Archive for October, 2021

Is Jesus Really God?

Persons looking for Bible text proving Jesus was actually God, Immanuel, God with us, should refer to these texts.

ACTS 20:28 “Shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood…” 

I TIMOTHY 3:16 “God was manifest in the flesh, justified by the Spirit, seen of angels, preached among the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.”

“manifest in the flesh” = Incarnation

“justified by the Spirit” = Resurrection

“Seen of angels” = Post resurrection appearances

“preached among the Gentiles” = evangelization

“Believed on in the world” = Salvation

“Received up into glory” = ascension.

Who was so described, but Jesus?

ROMANS 9:5 “Christ came, who is over all, the eternal blessed God.”

TITUS 2:13 “Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ.”

COLOSSIANS 2:9 “In Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.”

To merely say “Jesus is God” is little better than saying there is no God. It is only when you can say and mean “Jesus is my God” that it makes a difference.

Is He your God?


Christ used a word from the Greek theater to describe people who are fakes.

HUPOKRISIS is the Greek word. It means play-acting. In the Roman and Greek theaters a character might appear on stage wearing a mask which was affixed to a short stick like an old fashioned fan. The mask might represent a villain and the actor was costumed accordingly. The actor might go off stage, quickly change his robe, and come back wearing a different mask depicting a hero. The Greek word for such a person is translated hypocrite, meaning a play-actor, a pretended. It referred to one who pretended to be what he was not. In the theater it was never used in a negative sense. However, Jesus never used it in a complimentary manner. It appears only in the gospels. The fact it appears 15 times means it was of vital concern to Christ. He does not like fakes.

Christ presses His illustration further. He describes these play actors as being like whitewashed tombs. They are beautiful and white on the outside, but inside they are full of dead men’s bones.  Inside they are lifeless.

There is even a deeper meaning understood by His listeners. In the month of Adar just before Passover graves and grave sights were whitewashed to identify them in order that people might avoid them. In that era for a person to touch a grave it was thought to contaminate them and make them unclean for Passover. By calling them whitewashed tombs Jesus was saying such hypocrites should be avoided.

Escaping Despondency

An estimated 10 million Americans suffer from anxiety neurosis. There are so many phobias that there is even a phobephobia, a fear of fear.

John Bunyan, in his incomparable “Pilgrim’s Progress,” describes certain people graphically. I hope this description doesn’t fit you. Bunyan uses illustrative language to depict the conditions of people. He spoke of a “Slough of Despond.” A slough is a kind of swamp. “Despond” is a form of despondency. He says of certain people: “They need not fear the Slough of Despond for they carry a slough within their heart, they never get it out and they never get out of it.”

God says, “Don’t give up. Don’t quit. Don’t get bogged down in the Slough of Despond.” 

To help escape from the slough keep these words in mind:

“The light of God surrounds me
The love of God enfolds me
The power of God protects me
The presence of God watches over me
Wherever I am, God is!”

Love: For Whose Sake

The Greek word for discipline is “gymnazio.” From it we get our word gymnasium. It is a place for conditioning. 

Nothing, nothing, of value is acquired without discipline. Don’t be afraid of solitude, quietness, being alone with God. Discipline yourself to spend time with Him.

John Wooden, the eminently successful basketball coach at UCLA during their dynasty years, was asked his secret of success.  He said: “We master the basics. We drill over and over on the fundamentals.” Love is a basic to drill on.

Bernard of Clairvaux, one of the most important people of the Middle Ages, who said, “I have three great desires of my soul: to remember God, to contemplate God, and to love God.”

Love has four applications.

* Loving self for self’s sake.

* Loving God for self’s sake.

* Loving God for God’s sake.

* Loving self for God’s sake.

Evaluate the desires of Clairvaux and how they are to be applied in your life.

Then consider for whose sake you love God. Meditate on God and His love.