believe Him. If you devote yourself to what some people say is His cause, you can get confused. Devotion to Him personally is at once challenging and comforting.

He said “Take up your cross and follow me.” The Greek word translated “follow” means to follow so closely that when He picks up a foot you put your foot in His track. To follow so closely there is not room for two crosses. Therefore, the cross He carried is your cross.

Many seem to live with their signals mixed up. A visitor was traveling with a new friend who was driving. Every time they came to a red traffic light the guy ran it. Finally, after about three of these the passenger asked, “What’s with this, running red lights?” To which the driver replied, “Me and my brother always run red lights.”

Next they came to a green light and the driver slammed on brakes. “Why?” asked the astonished passenger, “You run red lights and stop at green ones. Why?”

“Because you can never tell when my brother might be coming down a side street!”

In following Christ He enables us to keep our signals straight.

II. THE SOCIETY OF PERSONAL DEDICATION “Where I am there shall my servant be” (Vs. 26) When the society of servants gets together, it results in:

A. Fruitfulness of Friendship “servant”

The nature of things around me tends to make me disloyal. The fellowship of Christ within me makes me loyal. Friendship results in fruitfulness.

“Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain” (John 12:24).

Christ revealed a basic principle. As in agriculture so in the spiritual realm there is no “multiplication of life” without Him, like grain, falling “into the ground.”

The closer our friendship with Christ is, the more we realize its value and the more we want others to share it.

A recent national survey conducted by Father John A. O’Brien, research professor of theology at the University of Notre Dame, revealed that of all the denominations and sects of America, Southern Baptists are making a stronger attempt to win people to their faith than any group. A servant wants to obey his master. Use your vivid imagination and engage in a youthful past time “playlike” or “malike.” Pretend that I run a large company and you are one of my supervisory employees. I go away for a few months but write often letters of instruction, inspiration, and expectation. When I return, I am amazed that the exterior of the building is unkept and the grass uncut. Inside the building is even worse. Employees are casually sitting around playing card games or throwing darts. I ask where you are and someone points down the hall and shouts “I think he is down there.” There I find you finishing a game of checkers with the sales manager. I disturb you long enough to ask you for a few private moments. Upon entering my office I find it has been turned into a lounge for watching afternoon soaps.

“What in the world is going on?” I ask.
“What do you mean ole buddy?” you reply.
“Didn’t you get any of my letters?”
“Sure did. We got them all and bound them in an attractive black leather cover. As a matter of fact, we have had letter study every week since you left. We even divided the personnel into small groups and discussed many of the things you wrote. Some of those things are really interesting. You will be pleased to know some of us have even committed to memory some of the sentences you wrote. Some even memorized entire paragraphs and two entire letters!”

“Okay — you got the letters, read them, studied them, meditated on the, discussed them, and even memorized them. BUT WHAT DID YOU DO ABOUT THEM?”

“Do? Well uh, we didn’t do anything.”

Don’t make that illustration crawl like a baby.

B. Fullness of Fellowship “where I am” (Vs. 26)

In chapter one of the Revelation, Christ is pictured as standing in the midst of seven golden candlesticks. The candlesticks are identified as the churches. Christ is still in love with His church which, with great joy, He called His bride.

Some by their schedule reveal they are not fully with Him. Their being with Him is a matter of convenience. Our present society challenges devotion to Christ. Soccer, baseball, ballet, and other functions conflict with Christ’s schedule. I am persuaded that when worship is being conducted in a members church Christ is there. If that member isn’t they aren’t where Christ is.

If Christ is represented in a Hindu nation people readily respond to Him. To them there are many gods and they are willing to add one more. In doing so they don’t give up their many old gods they add another to their collection. Many modern Christians seem to want Christ to be just another object of their devotion, not the supreme object of their loyalty.

C. Fulfillment of Faithfulness “My Father will honor” (Vs. 26)

There is happiness in faithfulness. The joy of a thing lies in fulfilling its intended purpose. So many people are miserable because they have failed to understand their purpose and/or are failing to fulfill their purpose. When we realize we were created to be co-servants with Christ and commit to fulfilling this role, then life takes on meaning.

Some years ago in Elko, Nevada there lived a successful young, cynical businessman. He was bitter, critical, and skeptical. One day a minister asked Him, “Are you a Christian?” It angered John Randolph, but he could not forget the question nor deny the awful negative answer. It lead to his eventual conversion. Soon thereafter he and his wife went to the pastor and asked, “What is this we hear about the Bible teaching tithing?” The pastor timorously said it did. Randolph replied, “Very well, we’ll do it.” A second question, “Someone told us we are to witness to others. Are we?” Again the pastor swallowed deep and answered, “Yes.” “OK,” said Randolph, “we will.” Several such diagnostic questions regarding the Christian faith followed and John Randolph responded compliantly to each.

