The Devil Made Me Do It

I have been reading a fantastic book by Bill O’Reilly entitled “Killing the Witches” which primarily deals with the killing of the witches in Salem. The part I found most interesting dealt with the framing of our Constitution and what was going on in churches of all faiths at the time. Pulpits were regularly dealing with the Devil versus God. Both were openly spoken of and the influence of each believed in. The Devil and demon possession had advocates. The Founders were aware of this. Most of the Founders were religious and well aware of the conflict. Even after a rowdy night in a pub most of them were in church the next morning.

Today, as then, the Devil and demons, in our community and across America have advocates. Though I have studied the subjects and written two books on it I will not pretend to describe how covens today most often operate. That is not the purpose of this writing. This is not about Satanism as an organization, but as an influence about and beyond the coven.

One of the Devil’s most popular ploys is to lead people to believe he doesn’t exist and that those who do believe he does are extremists. I risk that appellation.

My purpose is to say the Devil is real, alive, and well, but rarely openly acknowledged and even more rarely spoken of in pulpits. All the while the Devil goes on carrying out his devious deeds. Primarily among his deeds is the destruction of America. Why?

Consider what is happening in our country now. Do you see things that are contributing to the potential destruction of America? Are some of the issues that are contrary to Constitutional government at play chipping away at our foundation? Most agree they are. They are passed off as being political, and they are, but there are spiritual issues at play.

The following is so out of sync with the public climate today it sounds like hierarchy itself. The cause is not politics. That is the effect. The cause is the Devil.

Consider, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6: 12).

If America along with its constitutional form of government is destroyed that will open the door for the fulfillment of a Bible prophecy. Scripture reveals a time when there is to be a one world government. As long as there is a strong America that will never happen. Destroy America and its Constitution and the world is ripe for a one world government. It won’t be a good one.

A strong Constitution and its Bill of Rights contain principles that came out of the open acknowledgment of the Devil and his influence on society. The few pulpits that acknowledge this are occupied by ministers who are often considered fringe extremists. However, if more do not join the fray as opponents the Devil has an advantage.

If ministers are reluctant to join the debate they can still have a positive influence by calling for and creating an atmosphere conducive for a great spiritual awakening. That, after all, is what followed our national founding and resulted in God blessing America. Pray for it.