A Work In Progress
Along a busy highway I saw a sign reading: WORK IN PROGRESS.
I thought, “that’s me!” That actually is us, all of us.
Have you stopped part way in your spiritual pilgrimage? Don’t stop half-way. Let our Lord finish the work He began in you the moment of salvation. Let Him free you from spiritual enslavement.
To carry your salvation to its logical conclusion God is willing to help. “For it is God who works in you both to will and to do His good pleasure.” (Philippians 2: 13)
Pray for Him to reveal His will to you, knowing He will, once He sees in you the will to do it. Pray:
“Lord guide me, the sea is so big and my boat is so small.”
Often God guides through long and uncertain pathways. However, if we will follow, He will guide.
“It is God who works in you both to will and to do…” The same Greek word is translated “works” and “to do.” It is ENERGEIN. In it we can hear our word for energy. This word is only used in the New Testament as a reference to action of God. It is effective action because it is action of God. His actions are not to remain half-finished.
We of our will must be willing to say, “Thy will be done.” When we do, it is done by His enabling grace.
Without your consenting help even the actions of God are not completed.
He enlightens and empowers us. He reveals His will and He gives resources for doing it. Therefore, don’t argue with God: “Do all without murmuring and disputing” (Philippians 2:14).
Instead of arguing with God, work with the conviction that the promises of God are true.
That depicts our biggest problem as Christians. We evidence an unwillingness to give up control of our lives, to abandon them in faith to become Christ-like. We give the impression that our lives can’t be good unless we control them. Our trust of Christ must bring us to the point where we are willing to be poured out as a sacrifice knowing the future belongs to God.
Don’t downgrade your responsibility as some do. Some believers see themselves as passive objects, such as clay or branches, forgetting the Bible also calls us ambassadors, soldiers, servants, watchmen, and children of God.
God works IN us so that we can work OUT what He does inside us. Christianity isn’t a matter of ups and downs, but ins and outs.
It all begins with a thought and ends with a destiny. When inspired and aware of His will, do it. Your destiny is at risk.