Little wonder that when a few years later the pastor left that church the Lord honored John Randolph by the people calling him to be their new pastor. He had been faithful in that which was least and the Lord made him responsible for that which was greater.

A. The Drill of Purity “follow” (Vs. 26)

There is a difference in innocence and purity. An infant is innocent but a forgiven Christian is pure.

Romans chapter five concisely explains what it means to “follow Christ.” Therein, it is revealed: We are saved by Christ’s death — objectively. He is the object of our faith. We are saved by His life — subjectively. We, the subject, are impacted daily by His life.

Romans 5: 1 – 10 uses the word “sins,” plural. Christ’s death cleanses from them positionally.

Romans 5: 12 – 21 changes and uses “sin,” singular. Daily the life of Christ saves us from dominance by our old sin disposition.

We are saved by His death positionally — we are in Christ.

We are saved by His life dispositionally — Christ is in us.

This results in —

B. The Duty of Patience “serve” (Vs. 26)

He asks no one to follow Him who is not His servant.

The Psalmist gave a graphic illustration of our posture as a servant of our Lord.

“Behold, as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their masters, As the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress, So our eyes look to the LORD our God, Until He has mercy on us” (Psalm 123:2).

Rather than always giving verbal commands Oriental masters often gave their servants hand signals. In his letter on Egypt, Savary, an ancient traveler to that land wrote: “The slaves, having their hands crossed on their chests, stand silently at the end of the hall. With their eyes fastened on their Master, they seek to anticipate his every wish.” That should be our ambitious desire.

Your World Has a Flip Side 11/8/98

Acts 16:24-31
Page 1622 Come Alive Bible

JESUS CHRIST’S mandate to take the gospel to the world was taken seriously by the young emerging church. It must be today.

Acts 16: 11 is an epoch passage. It marks the beginning of Paul’s second missionary journey. Summarily, it chronicles the first venture with the gospel into Europe as we know it. There was no Europe or Asia then. The invasion of Europe wasn’t on Paul’s mind, but it was what the Lord had in mind. Thus, Europe became the springboard for the gospel to go into all the world.

Spiritually, their world, like ours, had been turned upside down. They confronted it with such zeal and practical wisdom that it was said of them, “These people who have turned the world upside down have come here also” (Acts 17:6). Their reputation as revolutionaries preceded them.

You have a reputation as a Christian also. What is it? Are you considered a compromiser of the faith; a chameleon Christian; or a champion of the faith? Is consistency a virtue for which you are known?

We confront militant revolutionaries with ardor equal to that of our predecessors of the First Century. In Big Sur, California, is the Esarline Institute which is dedicated to New Age philosophy. In one of their publications, “Psychological Journal,” this statement appeared. “The revolution has begun. The world will be changed. How it will be changed is up to us.”

That is an inscription that might well appear above every church house door. We are to be missionaries to our topsy-turvy world. Humpty Dumpty couldn’t put his broken world back together again. With our resource of Jesus Christ we must begin the reconstruction of ours.

Our current passage of study reveals three aspects of the mission of Christ’s church.

Paul and his companion Silas were put in prison in Philippi for sharing the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. That dingy little cell can be visited today. On the wall is a significant extraction from the writings of Paul.

Upon being falsely accused, improperly condemned, and cruelly imprisoned Paul and Silas didn’t throw a pity party. They didn’t question, “Why did this happen to us?” They didn’t act like the Holy Spirit had departed and forgotten them. Observe verse 25, “they were praying and singing hymns.” Suddenly it was choir practice time. They were “joyful in tribulation.” Suddenly the cursing quieted, the base oaths ceased, weeping and gnashing of teeth became silent.

Note what the other prisoners were doing, “the prisoners were listening to them.” Sure they were. Nobody acted like that under those circumstances.

Oh, by the way the reason they could respond with such confidence is indicated in that plaque on the cell wall today. It reads: “For me to live is Christ.” In effect they were saying we are Christ’s proxy in this cell. We are no less His proxy where ever we are.

Their message of conversion through Christ was so dramatic that members of an excited mob in Thessalonica spoke of them as turning the world “upside down.” That is conversion.

There is an automobile that helps our understanding of the word “conversion.” It is the convertible. With its top up or down it is two different cars. It changes. A life with Christ is changed — converted.

