Take a Look at Yourself – Part Two
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Romans 12: 2).
Self-identity is a basic core value. In what do you find your self-identity?
Some have to drive a specific car or they feel bad about themselves.
Others become a workaholic, greedy, and hoarding in order to accumulate wealth because they have such a poor sense of self-worth, it is needed to give them a sense of status.
For some, it is an academic degree that must be obtained or there is no good self-image.
The approval of an individual or peer group is sought by many at all costs in order to feel accepted and have self-worth.
All of these attitudes are consideration of yourself apart from God. Remember, never think of yourself apart from God.
Christian psychologist Lawrence J. Crabb Jr. observed, “The basic personal need of every person is to regard himself as a worthwhile human being.”
All of these things are attempts to make self feel worthwhile.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said, “Worthwhile people don’t just happen. You aren’t born worthwhile. You are born with the capacity to be worthwhile. It is your job to discover and develop the person you ought to be.” Romans 12: 1,2, gives us helpful insight in developing a good self-image and establishing balance in self-worth. It speaks of – – –
“Do not be conformed” (Vs. 2a). This speaks of a conformed body.
Literally, “don’t be fashioned according to another pattern.” It refers to a person assuming an outward expression contrary to what is inside him or her.
“Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its mold.”
This is an appeal to avoid appearing to be something you aren’t. If you are a Christian, don’t let your conduct or appearance give the impression you aren’t.
Your self-worth is based on Whose and what you truly are inside, not on outward appearance.
“This world,” translated from the Greek “aion,” doesn’t speak of the universe, but a social order contrary to God’s will. It is a summary word for all that is contradictory to the will of God.
This is present passive indicative plus a negative meaning “stop being molded to the realm of worldliness.” Worldliness is a mental attitude. It is what you think when controlled by the old sin nature. All a Christian can do when controlled by the old sin nature is imitate an unbeliever.
Don’t try to use camouflage to blend into the world’s environment.