The Faith Factor in Life – Part Two

Read John 14: 1 – 7

In Numbers 13 there is a classic example of the faith/action factor. Two groups came back from spying out the land of promise. One group brought the majority report, “there are giants in the land that make us look like grasshoppers.”

Joshua and Caleb had been with these men and had seen the same things they had.  They didn’t mention the giants, they simply said “it is a good and prosperous land — let’s possess it.”

Were they blind?  No!  They had twenty-twenty vision just like the others. The only difference was they were looking through the lens of faith.

Are you looking at the giants or the marvelous opportunity of possessing the potential property you are confronting for the Lord?

Another example of looking at things through the eye of faith is the experience of Elisha at Dothan. Some months ago I stood on that same hillside and reflected on His frightful moment. The Syrian army had surrounded the city.  Elisha’s servant saw the Syrians and panicked. Elisha encouraged him and assured him victory was theirs.  Oh, come on Elisha, be real! You are outnumbered, cut-off, and surrounded. Why was he so calm and confident? Had he not read the “Dothan Daily News” and comprehended his helpless plight? Yes, he knew all of that. He had probably seen it on the six o’clock news.  However, he viewed the situation through the eyes of faith and saw what the Lord had in store.

Faith is confidence in God.

Is there any area of your life in which Jesus is not trusted with absolute control?

It is possible, though always improper, for Him to be present in your life without being President of your life.

He is not to be dormant in your life, but dominant. Repeat, dominant, not dormant.

Do you want Him merely as your savior Lord or as your sovereign Lord?

“This is the victory that overcomes the world, even your faith.” Be mindful

Jesus said, “I go (before) to prepare a place for you.”

“Go” translates to “prodromos” meaning, forerunner.

When an ocean vessel comes into port a pilot ship goes out to meet it and guide it safely in.The pilot of the pilot ship knows the harbor and how to guide the vessel to safe harbor. Hebrews 6:20 describes Jesus as our prodromos.

Having provided the ultimate, heaven, He will provide all else that is needed.  Heaven is described as a prepared place. He never takes us to an unprepared place. We can entrust ourselves into His care in time and for eternity.