When appealing to a person to enjoy what is known as conversion we are offering them a gift which can’t be imagined. It is heaven. Perhaps if we could help persons grasp the inevitability of an after life and the contrast of the two states they would respond all the more immediately. In reality there is no way we can grasp the grandeur of heaven. We can only compare it with what we know and that limits our understanding. It is like two caterpillars crawling along having a conversation. Fluffy says to Crazy Legs, “I don’t feel well.” “What’s wrong?” asks Crazy Legs.

“I think it must be about time for me to spin my cocoon and crawl in and die and I don’t want to.” “Why not?” presses Crazy Legs, “you will be born again.”

“Yeah, but in the after life I won’t be able to eat green stuff.” “You won’t! What a downer.”

“True, but that’s not all. I won’t have but six legs.” “Six, legs? Bummer.”

“Right, and I won’t be able to crawl around I’ll have to fly.”

“Fly? That is a downer. I didn’t know the next life was so different.”

The next life, the after life, is much more superior to this life than the life of a butterfly is to a creepy crawling caterpillar. We just haven’t experienced it.

Paul had an unsettling reputation. In the city of Philippi it resulted in opposition as he sought their conversion to “spiritual butterflies.”

Philippi was a city in which Roman soldiers loyal to Caesar were stationed to colonize the area. It was a luxury assignment. It was totally Romanized. The citizens were given Roman citizenship. They became a part of Roman culture.

There were few Jews there and those who were there had to gather at the river to worship. There was evidently no synagogue.

A. Lydia, a wealthy business woman from Thyatira, and her household were the first saved. The work of the Holy Spirit in her conversion is described as “The Lord opened her heart” (Vs. 14). She immediately did two things.

-She was immediately baptized. Baptism doesn’t save us, Jesus does. He asked us to be baptized as an evidence of faith in Him. Thus, it is an act of obedience. Recently I baptized a young adult in a wheel chair (Kathy Dean). It took a great effort of her part to be baptized. For her it was really no effort because of her great faith and ambitious desire to comply with Christ’s command. How about you?

-Once the Lord opened the heart of Lydia she opened her house to the apostles and became a “base camp” for the gospel.

B. There was a slave girl who was an occult medium in the city. When a decadent society turns its back on God, it soon turns back to the gods of decadence, and Philippi had.

She followed Paul and his friends around saying, “These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation” (Vs. 17). What a compliment!

A battle of gods is about to occur. The Greek text uses the word PUTHONA to describe the girl’s condition. This fortune-telling girl was actually demon-possessed. People with soothsaying gifts were given great honor. It was thought the spirit of a god had inhabited them. There was a superstition that the mythological Greek god Apollo was embodied in a snake at Delphi. This embodiment was called Pytho for python, a snake.

The masters of this slave girl had made of her a pitiful plaything for profit. They used her fortune telling to make money. She had a physical and spiritual need. She was twice a captive. She was the property of her slave master and possessed by a demon. Paul saw her as being in need of exorcism. He confronted her and said, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her” (Vs. 18).

Her problems were over. Paul’s were just beginning (Vss. 19 – 40).

C. Paul and Silas were arrested, tried, beaten, and thrown into jail. They had upset the economy.

This would have been an ideal time to throw a pity party. It was a grand moment to complain about God letting them down. They found the good in the bad. They were in with Roman soldiers. That wasn’t their preoccupation. From their perspective the guards were bound to them. That meant they had a captive audience with which to share. These were members of the elite Roman legion, the Praetorian Guard. Thereafter they were reassigned to Rome. Unfolding now is the answer to a question. Later Paul wrote a letter to the church at Rome giving his regards to “those in the household of Caesar.” How did converts get in the palace of the Emperor? They were won to Christ in that jail. Talk about a chain reaction!

In jail they conducted a prayer and praise service (Vs. 25) at midnight.

This impacted the entire jail. The Lord sent an earthquake and burst open the jail. The beautiful story of the jailer’s conversion follows (Vss. 27 – 34).

He questioned, “What must I do to be saved?” (Vs. 30).

Paul’s answer is simple, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved…” (Vs. 31).

Being saved not only involves being absolved of sin. It not only means having Christ righteousness credited to your account. Those are marvelous realities. It also involves Christ coming to dwell in you. He becomes spiritually embodied in the believer.

I like you have seen some strange things. I saw something recently that alerted me to a great spiritual principle. I saw a rabbit carrying an attaché case. He put it down as he passed a basketball goal and shot a three pointer. Upon going in a building I saw a marvel. It was cold in there but he played a piano. Strange as all that seems the wonder of it all is that the rabbit that did all that was dead.

