What Happens to the Person Who Never Hears the Name of Jesus?

It is God “…who desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth” I Timothy 2: 4.

God “…is not willing that any should perish…”  II Peter 3: 9.

Still there remains the question of what happens to the person who never hears the name of Jesus Christ?

First, there is God’s part. God has done His part as shown in the following.

“…one died for all…” II Corinthians 5: 14, 15.

Jesus is said to be one “…who gave Himself for all…” I Timothy 4: 10.

Every person anywhere is included in the expression “God will pour out His spirit on all… Matthew 2: 17.

“If anyone wants to do His will He shall know it” John 7: 17.

It is God “which gives light to every man who comes into the world” John 1:9.

Then there is man’s part.

All of this means that in every person’s life, the Laplander, Ineu, or Hottentot, at some point the Holy Spirit makes them God conscious. That doesn’t mean at that point they are saved, but rather that in response to this they send up spiritual signals they do or they don’t want to know more about Him.

God has obligated Himself to send someone to the person who wants to know more to tell them of Jesus. At that point they either accept Him as savior or deny Him.

After speaking on this subject a native of India, a noted scientist, rushed up to me and said, “For years I sat on the bank of the Ganges River praying that if there really was a God He would send someone to tell me about Him. Then one day an unknown man came and sat down beside me and told me of Jesus. I know what you are saying is true because it happened to me.”

Consider those in spiritual darkness.

It is not the spiritual darkness that causes the heathen-ness,
it is the heathen-ness that causes the darkness.

Every person reading this is God conscious. Unfortunately some likely have been sending up mental spiritual signals indicating they don’t want to know more about Him. May this prompt a change of mind leading to not only knowing about Him, but knowing Him personally as Savior.

The following does not save a person, however it is the logical response. Get involved in a church where you can grow in your faith. Make public your faith and follow Him in baptism as He instructed.