A Moral and Religious People
Former President John Adams who served as the second President of America referred to the people of America as “a moral and religious people.”
It is time for those of the present who truly are moral and religious people to demonstrate morality and express the truths of religious people.
If as a body we were as described we would never be tempted by socialism for socialists are neither moral or free. Most people do not know what socialism is. It is thought by many to simply be a system of financial operation. Not so, it takes charge of every aspect of the individuals governed by it. Again, they are neither moral or free people.
Kamala Harris, by her own actions and utterance, has identified herself as a socialist. If elected we can survive her. At issue is whether we can survive the people who will elect her.
People who truly are moral free people would never be tempted by socialism, because they are virtuous and capable of governing themselves.. That’s what progressives in Washington want to destroy families, sowing chaos and disorder in our local communities, and undermining fair elections. They want to make decisions for them. They know that if Americans are permitted to govern themselves, personally and politically, all interest in their redistributionist schemes will fall apart.
President Ronald Reagan once reminded us: “You and I are told we must choose between a left or right, but I suggest there is no such thing as a left or right. There is only an up or down. Up to man’s age-old dream—the maximum of individual freedom consistent with order—or down to the ant heap of totalitarianism.”
A socialist government would slowly but insidiously take control of all phases of government, and thereby control the lives of all people. That is “all” the people.
The word “socialist” will not appear on the current ballots, but the names of those who support such a government do.
Surely not all who read this Post will agree with its thesis. Before disputing and refuting it I appeal to you as a person who enjoys being a moral and free person to prayerfully reevaluate your own beliefs. Remember former Reagan’s statement, there are only ups and downs.
The beginning of the Declaration opens with the purpose of the founders’ quest as being a government which was to be an independent nation. Their declaration firmly stated: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
They believed that so firmly they closed the Declaration with these last eight words boldly committing; “Our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”
With similar resolve it is time for today’s moral and religious people to vote.