He died and was made into a glove. As a glove a talented human hand entered him and the ability of that hand became the ability of that dead rabbit.

When we die spiritually Christ comes to live within us and His ability becomes our ability. Upon being saved he – – –

  1. Engaged in an act of mercy. He washed their stripes.
  2. Shared with his family.
  3. They were all baptized.

Paul and Silas were actually run out of town. However, they had been successful in beginning what became a burgeoning church. To conserve the faithful, he later wrote them the book of Philippians.

We each need to be involved in a “conservation program” of Bible study and Christian fellowship called the church. Therein, we need to close unthreatening companionship of Sunday School where God’s word is studied with friends who form our spiritual support system.

The gospel had resulted in a conservative revolution in the city. Paul hadn’t dealt with cultural and social issues. However, once the gospel was applied, these issues were successfully dealt with. He didn’t confuse the end and the means. The gospel resulted in a reordering of priorities. Layers of distorted thinking were peeled away and the good news applied to man’s emptiness.

Christ calls for a radical to-the-root change in lives. Such a change is called new life. It calls for repentance, faith, and obedience.

This same kind of conservative revolution has occurred several times throughout the history of the Christian church. A period known as the Reformation was one of the most dramatic. The Reformers saw that their church had been corrupted by indulgences, inquisition, and a quest for political power. They didn’t want to start a new church. They wanted to reform the existing one.

The church must establish a firm doctrinal stance for Biblical integrity and then energetically get on with answering the jailer’s question with the simple answer, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved…”

It must be noted the answer is “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ…” not about Him. We begin by believing certain things about Him and them believe on Him.

In Scotland there is a term lippen. It expresses the condition of a person who is entirely unable to protect or support himself and commits his life, interest, and safe keeping to another.

It is even used of a person crossing a great chasm by walking on a log over the abyss. That person in that act is said to lippen the log. That is, the person is completely dependent upon the log for safe passage. When Paul said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved…” he was saying lippen Him, commit your life, interest, and safe keeping to Him.

Life Goes On 4/26/98

Ephesians 3:14-16
Page 1710 Come Alive Bible

Jesus Christ said, “Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live” (John 11:25).

To validate the statement that there is life for us after death He gave us proof by going out and being resurrected. It was a rare occasion that morning when the old door of death swung on reverse hinges and He walked back into life through the portal of the grave.

Occasionally at the time of death of one not closely associated with a person it is heard to be said, “Life goes on.” That statement can be made flippantly and sound callous. However, it is true. Before anyone gets the impression I am passing off grief lightly let’s think about it. Life does go on for the believer.

Our text refers to “the whole family in heaven and earth.” Our brothers and sisters in Christ constitute our spiritual family. Did you note the fact members of the family are in two different places: “heaven and earth.” When a beloved one in Christ dies they are transferred to a heavenly home where life for them goes on. WOW, is that a fact!

Easter, the acknowledgment of resurrection, is the only holiday celebrated 52 times a year. Every Sunday the Christian community gathers to celebrate the fact life goes on. Think of any of your beloved who died with faith in Christ. That one is today more alive than any one of us. For that one life goes on in heaven as ours goes on here on earth. Rejoice!

During World War II when persons in England were notified of the death of a loved one the note started: “Your loved one has been posted to a higher command.”

Thank the Lord the resurrection encourages hope in eternity.

Heaven is a real place awaiting those with faith in Christ. It has inspired art, music, novels and even humor. In that vein consider the golf game being played by Moses and Jesus. Moses hits an approach shot that clears a water hazard and lands near the green. Jesus takes out a six iron for his shot. Moses says, “Jesus, that isn’t enough club to clear the water. You are sure to land in the water.”

Jesus replies, “If Jack Nicklaus were playing this hole he would use a six iron and I am going to use a six iron.” Again Moses assures Him the club won’t clear the water.

Sure enough the ball lands in the water. Moses goes down and parts the water to retrieve the ball for Jesus. Upon returning it to Him once more Jesus chooses a six iron. Again Moses warns Him that isn’t enough club to clear the water and says he isn’t going to retrieve it again.

Again Jesus replies, “If Jack Nicklaus were playing this hole he would use a six iron. If it is good enough for Jack it is good enough for Me.”

Sure enough Jesus’ shot ends in the water again. Jesus goes down and as He is walking across the water to retrieve the ball a couple of new comers to heaven see Him walking on the water and asks, “Who does that fellow think He is, Jesus?”

