Persistent Obedience
As a young minister I learned a poem that in part explains the intimacy resulting in obedience.
“I had walked life’s path with an easy tread.
I followed where comfort and pleasure led.
Until one day in a quiet place,
I met the Master face to face.
With station and rank and wealth for my goal,
Much thought for my body, but none for my soul,
I had entered to win in life’s mad race,
When I met the Master face to face.
I met Him and knew and blushed to see
His eyes full of sorrow were fixed on me;
I faltered and fell at His feet that day,
While my castles melted and faded away!
Melted and vanished and in their place
Naught else did I see but the Master’s face.
And I cried aloud, ‘Oh, make me meet
To follow in the steps of your wounded feet!’
My thoughts are now for the souls of men,
I have lost my life to find it again,
E’re since that day in a quiet place
I met the Master face to face.
When we do things change — always for the best. The key to a predictive Christian life isn’t mystical, but sheer obedience because of love for the Lord. Obedience demands persistence.
The waterway connecting the Aegean and Black Sea is called the Dardanelles. From their armada the British fought a fierce battle with the shore batteries of the Turks. Finally the British gave up and sailed away. What they didn’t know is that at the moment they quit the battle the Turks had less than one minute of ammunition left. That military lesson from life has served as a reminder to me never to give up and quit the spiritual battle in which we are engaged with the adversary.
‘Oh, make me meet To follow in the steps of your wounded feet!