“No,” says Moses, “that is Jesus. He thinks He is Jack Nicklaus.”

Jesus, having said, “He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live,” continues His encouraging comment: “And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die” (John 11:26).

“Most assuredly, I say to you, if anyone keeps My word he shall never see death.” (John 8:51)

A skeptic may well ask why then do Christians die? There were seven Greek words from which Christ could choose one to be translated “see.” The one chosen means to stare at or be preoccupied with. Thus, He is saying when a believer dies that one walks right on by death without being preoccupied with it or fearful of it. They don’t even notice the event because of a greater preoccupation.

Have you ever driven some place and on route come out of a haze to question yourself as to exactly where you are in route? Perhaps, to even wonder if you have passed a certain place. You have been so deep in thought you did not even notice if you had passed it. That is the way it is with Christian death. One minute we are here and the next we are in heaven.

One parent explained it to his child this way. “Do you remember when we would return from visiting your grandparents? Often we would travel at such a time as to get home after your bed time. You would go to sleep in the car soon after leaving grandmothers. When you would wake up the next morning you would be in your own bed.”

In the moment this “earthly tabernacle is destroyed” we enter into what Christ referred to as “My Father’s house.”

Most of us have a little wholesome fear of death. It is a wonderful preservative of life. It keeps us from doing most risky things that would be foolish. One of the blessings of Christian death is that when it comes there is no fear of it. Perhaps most of your life you have been quoting Psalm 23, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for Thou art with me…” There it is “I will fear no evil.” The fear of death is removed in that moment.

With Paul we can taunt death by saying, “Oh, death where is your sting…” When a bee stings a person the bee loses its stinger. On Calvary Satan stung Christ and the sting of death has never been the same.

“They shall not see death.” One reason is there is a preoccupation with Christ. Scripture says, “We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord” (II Corinthians 5:8).

If an American teenager were translating that Greek text it would read, “The moment you die you are eyeball-to-eyeball with God.” That, rather, than death is our preoccupation in the moment we expire. Life goes on!

In the Roman Arena, Emperor Nero watched as Christians were faced with the cruel mocking death. He was amazed to see many of them bow and look heavenward with a radiant glow on their faces as though seeing the invisible. Nero asked, “What are they looking at? What do they see?” One standing by who was sympathetic with the Christians said, “They see the resurrected Christ.” They never saw death.

In the moment life escapes from the prison of this body we are inducted into “The Society of the Just Perfected.”

In a novel by Henry James there is a character referred to as “eminently incomplete.” That’s us. In this life were are indeed eminently incomplete. Death admits us into “The Society of the Just Perfected.” Life goes on — on a much higher plane.

“Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal” (II Corinthians 4: 16 – 18).

Living in a world of “instant everything” we tend to become spiritually nearsighted. This has robbed us of a proper perspective of time and things. Out text contrasts the “moment” with “eternity” and the “visible” with the “invisible.”

Time and eternity has a way of showing us what is temporary and what is permanent; what is valuable and what is useless. Measure the things of your life in this light. Adjust your schedule accordingly. Rearrange your priorities in light of this.

When Horatio Nelson, one of Britain’s greatest leaders, was wounded and lay dying his last words were, “Thank God I have done my duty.” What an incomprehendible joy!

Can you say the same?

A new and exhilarating ride was introduced. It was so revolutionary people were reluctant to ride it. It was called the Ferris Wheel. It is a familiar tame ride by today’s standards. However, initially its novelty caused people to fear the baskets would turn upside down and let them fall out. Finally, one day a gracious lady got on and rode it to the amazed satisfaction of the large crowd of on lookers. Her name was Mrs. Ferris. After she rode it others were reassured and had no reluctance to ride.

When Jesus Christ got on life’s Ferris Wheel and went through the cycle of birth, life, death, and resurrection it took away fear and made life a grand joy ride. Enjoy!

In his book, A Severe Mercy, Sheldon Vanauken, whose wife died of cancer, tells of the last day he saw his friend, C.S. Lewis. They had lunch together and talked about death or, as he says, “the wakening after death.” Vanauken suggested that death would be a sort of coming home, and Lewis agreed. When it came time to part, he insisted that they keep in touch and said with a cheerful grin, “We’ll certainly meet here or there.”

The two shook hands and Lewis turned to make his way across the busy street. Then he turned to Vanauken, raised his voice above the traffic, grinned and shouted, “Besides, Christians never say goodby.”

We don’t need to because life goes on and the resurrection of Christ proves it.

Prior to his death the superb British leader Sir Winston Churchill planned his own funeral. The ceremony was conducted in the expansive St. Paul’s Anglican Cathedral in London. At a striking moment a trumpeter in one end of the vast vaulted assembly hall played taps. The stirring notes of the familiar score echoed through the chamber signaling the final rest of the deceased. Just before the end of the ceremony another trumpeter at the other end of the room played reveille. That rousing sound used to awaken sleeping troops was chosen by Sir Winston as a confident reminder of his belief in the resurrection.

Some grand day the trumpeter of the Lord will sound forth God’s reveille and the dead in Christ shall be caught up to be with Him and we who are alive shall accompany them.

There is a grand resurrection awaiting those who have died with saving faith in Christ. The resurrection of Christ confirms this.

“But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep.” (I Corinthians 15:20).

Persons in the Bible era knew what was meant by “the first fruits.” By learning we should be encouraged. As the time of harvest neared farmers expectantly looked for the first grain to ripen. As soon as it did it was immediately harvested. They had a grand celebration. All of the farmers brought the first shocks of grain harvested to the house of God. In procession they waved the grain back and forth over their heads praising the Lord. It was a celebration of gratitude. It was a thanks for the growing season that produced the grain as well as a praise for what was to come.

The resurrected Christ is seen as the first fruit from the grave. That is, His resurrection gives us reason to celebrate life and rejoice over our own forthcoming resurrection.

In light of what you have heard here in these moments listen again more carefully than before to John 3: 16: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3: 16). Life goes on!

As Christ is the first fruit of the dead resurrected there are subsequent resurrections coming. Revelation 20: 6 says, “Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection.” This is a reference to the forthcoming resurrection of all believers.

There is another resurrection which follows the first resurrection. It also is spoken of in the Revelation. There are indications there may be as much as a thousand years between the first and second resurrection. The second is of non-believers.

Every person will be in one of the two. In which will you be numbered? Do not leave any room for doubt. Settle the issue today, once and for all.

Regardless of how long or how difficult life’s road you will stand at the end when the resurrected Christ who also met the apostle John who recorded his encounter with the triumphant Lord in Revelation 1: 17, 18: “And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. But He laid His right hand on me, saying to me, ‘Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last. I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death.’”

From Where Does Love Come? 10/18/98

I Timothy 1:5
Page 1731 Come Alive Bible

JESUS CHRIST said, “…love one another…”

He also said, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God…”

Some years later one of His immature young followers wrote to give insight as to the fountain head of love. As a refreshing fountain has to have a source so must love. Our text uses that principle to illustrate the origin of love in a life. The illustrative fountain has three heads:

Once while flying out of Cairo I was impressed by a large dark area in that vast expanse of sandy desert. As we neared it I could tell it was vegetation. Upon inquiring, I learned the government had drilled for oil and had simply dug a very expensive water well. The water was conserved and used to irrigate this region of about one square mile in size. All they did was let the water be dispersed over the dry sand and vegetation sprung up. For centuries the seed had been collecting needing only water to grow. Perhaps the best seeds of love are yet to spring up in your life.

We live in a spiritually dry and thirsty world needing love. You can be that fountain of love. I beg you, don’t be a mirage.

The meaning of the word “love” needs to be established before considering its source. AGAPE is the Greek word translated love. It speaks of full loyalty to God and boundless good will to people. The Greeks had various words for love. PHILEO was one used for brotherly love. Combine it as a prefix to ANTHROPOS, the word for man and you have the word philanthropy, meaning the love of mankind. PHILEO combined with SOPIAS the Greek word for knowledge and you have the word philosophy, the love of knowledge. Combined with the Greek word for city, POLIS and you have Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love.

There was the Greek word EROS which spoke of physical or sensual love.

At the time of the New Testament there was no Greek word adequate to express the love of God. They took a little used word that appears only four times in classical Greek writings and gave it a new meaning, AGAPE. It is the selfless self-giving love of God. There is nothing physical or sensual about it. Love as used in this regard means to desire and devise the best for others.

Love for God prompts us to let go of whatever we are holding to and latching on to God. Let go and latch on. There is no good in holding on to anything in time of a storm if it isn’t tied down. In the storms of life the only real and sure anchor is Jesus Christ. To love Him means to let go of the unanchored objects offered by the world and latching on to Him.

Some of you I am reminding, others are perhaps gaining this perspective for the first time. A baby isn’t born knowing how to love. It is born with the capacity to love but learns to love or hate by the way the parent relates to it. Perhaps you were deprived of one or both parents who didn’t show you proper love as an infant and loving is difficult for you. There is good news. Along comes the Heavenly Father to show us love and thereby teach us to love.

“We love Him because He first loved us” (I John 4: 19).

Once we love Him and know how He loves us we are well on our way to knowing how to love one another. He loves us with all of our faults, frailties, and failures. How are we to love others? As He loved us.

Only in America has love become so mixed up.

Only in America have so many things become so mixed up. ONLY IN AMERICA – – – – –

Can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance.

Only in America … are there handicap parking places in front of a skating rink.

Only in America … do people order double cheese burgers, large fries, and a diet coke.

Only in America … do banks leave both doors open and chain the pen to the desk.

Only in America … do they put brail lettering on drive-in bank windows.

Only in America … do we leave expensive cars parked in the driveway and leave useless things and junk in boxes in the garage.

Only in America … do we use answering machines to screen calls and then have call waiting so we won’t miss a call from someone we don’t want to talk to in the first place….

Only in America … do we buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in packages of eight.

Only in America … do we use the word “politics” to describe the process so well: “Poli” in Latin means “many” and “ticks” means blood-sucking creatures…”

Only in America … do we use the word “love” when we mean “lust.”

Satan subtly wants to divert our love if not deceive us into not loving. In the intriguing “Screwtape Letters” by C. S. Lewis Satan gives his servant Wormwood advice on how to reduce the effectiveness of Christian love. He suggests dividing a persons life into concentric circles. The inner circle represents a person’s will. Next is the intellect. Last is one’s fantasies. It is “out there” he suggests keeping a person’s love. The deceiver says to his disciple:

“Do what you will, there is going to be some benevolence, as well as some malice, in your patient’s soul. The great thing is to direct the malice to his immediate neighbors whom he meets and to thrust his benevolence out to the remote circumference, to people he does not know.”

In other words, it is easy to talk about loving people in other countries or different locales than we. That does little good. In doing so the deceiver channels our love into lakes of unfulfillment.

Jesus said, “Love your neighbor…”

Three characteristics of the foundation of love are mentioned. Explore this triad:

I. A PURE HEART (present motives)
HEART in the Hebrew language was used in the O.T. because there is not a word for mind or brain. To understand a word in the Hebrew it is proper to define it in association with words with which it is linked.

A “pure heart” belongs only to the person made right by the right relationship with Christ. Such a heart can then manifest the fruit of the Spirit, which involves love.

Psalms 139:23, “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts.” In this verse heart and thoughts are linked.

Satan subtly suggests sin is a better alternative than love for the Lord as the path to the good life. The wages of sin can be quite good in today’s competitive market, but there are no benefits and retirement is pure hell.

Matthew 15:19, “For out of the heart proceedeth evil thoughts…” Thus, from Hebrew and Greek it is seen that heart and thoughts are equated. Therefore, Timothy is appealing for followers of Christ to have pure thoughts, the right motives.

This is needed for:
“Out of the heart are the issues of life” (Prov. 4:23).

“Man looketh on the outward appearance but God looketh upon the heart” (I Samuel 16:7).

God alone cleanses the heart (Psalms 51: 10, 11).

PURE means not double minded. It was a word used to describe purging an army of all potential traitors. It described milk with no water added to dilute it.

If there is bacteria in a substance it will grow. If there is yeast in bread it will multiply. If there is impurity of thought in a life, it will grow. The mind must be cleansed. It must be cleansed from self-centeredness if it is to have love for Christ.

Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart.” Literally, He said HAPPY are the pure in heart. You will never find happiness apart from having an undivided mind, that is, God controlled thoughts. Only a pure heart produces love for Christ.

II. A CLEAR CONSCIENCE (past action)
Huck Finn said, “Sometimes a fellow’s conscience takes up more room than all the rest of his insides.”

The Greek word used in our text and translated “conscience” is SUNEIDESIS. It literally means “a knowing within.” How what is known within is programmed is the critical issue. To have a good conscience it must be programmed by God’s value standard, the Bible.

Our English word CONSCIENCE comes from the Latin CON-SCIENTA, meaning joint knowledge or co-knowledge, knowing together with. A conscience is a poor guide unless it knows the Word of God.

Hearts not informed and influenced by the Word of God can become insensitive. We are seeing this increasingly in America. An illustration of it comes from the Japanese conquest of China. Christians were herded into trenches, bound and put on their knees. Youth were forced to watch initially as soldiers shot them. The youthful response was one of abhorrence. Next the students were forced to do the shooting. Eventually students were forced to enter the trenches and complete the act with knives. They were then highly rewarded and bragged upon. Soon they began to relish the task in order to obtain the rewards.

In America youth watch violence while enjoying their favorite treats of candy, popcorn, and preferred beverage. Their conscience is dulled and has become insensitive. Then we wonder why there is so much violence by youth who seem to feel nothing. They have a conscience seared by a hot iron. A cauterized conscience is a non- feeling conscience. Once they enact violence and are shocked back into reality they have to live with the incubus of their act.

A clear conscience is one:
A. Guided by God’s special revelation as a norm.

B. Makes wise judgements and issues instructions which are obeyed.

C. Produces “Godly sorrow which works repentance unto salvation” (II Cor. 7:10).

D. Not only condemns the bad but commends the good. Hence the result is faith.

A guilt conscience motivated Swietzer to go to Africa and Bunyan to write “Pilgrim’s Progress.”

After all Paul had done how could he have a clear conscience? Verses 12-15 explain. The same principle applies today. In I Timothy 1: 12 – 15 Paul bursts into joyous celebration over what Christ had done in his life. His story is that if Christ could change him Christ can change anyone. Jesus Christ is the personification of the Christian gospel. The essence of a Christian witness is telling others what a change Christ has made in your life. Paul was a blasphemer, a persecutor of the followers of Christ, and a man of aggressive violence who enjoyed unleashing pain on others. He was a bad dude.

Even the best listeners have a tendency to fade out occasionally in following a thought. Fine tune your mind in order to retain what now comes.

In verse 13 Paul makes what appears to be a statement that conflicts with the idea of grace. He says, “I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly.”

Superficially that makes it appear ignorance was the basis of his forgiveness. That is never true.

In listening to persons give testimonies sometimes it appears they are glorifying their sinful past. Often this leaves the impression that the only way to have a good testimony is to go live a life of debauchery and drug abuse and then “get converted.” Not so.

What Paul was saying in this statement of his ignorance was there is nothing chic, cool, or glamorous about living in sin. As a matter of fact doing so is grounded in unbelief and is utterly stupid. Sin is always the product of conscious refusal to obey God. It is always the mark of ignorance.

How can a person with a carnally complicated and corrupt past gain a clear conscience? By having a cleansed life. How is it possible? “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (I John 1:9).

Simple isn’t it? Yes, but not costless.

“For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly” (Rom 5:6).

III. A GENUINE FAITH (projected goals)
GENUINE means without hypocrisy. Are you living on a pretend faith? Faith produces works. Faith is consistently expressive. Is your faith a mirage?

The test of your faith is does it prompt obedient action? If what you call faith doesn’t, it isn’t faith its froth. It is a religious front that is a fake.

There are some very special times that can be used to demonstrate faith. Use the difficult times in life as occasions to demonstrate your faith in the living Lord. Instead of complaining and whining use those difficult moments as meaningful times to exhibit your faith and thereby prove His faithfulness.

John Wesley was making his way to Georgia from England aboard the ship “Simmonds” in 1735. He watched in total amazement as a community of Moravian passengers continued to worship God and sing in the midst of a violent Atlantic storm as if nothing were happening. Wesley marveled at that kind of faith. It motivated him to ask God to help him develop that kind of faith for the big storms of life. If people see that kind of faith in you they too will be motivated to place their faith in our Lord.

In love our Lord has discretely established faith as the means by which we obtain life’s greatest blessings and numerous other valuable ones. We are saved by grace through faith. Faith is the positive means by which we respond to the offer of salvation through Jesus Christ.

There are some things that we might like but can’t obtain on our own. For example, if there were a cube of pure gold measuring 13″ X 13″ offered to you would you accept it. If you were told that for it to be yours all you would have to do is come pick it up personally and take it with you, would you do it? A thirteen inch cube of pure gold! Would you like it? It is yours if you simply take it. Most persons would love to have such a quantity of gold. Regardless of how badly you would like it you could not meet the requirement for obtaining it. You could not pick it up for it would weigh one ton. You couldn’t meet the standard of picking it up.

For you to pick up the gift of salvation God has made it possible for the “whosoever” of John 3:16. All that is necessary is faith in Christ.

It can never be spelled out too simply or too frequently. There are four basics we do well to learn.

Use the personal pronoun “I” to refer to yourself and repeat within yourself the following:

1. I am not God.

2. God is God.

3. I sin when I get #1 and #2 reversed.

4. Jesus Christ came to help me get #1 and #2 in proper order and to forgive me of #3.

When we, by faith, put those four in proper perspective we are in position to obtain the wonderful gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.

You will never truly live until you have established a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

When you have you shall never die.